1. Institutions and training centres.

1. Background
Regulation I/8 of STCW Convention 1978 as amended (hereinafter “STCW Convention”) and
section A-I/8 paragraph 3 of STCW Code require from the Member Governments to ensure that
“an independent evaluation of the knowledge, understanding, skills and competence acquisition
and assessment activities, and of the administration of the certification system, is conducted at
intervals of not more than five years”.
Relevant communication of information on such evaluation has to be submitted by that Member
Government to the Secretary-General of International Maritime Organization (hereinafter “IMO”).
In the letter of 22 September 2006 the Maritime Administration of the Republic of Hungary
requested the Czech Maritime Administration to carry out an independent evaluation of the
Hungarian seafarers’ training and certification system pursuant to Regulation I/8 of STCW
Convention and section A-I/8 paragraph 3 of STCW Code.
On 1 October 2006 the team of evaluators was established and the evaluation process began with
the desktop study of the information and documents sent by the Maritime Administration of the
Republic of Hungary. The evaluation visit took place on the 16th October – 20 October 2006.
2. The objectives of evaluation
General objectives:
The evaluation was conducted to verify:
1. the effectiveness of the quality standard arrangements
2. the compliance of management control and monitoring measures with planned
arrangements and procedures
Specific objectives:
Particularly the evaluators verified:
1. educational and training activities against the procedures in force (details under section III)
2. administrative functions and the system of monitoring and control (details under section III)
3. The report
This independent evaluation comprised desk-top studies of the regulations, procedures and
structures in place in the Republic of Hungary and a fact finding visit to verify the application and
efficiency of these regulations and procedures.
Thus, this report contains:
- evaluation findings – desk-top study
- evaluation findings – visit
- conclusions
4. The evaluators
The team of evaluators was established (see information on qualifications and experience below):
1. Petr Kouřil – head of the team
2. Vladislav Zemánek
3. Václav Bozděch
4. Evžen Vydra
Evaluation team - qualifications and experience:
Petr KOUŘIL – head of the team
 experience in the field of maritime 26 years of experience as lecturer and as
examiner in the field of maritime training
training and assessment
and assessment of the rating; Head Assessor
and member of team engaged in
implementation of the STCW Convention
into the legal documents of the CR
 experience in the administration of 9 years of experience in the maritime
administration incl. the administration of
certification systems
seafarers’ certification and training system
 experience as a seafarer and independent 31 years of sea experience (incl. Master
Master Mariner Certificate of Competence
 certificates of competence held
Former delegate of the Czech Republic in
 other relevant information
meetings and/or sessions.
Vladislav ZEMÁNEK
 experience in the field of maritime 5 years of experience as lecturer and as
examiner in the field of maritime training
training and assessment
and assessment of the rating,
9 years of experience as an examiner of
Ministry of Transport Examination Board for
Marine Officers
 experience in the administration of 14 years of experience in the maritime
administration incl. the administration of
certification systems
seafarers’ certification and training system
 experience as a seafarer and independent 8 years of sea experience as Deck Officer
Chief Mate Certificate of Competence;
 certificates of competence held
Representative of Czechoslovakia in
 other relevant information
Representative of the Czech Republic at
Sessions of Maritime Safety Committee
IMO, Delegate of the Czech Republic in
ad. 3
 experience in the field of maritime 12 years of experience as lecturer and as
examiner in the field of maritime training
training and assessment
and assessment of the rating
 experience in the administration of 1 year of experience in the maritime
administration incl. the administration of
certification systems
seafarers’ certification and training system;
17 years of sea experience,
 experience as a seafarer
Master Mariner Certificate of Competence
 certificates of competence held
ISM Auditor
 other relevant information
Delegate CR in EU – Maritime Shipping.
ad. 4
 experience in the field of maritime ISPS Training Course organized by EMSA in
the United Kingdom (Ferriby Marines’
training and assessment
Maritime Training Centre)
 experience in the administration of 14 months practice in the maritime
certification systems
 experience as a seafarer and independent  1992 – 1997 Seaman
 1999 – 2000 Deck Assistant
 2001 – 2004 3rd Mate
 certificates of competence held
 Officer in charge of a Navigational
Watch Certificate (on ships of 500 GT
and more) issued in Poland
 GMDSS – General Operator’s Certificate
issued in Poland
 Certificate of Radar Observation and
Plotting Course issued in Poland
 Certificate of Training in Using and
Utilizing the ARPA issued in Poland
The Czech representative on:
 other relevant information
 Maritime Policy EU
A two-tiered approach was adopted:
- desktop study of the documentation, regulations and procedures provided by the Maritime
Administration of the Republic of Hungary,
- evaluation visit to verify the application and efficiency of these regulations and procedures.
