Daughters of Utah Pioneers. Periodic publications on history and folklore, usually one pamphlet per month, bound together in annual volumes. Ed. Kate B. Carter et al. Series include Heart Throbs of the West (12 vols., 1939-51), Treasures of Pioneer History (6 vols., 195257), Our Pioneer Heritage (20 vols., 1958-77), An Enduring Legacy (12 vols., 1978-89), and Chronicles of Courage (8 vols., 1990-97). Articles are generally anonymous. Davidson, Levette J. “Mormon Songs.” Journal of American Folklore 58 (1945): 273-300. [MORMONS, SONGS, BALLADS, POETRY] ---, ed. Poems of the Old West: A Rocky Mountain Anthology. Denver: University of Denver Press, 1951. [POETRY, RANCHING, LOGGING, MINING] ---. “Songs of the Rocky Mountain Frontier.” California Folklore Quarterly 22 (1943): 89-112. [SONGS] ---. “Westernisms.” American Speech 17 (1942): 71-73. [DIALECT AND LANGUAGE] Davidson, Levette J., and Forrester Blake, eds. Rocky Mountain Tales. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1947. [NARRATIVES, TALES] Davidson, Thomas. “Elf-Shot Cattle.” Antiquity 30 (1956): 149-55. [BELIEFS, RANCHING, ARCHITECTURE] Davies, J. Kenneth. Deseret’s Sons of Toil: A History of the Worker Movements of Territorial Utah, 1852-1896. Salt Lake City: Olympus, 1977. [HISTORIES, MORMONS, OCCUPATIONAL PRACTICES, 1850S, 1860S, 1870S, 1880S, 1890S] Day, Kimberly. “Frederick Kesler, Utah Craftsman.” Utah Historical Quarterly 56 (1988): 54-74. [ARCHITECTURE, LIFE HISTORIES. MATERIAL CULTURE, CRAFTS] d’Azevedo, Warren L., ed. Handbook of North American Indians: Great Basin. Vol. 11. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution, 1986. [MATERIAL CULTURE, MUSIC, NARRATIVE, CUSTOMS, RELIGION, NATIVE AMERICANS, GOSHUTES, PAIUTES, SHOSHONES, UTES] Defa, Dennis R. “The Goshute Indians of Utah.” In Cuch 73-122. [GOSHUTES, CUSTOMS, HISTORIES, RELIGION] Delaney, Robert W. “The Southern Utes a Century Ago.” Utah Historical Quarterly 39 (1971): 114-27. [HISTORIES, UTES] Dellenbaugh, Frederick S. A Canyon Voyage: The Narrative of the Second Powell Expedition down the Green-Colorado River from Wyoming, and the Explorations on Land in the Years 1871 and 1872 [1908]. Rpt. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1962. [PAIUTES, NATURE, 1870S] Densmore, Frances. Northern Ute Music. Washington, DC: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1922. Rpt. New York: Da Capo Press, 1972. [MUSIC, SONGS, UTES] Deseret String Band. Deseret String Band, 1980-1984. LP. Shanachie Records, 1984. [SONGS, BALLADS, MUSIC] ---. The Round-Up. CD. Okehdokee Records (Salt Lake City), 1999. [SONGS, BALLADS, MUSIC] ---. Utah Songs of Statehood: The Deseret String Band Centennial Concert. VHS, Cassette, CD. KUED Television (Salt Lake City), 1990. [SONGS, BALLADS, MUSIC] ---. Utah Trail. LP. Okehdokee (Salt Lake City), 1972. [SONGS, BALLADS, MUSIC] ---. Western Tape. Cassette. Okehdokee (Salt Lake City), 1980. [SONGS, MUSIC, BALLADS] DeSmet, P. J. “Reminiscences of Indian Habits and Character.” Utah Historical Quarterly 5 (1932): 25-27. [CUSTOMS, PAIUTES, UTES] De Voto, Bernard. “Jonathan Dyer, Frontiersman.” Harper’s 167 (Sept. 1933): 491-501. Rpt. as “The Life of Jonathan Dyer.” In Forays and Rebuttals. Boston: Little, Brown, 1936. 3-24. [LIFE HISTORIES] Diamante, Walker. “My Father in Utah.” Lagographia: A Journal of the International Greek Folklore Society 13, 4 (Aug.