Year 3 Term 1 Theme – Rotten Romans! Literacy Links Science History ICT Geog Art Information texts Instructions Authors and Letters Speaking and Listening/Drama Activities Materials The Romans “Celt” visitor Visit Collection Roman Walk Roman soldier Visitor Text and Graphics Research Locational Knowledge Parts of the United Kingdom The seas around the United Kingdom and Europe Parts of Europe – Roman Empire Drawing from observation Curriculum Planning Autumn Term 2011-2012 Year 3 Year 4 Term 2 Term1 Theme – Rotten Romans! Theme – Weird and (cont) Wonderful Busy Hands Instruction texts Information Texts Authors and Letters Stories from other cultures Dialogue and Plays Basic Writing skills/target getting Light and Shadows Solids, liquids and how they can be separated Chemical reactions Reversible/Non reversible changes RR cont. Aztec Life Chronology Features of period Life and Homes Culture/Gods/Rituals Text and Graphics Repeated patterns Databases Research skills RR cont. Continents The location of the ancient Aztec Empire Puppets – various media Aztec Art Year 4 Term 2 Theme – The Tudor Times Recounts Poems Moving and Growing (Tudor Medcine) Tudors Writing for different audiences and Word processing skills Literacy link - Newspapers Local study Drawing -portraits and imagination (N.Arch/Roman soldiers) DT Music Textiles, context- bullas, Moulable Materials, context clay oil lamp, brooches, army standards and scrolls Mosaics Music Express Animal Magic P.E Unit 11 – Stretching, Curling and arching. Unit 1 – Ball skills -Invasion Games R.E What made people follow Jesus? New beginnings S.E.A.L P.H.S.E Treat & Enrichment Roman walk, Roman feast and a Roman DT day. Yr 4 – Enrichment Celtic Drama, Visit to The Collection (local museum) In role as Roman Soldier. Calendars Christmas Art Scraper Boards Mouldable materials Context Diva lamp Textiles: puppets Evaluate, design and make a puppet. Music Express Play it Again Drawing from artefacts Clay pots Designing masks, headresses Textiles Context -Money Containers Tudor purses Music learning and performing: Drumming Music learning and performing: Drumming Creative Dance Unit 1.Perform and refine movement sequence Games - Unit 2, Creative Games making Hindu Beliefs and Lifestyle Invasion Games Gymnastics Tudor Dance Net and Wall Christian Journeys Christian Journeys Getting on and Falling out New beginnings Getting on and falling out Theatre performance Santa’s Workshop Pantomime visit Chemical Reactions The food of the Aztecs – making and tasting. Gainsborough Old Hall visit and re-enactment. Bishop’s Palace Visit. Christmas Tudor Banquet – dress up.