1. Desktop study
The following documents were provided by the Hungarian Maritime Administration:
Hungarian Official Journal (Magyar Közlöny - MK) 105/2005 STCW Convention
Adoption Amendments page 5810,
MK 058/2006 STCW Convention Amended Publication page 4728,:
MK 078/2006 STCW CODE page 5916 (Ministerial Decree on the publication of the
STCW Code),
KöViM Decree 15/2001. (IV.27.) of the Minister of Transport and Water Management
on certification of seafarers and servicemen in inland shipping
Collective Regulation Nr. 21/2002 (XI.8. GMK-ESzCsM on Conditions and Regular
Investigation of Medical Fitness in Shipping
Manual on the Accreditation and Quality Assurance System of the Seafarers’ Training
Programme 2001 issued by Maritime and Inland Waterways Transport Department,
Ministry of Economy and Transports, R epublic of Hungary
list of approved training centres in the Republic of Hungary
specimen of seamen’s certificates issued by Hungarian Maritime Administration
The desktop study was done with the effect to receive information on the following issues:
1.1. educational and training functions and activities considered as part of the evaluation process:
- quality systems and the interface between the administration and training provider;
- training facilities / providers;
- procedures for approving training courses and examination centres;
- facilities for ancillary training;
- examination and assessment procedures.
1.2. Administrative functions:
- the workings of the Administration and quality system
- issue and control of certificates
- revalidation of certificates
- record keeping
- procedures for granting dispensations
- procedures for detecting fraudulent certificates
- verification of sea service
- recognition of certificates issued by other parties
- certificate qualifications and area limitations
- system of monitoring over the training centres and granting certificates of approval of the
training centres
The information received in the course of this desktop study was complemented with further
observations taken during the subsequent evaluation visit.
2. Evaluation visit
Following the desktop study, two evaluators (Petr Kouřil and Vladislav Zemánek) made an
evaluation visit to the Republic of Hungary. The visit took place on 16 – 20 October 2006 and was
arranged according to the following schedule:
16 October -
Ministry of Economy and Transport RH
17 October -
Ministry of Economy and Transport RH, Budapest University of Technology
and Economics
18 October -
General Inspection of Transport, Central Inspection of Transport
19 October -
Seafarers’ training centre G.S. Poseidon Bt., Hungarian Aviation and Maritime
Medical Centre
20 October -
Ministry of Economy and Transport RH
List of institutions/centers visited by the independent evaluators:
Ministry of Economy and Transport Republic of Hungary, Margit körút 85, Budapest
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Dep. of Aircraft and Ships, Stoczek
utca 4, Budapest
General Inspection of Transport, Inland Water Shipping and Maritime Department,
Andrássy út 1, Budapest
Central Inspection of Transport, Superintendence for Shipping, Teréz körút 62, Budapest
G.S. Poseidon, Maritime Training Centre, Károly körút 18 II/1, Budapest,
National Institute of Occupational Health, Hungarian Aviation and Maritime Medical
Centre, Gyali utca 17, Budapest
The following persons were present or assisted during the evaluation visit:
Ministry of Economy and Transport Republic of Hungary
Tamás Marton, Senior Counsellor, Executive Officer
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Dep. of Aircraft and Ships
Prof. Dr. József Rohács, Head of Department
Mr. Dániel Hadházi, associate professor
Mr. Győző Simongáti, associate professor
Mr. Csaba Hargitai, PhD Candidate, chair assistant
General Inspection of Transport, Inland Water Shipping and Maritime Department,
Zsolt Csaba Horváth, General Director
Dipl. Ing. Capt. Imre Horváth, Head of Department
Dipl. Ing. Capt. Tamas Lekai, General Shipping Inspector
Central Inspection of Transport, Superintendence for Shipping, Teréz krt. 62, Budapest
László Leveleki, General Director
Capt. János Schláth, Dr. oec., Head of Division of Marine Affairs
Mr. Béla Kozsdi Head of Section
Mr. Tamás Molnár Head of Section
G.S. Poseidon, Maritime Training Centre, Károly körút 18 II/1, Budapest,
Gusztáv Makk, Director
Capt. Lajos Lambert, lecturer
National Institute of Occupational Health, Hungarian Aviation and Maritime Medical Centre,