-Dec. 1996): 30-32. [BELIEFS, MAGIC, GREEKS] Dibble, Charles E. “The Mormon Mission to the Shoshoni Indians.” Utah Humanities Review 1 (1947): 53-73. [MORMONS, HISTORIES, RELIGION, SHOSHONES] Dobie, J. Frank. “Greatest of All Grizzlies.” California Folklore Quarterly 3 (1944): 12-15. [NARRATIVES, NATURE, ANIMALS, LEGENDS] Dorson, Richard M. “Utah Mormons.” In American Folklore. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1959. 112-21. [MORMONS, NARRATIVES, BELIEFS] ---. “Utah Mormons.” In Buying the Wind: Regional Folklore in the United States. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1964. 497-535. [BELIEFS, LEGENDS, MORMONS, SONGS, THREE NEPHITE STORIES] Duncan, Clifford. “The Northern Utes of Utah.” In Cuch 167-224. [UTES, CUSTOMS, RELIGION, HISTORIES] Dwyer, Robert Joseph. The Gentile Comes to Utah: A Study in Religious and Social Conflict (1862-1890). Salt Lake City: Western Epics, 1971. [HISTORIES, MORMONS, 1860S, 1870S, 1880S] Edison, Carol (A.). Cowboy Poetry from Utah: An Anthology. Salt Lake City: Utah Folklife Center, 1985. [POETRY, RANCHING, COWBOYS] ---. “Custom-Made Gravestones in Early Salt Lake City: The Work of Four English Stonecarvers.” Utah Historical Quarterly 56 (1988): 310-30. [GRAVESTONES, STONE CARVING, NINETEENTH CENTURY, SALT LAKE COUNTY, ENGLISH] ---. “Folk and Ethnic Arts in Utah.” Utah: State of the Arts. Ogden, UT: Meridian Press, 1993. 129-150. [DANCE, MATERIAL CULTURE, MUSIC, TWENTIETH CENTURY] ---. “The Gravestones of Parowan.” Utah Folklife Newsletter 17.1 (Winter 1983): 2-3. [GRAVESTONES, STONE CARVING, IRON COUNTY, NINETEENTH CENTURY] ---. “Grouse Creek, Utah.” Utah Folklife Newsletter 19.2 (1985): 4-5. [ARCHITECTURE, BOX ELDER COUNTY, FOODWAYS, MORMONS, RANCHING] ---. “Hispanic Folk and Ethnic Arts in Utah.” In Edison, Hatch, and Miller 29-53. [DANCE, LATINOS, HISTORIES, MATERIAL CULTURE, MUSIC, SONGS, RELIGION] ---. “Material Culture: An Introduction and Guide to Mormon Vernacular.” In Mormon Americana: A Guide to Sources and Collections in the United States. Ed. David J. Whittaker. Provo: Brigham Young University Studies, 1995. 306-35. [HISTORY OF FOLKLORE STUDIES, MATERIAL CULTURE, MORMONS] ---. “Mormon Gravestones: A Folk Expression of Identity and Belief.” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 22.4 (Winter 1989): 88-94. [GRAVESTONES, STONE CARVING, MORMONS] ---. “Native American Artists of San Juan County: A Portfolio.” Blue Mountain Shadows (San Juan County Historical Commission) 7 (1990): 2933. [MATERIAL CULTURE, NAVAJOS, UTES, SAN JUAN COUNTY] ---. “Nineteenth-Century Utah Gravestones and Their Carvers.” Utah Preservation: Building on the Past 4 (2000): 72-77. [GRAVESTONES, MORMONS, STONE CARVING, NINETEENTH CENTURY] ---. “Roast Beef and Pit-Barbequed Lamb: The Role of Food at Two Utah Homecoming Celebrations.” In We Gather Together: Food and Festival in American Life. Ed. Theodore C. Humphrey and Lin T. Humphrey. Ann Arbor: UMI Research Press, 1988. 137-152. [FESTIVALS, FOODWAYS, MORMONS, RANCHING, SANPETE COUNTY] ---. “Southeast Asians in Utah.” Utah History Encyclopedia. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1994. 519-21. [IMMIGRATION, CAMBODIANS, FILIPINOS, HMONG, LAOTIANS, THAIS, VIETNAMESE, FESTIVALS, RELIGION] ---. “Southern Utah Folklife Festival.” Utah Folklife Newsletter 14.1 (1981): 1-2. [FESTIVALS, PARKS, WASHINGTON COUNTY] ---. “South Sea Islanders in Utah.” Utah History Encyclopedia. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1994. 