Gyali u. 17, Budapest
Dr. Antal Tettinger M.D., General Director
Dr. Imre Melles M.D., Director of Medical Centre, Authorized Medical
1. Institutions and training centres.
a) Ministry of Economy and Transport Republic of Hungary, Regulatory Department for
Maritime and Inland Navigation
aa) Staff engaged in maritime shipping:
Mr Lajos Szűcs Head of Department
Tamás Marton, Senior Counsellor, Executive Officer
Mr. Ferenc Ulicska
Mr. György Kovács
Administrative work also assisted by the relevant departments of the Ministry of Economy
and Transport as for example the Department of Law, Department of Co-ordination of
Governmental Co-operation, Department of International Cooperation and EU affairs etc.
ab) The main duties:
factual part of Hungarian maritime legislation
implementation of UN and EU maritime legislation into the Hungarian Law;
cooperation with international organizations engaged in maritime shipping;
Carries responsibility for and co-ordinates the assessment of the activities of Authorities
contracting parties in the Undertakings concluded by the Hungarian Authorities for the
recognition of STCW compliant Certificates of Competence of ratings;
Carries responsibility for and co-ordinates the assessment of the activities of the recognised
Classification Societies;
Carries responsibility for the orderly functioning of the Inspectorates of Transport;
Carries out assessment of the activities of the Inspections of Transport;
ac) Brief report
The Regulatory Department for Maritime and Inland Navigation provides the main duties
mentioned above in cooperation with other bellow mentioned institutions, Budapest University of
Technology and Economics and the National IMO Committee.
b) General Inspection of Transport (G.I.T.), Inland Water Shipping and Maritime
Central Inspection of Transport (C.I.T.), Superintendence for Shipping, as branch office
of (G.I.T.)
ba) Staff engaged in maritime shipping:
Capt. Imre Horváth, Head of Department
Capt. Robert Kojnok, Deputy Head of Department
Capt. Tamas Lekai, General Shipping Inspector
Capt. János Schláth, Dr. oec., Head of Division of Marine Affairs
Mr. Tamás Molnár Head of Section
+ 5 (five) clerical workers
bb) The main duties:
Ship’s Registration
Training and certification of seafarers
State survey and control
Sea yachting and other activities in maritime shipping.
bc) Statistics - as at the date of the 30th Nov. 2005 :
Number of merchant vessels registered in the Ship’s Register of SR
STCW Compliant Certificates issued from the year 2001 on (valid
over 3000 BT
up to 3000 BT
Chief mates
over 3000 BT
Officers in charge of Navigational Watch:
Chief engineers
over 3000 kW
Chief engineers
up to 3000 kW
Second engineers
over 3000 kW
Engineer officers
Able Bodied Seaman
Ratings forming part of navigational watch
Ratings forming part of engineering watch
457 persons
bd) Seafarer’s Certificates and Endorsements
This small number of seafarers allows the Hungarian Maritime Administration for very meticulous
and thorough supervision of maritime training.
All active Hungarian seafarers registered in Seafarer’s Register are holders of certificates of
competence issued under STCW Convention.
All safety and special training are renewed every 5 years by refreshment course. Issuing,
controlling, revalidation of certificates of competence and record keeping is the responsibility of
the Central Inspection of Transport
The certificates’ registry is kept the electronic database and in the traditional paper method - in
books and paper folders as well. The evaluators recommended to the registration officials to
collect in one file of each particular seafarer copies of all his documents incl. those issued by
Hungarian Aviation and Maritime Medical Centre. It makes every control of issuance of
certificates easier.
The seagoing practice of every seafarer is recorded into the seafarer´s database in accordance with
records in the Seamen´s Book. From November of the 2004 year on there are no seagoing ships
registered in the Hungarian Registry of Seagoing Ships, Hungarian seafarers serve exclusively
aboard ships sailing under foreign flags. Verification of the ship´s particulars – in case of necessity
– is made using the IMO e-mail service introduced for the purpose of establishing contact
with the relevant Authority which is competent with respect to the verification of the
authenticity of Certificates and other documents of Seafarers.
The system of documents circulation between the training centres and the Hungarian Maritime
Office is closed, i.e. the list of names of seafarers who have accomplished training is sent directly
to the C.I.T. This information circulates exclusively between the training centres and the C.I.T.,
which certainly raises the level of security and minimizes the risk of fraudulent practices.
The format of certificates complies with the STCW Convention. Evaluators informed C.I.T. and
the Ministry of Economy and Transport, that the MSC recommended to use the expression
“STCW’78 Convention, as amended” instead “STCW’78 Convention, as amended in 1995” or
“STCW 78/95” whenever it is needed.
The procedures used in Maritime Administration foresee in extraordinary situations (that have or
might have direct effect to safety of ship) to grant dispensation for the temporary substitution of the
required officer. Maritime Administration is entitled to issue any dispensations according to the
provisions of the Ministerial Decree on Seafarers’ Certificates 15/2001. (IV. 27.) KöViM rendelet.
No dispensations for the temporary substitution of seafarers ratings have been issued by the
Hungarian Maritime Administration.
No dispensations in the sense of the Article VIII on Dispensation of the STCW Convention have
been issued by the Hungarian Administration. Hungary has no proper sea coast and accordingly
has no territorial seas so as a consequence Hungary is not encouraged to issue any kind of
Because the number of seafarers-holders of Hungarian certificates is not excessive, the control and
monitoring of the authenticity of documents can easily be conducted on daily basis and the special
procedures for detecting fraudulent certificates and the verification of sea service are exercised
occasionally. So far no fraudulent activities have been detected.
be) Recognition of certificates issued by other countries according to regulation I/10 of the
The Hungarian Maritime Administration will recognize the Certificate of Competence issued by
another Party to the STCW Convention when mutual agreement between Hungarian Republic and
particular Party to the STCW Convention has been agreed. List of agreed undertakings with other
STCW Parties on the recognition of Hungarian Certificates of Competence:
St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Studium Doskonalenia Kadr Wyzszej
Szkoly Morskiej w Gdyni Sp. z o.o.
University of Ljubljana
Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transportation
Isle of Man
Marshall Islands
Antigua and Barbuda
As there are no merchant seagoing vessels entered in the Hungarian Register of Ships, no
endorsement attesting the recognition of certificate of competence under the provisions of STCW
Convention as amended.
bf) Control of issuing and record keeping of certificates of seafarers issued by C.I.T.
The control of issuing and record keeping of certificates of seafarers issued by G.I.T. is
carried out regularly annually by the Committee of Accreditation and Quality Assurance of
Seafarers' Training (hereinafter CAQAST). Last such control took place on the 19th July
Issues of the last control:
 Issuance of certificates of competence and safety training;
 Control of record keeping of the issued certificates;
 Compliance of the Certificates of Accreditation of training courses accredited for
the training of seafarers ratings in compliance with the provisions of the STCW
Convention as amended;
 Control of the Quality Assurance System of the Seafarers Training and certification;
Findings of the last control carried out by CAQAST on the ............................:
 All certificates and endorsements issued by the Hungarian Maritime Administration
are issued under the provisions of KöViM Decree 15/2001. (IV.27.) of the Minister
of Transport and Water Management on certification of seafarers and servicemen in
inland shipping
 The record keeping of the issued certificates is made in accordance with
requirements of KöViM Decree 15/2001. (IV.27.) of the Minister of Transport and
Water Management on certification of seafarers and servicemen in inland shipping
 No endorsements attesting the recognition of certificates of competence were issued
 The control team did not find out any technical deficiencies.