516-18. [IMMIGRATION, PACIFIC ISLANDERS, HAWAI’IANS, SAMOANS, TONGANS, FESTIVALS, RELIGION] ---. Utah’s Sanpete Valley: The Heart of the Mormon West—A Tour Featuring Local History and Culture. Salt Lake City: Utah Arts Council, 2000. [HISTORIES, MATERIAL CULTURE, SANPETE COUNTY] ---. “Willow Stories: An Introduction.” In Edison, Willow Stories 8-15. [BASKETS, NAVAJOS, TWENTIETH CENTURY, SAN JUAN COUNTY] ---, ed. Willow Stories: Utah Navajo Baskets. Salt Lake City: Utah Arts Council, 1996. [BASKETS, NAVAJOS, SAN JUAN COUNTY] Edison, Carol A., Anne F. Hatch, and Craig R. Miller, eds. Hecho en Utah: A Cultural History of Utah’s Spanish–Speaking Communities/Una historia cultural de las comunidades hispanas de Utah. Salt Lake City: Utah Arts Council, 1992. [LATINOS, MUSIC, SONGS, MATERIAL CULTURE, HISTORIES] Eliason, Eric A. “Angels among the Mormons.” In The Big Book of Angels: Angelic Encounters, Expert Answers, Listening to and Working with Your Guardian Angel. “By the Editors of Beliefnet.” New York: Rodale, 2002. 96-104. [RELIGION, BELIEFS, SUPERNATURAL, MORMONS] ---. Celebrating Zion: Pioneers in Mormon Popular Historical Expression. Provo: Brigham Young University Studies, 2003. [HISTORIES, NINETEENTH CENTURY, MORMONS] ---. “The Cultural Dynamics of Historical Self-Fashioning: Mormon Pioneer Nostalgia, American Culture, and the International Church.” Journal of Mormon History 28 (2002): 139-73. [HISTORIES, MORMONS] ---. “Curious Gentiles and Representational Authority in the City of the Saints.” Religion and American Culture 11 (2001): 155-90. [SALT LAKE COUNTY, MORMONS] ---. “Introduction.” In Eliason, Mormons and Mormonism. 1-21. [MORMONS, RELIGION, HISTORIES, BELIEF] ---, ed. Jester for the Kingdom: J. Golden Kimball in Mormon Folklore. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2004. [NARRATIVES, HUMOR, TRICKSTERS, LEGENDS, MORMONS] ---. “Joe Hill.” In American Folklore: An Encyclopedia. New York: Garland, 1996. 369. [SONGS, LIFE HISTORIES, MINING] ---. “Mark Twain, Polygamy, and the Origin of an American Motif.” Mark Twain Journal 38 (2000): 1-6. [LITERATURE, POLYGAMY, MORMONS] ---. “The Mormon Culture Region.” The Encyclopedia of American Folklife. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 2005. [SETTLEMENT PATTERNS, MORMONS] ---. “Mormon Fundamentalists.” The Encyclopedia of American Folklife. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 2005. [MORMONS, RELIGION] ---, ed. Mormons and Mormonism: An Introduction to an American World Religion. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2001. [MORMONS, HISTORIES, RELIGION, BELIEF] ---. “Nameways in Latter-day Saint History, Custom, and Folklore.” In Names in Mormon Belief and Practice. Ed. William G. Eggington, Dallin D. Oaks, and Paul Baltes. New York: Edwin Mellen, 2003. [NAMING PRACTICES, MORMONS, CUSTOMS, HISTORIES] ---. “Pioneers and Recapitulation in Mormon Popular Historical Expression.” In Usable Pasts: Traditions and Group Expressions in North America. Ed. Tad Tuleja. Logan: Utah State University Press, 1997. 