Findings of the evaluation team:
 All certificates and endorsements issued by the Maritime Office of SR are issued
under the provisions of KöViM Decree 15/2001. (IV.27.) of the Minister of
Transport and Water Management on certification of seafarers and servicemen in
inland shipping
 The record keeping of the issued certificates and endorsements is is made in
accordance with requirements of KöViM Decree 15/2001. (IV.27.) of the Minister
of Transport and Water Management on certification of seafarers and servicemen in
inland shipping
 No endorsements attesting the recognition of certificates of competence were issued
 The evaluation team did not find out any technical deficiencies. Recommendations
of the evaluation team are mentioned in the particular parts of the text.
bg) System of monitoring over the training centres and granting certificates of approval of the
training centres.
Each training centre is annually controlled by Hungarian Maritime Administration, according
to the provisions of STCW Convention 1978, as amended.
There were no cases found where the incorrect supervision of Hungarian Maritime
Administration upon training centres would appear.
G.S. Poseidon, Maritime Training Centre, Károly körút 18 II/1, Budapest,
Quality Assurance System and Quality Assurance Procedures´ Manual of G.S. Poseidon Ltd. is
prepared, approved and controlled by the CAQAST with coordination with G.I.T. and Ministry
of Economy and Transport.
National Institute of Occupational Health, Hungarian Aviation and Maritime Medical Centre,
Gyali u. 17, Budapest
c) Hungarian Aviation and Maritime Medical Centre, Gyali u. 17, Budapest
National Institute of Occupational Health, Hungarian Aviation and Maritime Medical Centre,
Gyali u. 17, Budapest – is part of the hungarian state medical system managed by the Hungarian
Ministry of Health. The Aviation and Maritime Medical Centre is fully authorized by the
Hungarian Maritime Administration and by the Royal Embassy of Norway in Budapest to carry out
the seafarers´ medical examination in accordance with 22/2002 (XI.8.) Ministerial Decree and
STCW Convention 1978 as amended.
Aviation and Maritime Medical Centre has been also duly assessed and approved by the US
Federal Administration for medical examination of crew of civil aviation. Thereto the Hungarian
Aviation and Maritime Medical Centre is holder of the Swiss Certificate of Approval ISO
9001:2000 issued by GS Société Générale de Surveillance SA, Zurich, Switzerland on the
12 August 2004 which is valid for three years.
The medical examination is conducted very thoroughly. No fraudulent practices have been noticed
so far.
Medical examinations of the seafarers younger than sixty years of age are made every 24 months.
Seafarers of ages over 60 years of age shall undergo examinations every 12 months. Medical
fitness is additionally checked before embarkation.
Medical standards are based on international and national law regulations ( Ministerial
Decree from the Minister of Transports and the Minister of Healthcare 21/2002. (XI. 8.)
GKM-ESzCsM együttes rendelet) and are in compliance with the Norwegian Regulation No.
1309 concerning medical examination of employees on ships. Hungarian Certificates on
Medical Fitness of Seafarers are recognised by Medical Administration Seafarer Health and
Safety Branch Maritime and Coastguard Agency of the United Kingdom.
Hungarian Aviation and Maritime Medical Centre is also the approved seafarers´ medical training
centre which organises and provides courses for the following certificates:
- Basic Training in Elementary First Aid (IMO MC 1.13) – duration 12 hrs
- Medical First Aid Course (IMO MC 1.14) – duration 30 hrs
- Medical Care – Management Level (IMO MC 1.15) – duration 42 hrs
The classrooms are well equipped with computers and all necessary facilities needed for particular
courses. The courses are also marked by high level of practical exercises.
Detailed courses’ documentation is kept accurately to ensure adequate level of training. Lecturers
and instructors are highly qualified and participated in the national training course for instructors
(IMO MC 6.09) organised by IMO and held in Budapest from 7 to 18 October 2002.
Training Courses for Seafarers conducted in the Hungarian Aviation and Maritime Medical Centre
fully meet the requirements of STCW Convention as there syllabus corresponds with IMO model
courses. The assessment, approval and continuous monitoring are done through the CAQAST. The
approved programmes of all courses are in Hungarian language only. Within the periods indicated
in the respective Certificates of Accreditation of Training Courses (at intervals no longer than 60
months) the Committee for the Accreditation and Quality Assurance System of Seafarers' Training
carries out periodical assessment of compliance of the training programmes with STCW
d) G.S. Poseidon, Maritime Training Centre, Károly körút 18 II/1, Budapest,
The G.S. Poseidon is the only approved training centre for seafarers in Republic of Hungary. It
organises and provides courses for the following certificates:
- Basic Training in Personal Safety and Social Responsibility (IMO MC 1.21) – dur. 14 hrs
- Basic Training in Personal Survival Techniques (IMO MC 1.19) – duration 14 hrs
- Basic Training in Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting (IMO MC 1.20) – duration 15 hrs
- Advanced Training in Fire Fighting (IMO MC 2.03) – duration 29 hrs
- ARPA – Simulator, Management Level (IMO MC 1.08) – duration 30 hrs
- Radar – Simulator Training (IMO MC 1.09) – duration 30 hrs
- ECDIS – Simulator Training (IMO MC 1.27) – duration 40hrs
- GMDSS/General Operator’s Certificate Training (IMO MC 1.25) – duration 132 hrs
- GMDSS/Restricted Operator’s Certificate Training (IMO MC 1.26) – duration 31 hrs
- Unlimited Second Engineer Officer (Motor ship) (IMO MC 7.02) – duration 359 hrs
- Unlimited Chief Engineer Officer (Motor ship) (IMO MC 7.02) – duration 360 hrs
- Updating of Engineer Officers in Charge of Engineering Watch – duration 33 hrs
- Updating of Deck Officers in Charge of Navigational Watch – duration 33 hrs
The G.S. Poseidon has been duly assessed and approved by the CAQAST in coordination with
G.I.T. and Ministry of Economy and Transport. Quality Assurance System and Quality Assurance
Procedures´ Manual of G.S. Poseidon Ltd. is prepared, approved and controlled by the CAQAST.
The approved programmes of all courses are in Hungarian language only.
The classrooms are well equipped with computers and all necessary facilities needed for particular
courses. PC software is used for Radar, ECDIS and GMDSS training.
The courses are also marked by high level of practical exercises. The practical exercises in fire
fighting are performed in the exercising ground of National Training Centre for Professional
Detailed courses’ documentation is kept accurately to ensure adequate level of training. Lecturers
and instructors are highly qualified and participated in the national training course for instructors
(IMO MC 6.09) organised by IMO and held in Budapest from 7 to 18 October 2002.
Training Courses for Seafarers conducted in G.S. Poseidon fully meet the requirements of STCW
Convention as there syllabus corresponds with IMO model courses. The assessment, approval and
continuous monitoring are done through the Hungarian Maritime Administration. Within the
periods no longer than 12 months the Hungarian Maritime Administration carries out periodical
assessment of compliance of the training programmes with STCW Convention.
IV. Conclusions
The evaluation process proved that all internal management control and monitoring measures and
follow-up activities comply with planned arrangements and documented procedures and are
effective in ensuring achievement of defined objectives in accordance with section A-I/8
paragraph 3.1.
The report finally states that:
- the educational and training facilities are of high standard and the standard of Quality
Management both at the Training Facilities and the Maritime Administration is sufficiently
strict procedures are being followed for both the issue and recording of certificates,
the medical centre for Hungarian seafarers corresponds with required standards for such
the Hungarian Maritime Administration is in compliance with the requirements of the
STCW Convention, as amended, with respect to working of the administration, quality
systems, examination procedures, issue of certificates, record keeping, procedures for
detecting fraudulent certificates, verification of sea service, recognition of certificates
issued by other parties, certificate limitations.
all procedures for examinations, issuing certificates and the monitoring of the training
centres are followed by the Administration according to the existing regulations and
arranged procedures;
the internal system of control of procedures is effective and properly documented.
The following final observation was made:
The corrective measures recommended to address the identified non-conformities:
The evaluation team has observed that the training and certification of seafarers in the
Republic of Hungary, as well as their assessment and/or control are of high standard thanks to the
operative coordination between all interested Parties.
Unfortunately the fact that some of the documentation needed for the independent
evaluation is in Hungarian language only makes to the certain degree the independent evaluation
more difficult.
Evaluation team:
Capt. Václav Bozděch
Evžen Vydra
Vladislav Zemánek
Capt. Petr Kouřil
Head of Evaluation Team