175211. [MORMONS, NINETEENTH CENTURY] ---. “Toward the Folkloristic Study of Latter-day Saint Conversion Narratives.” Brigham Young University Studies 38 (1999): 137-50. [PERSONAL EXPERIENCE NARRATIVES, RELIGION, MORMONS] Embry, Jessie L. “Little Berlin, Swiss Saints of the Logan Tenth Ward.” Utah Historical Quarterly 56 (1988): 222-35. [GERMANS, IMMIGRATION, NARRATIVES, HISTORIES, MORMONS, SWISS, CACHE COUNTY] Empey, Jessie K. “George Miles' Reminiscences of Silver Reef.” In Cheney, Lore 79-82. [MINING, PERSONAL EXPERIENCE NARRATIVES, WASHINGTON COUNTY] Epstein, Shifra. “A Note on Contemporary Accounts of the Three Nephites.” Indiana Folklore 6 (1973): 241-44. [THREE NEPHITE STORIES, TWENTIETH CENTURY] Ericksen, E. Gordon. “A Sociological Study of Funeral Customs and Legal Burial Requirements in Utah.” M. A. Thesis, University of Utah, 1939. [FUNERALS, CUSTOMS] Ericksen, Ephraim Edward. The Psychological and Ethical Aspects of Mormon Group Life. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1922. Rpt. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1975. [MORMONS] Euler, Robert C. Southern Paiute Ethnohistory. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Department of Anthropology Papers No. 78 (1966). [PAIUTES, ETHNOGRAPHIES, HISTORIES, NATIVE AMERICANS] Evers, Larry, and Barre Toelken. Native American Oral Traditions: Collaboration and Interpretation. Special edition of Oral Tradition 13.1 (March 1998). Rpt. with new forward Logan: Utah State University Press, 2001. [NATIVE AMERICANS, LEGENDS, MYTHS, NARRATIVES] Fabian, Josephine. “Dead Horse Point in Rainbow Land.” Utah Historical Quarterly 26 (1958): 239-45. [LEGENDS, NATURE, PARKS] Fairbanks, Jonathan L. “Adobe Housing in Nineteenth-Century Utah.” In Frontier America: The Far West. Ed. Fairbanks. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, Department of American Decorative Arts and Sculpture, 1975. 197212. [ARCHITECTURE, NINETEENTH CENTURY] Fairbanks, Jonathan L., and Elizabeth Bidwell Bates, eds. American Furniture: 1620 to the Present. New York: Richard Marek, 1981. [FURNITURE, NINETEENTH CENTURY, TWENTIETH CENTURY] Farnsworth, Dean B. “Barber on the Boards.” In Cheney, Lore 93-105. [MORMONS, NARRATIVES] Ferron, Richard M. “Legendary Mining Men in Eastern Utah.” Utah Humanities Review 2 (1948): 381-82. [LEGENDS, MINING] Fife, Austin (E.). “Another Mormon Car.” Utah Humanities Review 1 (1947): 298-99. [SONGS] ---. “A Ballad of the Mountain Meadows Massacre.” Western Folklore 12 (1953): 229-41. Rpt. in Fife, Exploring 239-52. [BALLADS, SONGS, MORMONS, WASHINGTON COUNTY] ---. “The Bear Lake Monsters.” Utah Humanities Review 2 (1948): 99-106. [CACHE COUNTY, LEGENDS, BELIEFS, SUPERNATURAL] ---. “Birthmarks and Psychic Imprinting of Babies in Utah Folk Medicine.” In American Folk Medicine: A Symposium. Ed. Wayland D. Hand. Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1976. 273-84. Rpt. in Fife, Exploring 121-30. [MEDICINE, CHILDBIRTH, MORMONS] ---. “Christian Swarm Charms from the Ninth to the Nineteenth Centuries.” Journal of American Folklore 77 (1964): 154-59. [NATURE, RELIGION] ---. “Detachable Members.” Utah Humanities Review 1 (1947): 186. [TALES, NARRATIVES] ---. Exploring Western Americana. Ed. Alta Fife. Ann Arbor: UMI Research Press, 1988. [ARCHITECTURE, BALLADS, SONGS, RANCHING, GRAVESTONES, STONE CARVING, MATERIAL CULTURE, MEDICINE, MORMONS, TALES, THREE NEPHITE STORIES] ---. “Folk Belief and Mormon Cultural Autonomy.” Journal of American Folklore 61 (1948): 19-30. Rpt. in Fife, Exploring 29-42. [BELIEFS, CUSTOMS, MORMONS] ---. “Folk Elements in the Formation of the Mormon Personality.” Brigham Young University Studies 1.2 (1959-60): 1-17. Rpt. in Fife, Exploring 15-28. [MORMONS] ---. “Folklife and Folk Arts in the United States Exhibit: Merrill Art Gallery and Special Collections Library, Utah State University, JulyAugust, 1968.” In Fife, Fife, and Glassie 9-22. [ARCHITECTURE, MATERIAL CULTURE, FARM/RANCHSTEADS, COWBOYS, RANCHING, FARMING, GRAVESTONES, SCULPTURE, FURNITURE, PLANTS, MEDICINE, RITUALS, MUSEUMS AND LIVING FARMS] ---. “Folklore and Local History.” Utah Historical Quarterly 31 (1963): 315-23. Rpt. in Fife, Exploring 45-54. [HISTORIES, MORMONS] ---. “Folklore of Material Culture on the Rocky Mountain Frontier.” Arizona Quarterly 13 (1951): 101-10. Rpt. in Fife, Exploring 133-40. [MATERIAL CULTURE] ---. “Folkways of the Mormons from the Journals of John D. Lee.” Western Folklore 21 (1962): 229-45. Rpt. in Fife, Exploring 103-20. [CUSTOMS, LIFE HISTORIES, MORMONS] ---. “Hay Derricks.” Western Folklore 10 (1951): 320-22. [MATERIAL CULTURE, FARMING, RANCHING, OCCUPATIONAL PRACTICES] ---. “Jack Fences of the Intermountain West.” In Folklore International: Essays in Traditional Literature, Belief and Custom in Honor of Wayland Debs Hand. Ed. D. K. Wilgus. Hatboro, PA: Folklore Associates, 1967. 51-54. Rpt. in Fife, Exploring 159-166. [MATERIAL CULTURE, FARMING, RANCHING, OCCUPATIONAL PRACTICES] ---. “The Legend of the Three Nephites Among the Mormons.” Journal of American Folklore 53 (1940): 1-49. Rpt. in Fife, Exploring 55-101. [LEGENDS, MORMONS, THREE NEPHITE STORIES, SUPERNATURAL] ---. “A Mormon from the Cradle to the Grave.” Prologue to Fife and Fife, Saints 1-16. Rpt. in Fife, Exploring 3-14. [LIFE HISTORIES, MORMONS] ---. “Pioneer Mormon Remedies.” Western Folklore 16 (1957): 153-62. [MEDICINE, MORMONS, NINETEENTH CENTURY] ---. “Popular Legends of the Mormons.” California Folklore Quarterly 1 (1942): 105-25. [LEGENDS, THREE NEPHITE STORIES, MORMONS] ---. “The Seagulls and the Crickets.” Western Folklore 37 (1978): 61. [LEGENDS, NATURE, ANIMALS, SALT LAKE COUNTY] ---. “Similes from Moab, Utah.” Western Folklore 25 (1966): 126-27, 195-96. [DIALECT AND LANGUAGE, GRAND COUNTY] ---, ed. Songs of the Mormons. LP. Archive of American Folk Song, Library of Congress, 1952. Rpt. as Songs of the Mormons and Songs of the West. CD. Rounder, 2003. [MORMONS, SONGS, BALLADS] ---. “Stone Houses of Northern Utah.” Utah Historical Quarterly 40 (1972): 6-23. Rpt. in Fife, Exploring 167-94. [ARCHITECTURE, BOX ELDER COUNTY, CACHE COUNTY] ---. “Utah Carroll, Hero of the Cattle Stampede.” Utah Science 25, 3: 74-75, 87. [BALLADS, SONGS, LIFE HISTORIES, RANCHING, COWBOYS] ---. “A Utah Parallel of Logan’s Speech.” Journal of American Folklore 66 (1953): 134. [DIALECT AND LANGUAGE, MORMONS, NATIVE AMERICANS, UTES] ---. “Utah State University Folklore Collection.” Western Folklore 18 (1959): 167-68. [ARCHIVES, CACHE COUNTY, COLLECTANEA] ---. “Western Gravestones.” In Fife, Exploring 195-213. [GRAVESTONES, STONE CARVING] Fife, Austin (E.), and Alta (S.) Fife. “The Cycle of Life among the Folk.” In Cheney, Lore 223-41. [MORMONS, LIFE HISTORIES] ---. “Folk Songs of Mormon Inspiration.” Western Folklore 6 (1947): 4252. [MORMONS, SONGS, BALLADS] ---. “Gravestone Imagery.” In Cannon, Utah Folk Art 137-45. [GRAVESTONES, STONE CARVING, SYMBOLS] ---. Saints of Sage and Saddle: Folklore Among the Mormons. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1956. Rpt. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1980. [LEGENDS, BELIEFS, CUSTOMS, NARRATIVES, MUSIC, SONGS, MORMONS] ---. Songs of the Mormon Pioneers. Salt Lake City: Columbia Research Group, c. 1961. See Sorrels, Songs. [SONGS, MORMONS, NINETEENTH CENTURY] ---. “Two Variants of the ‘Charlie Chaplin’ Rhyme.” Journal of American Folklore 59 (1946): 532. [POETRY, RHYMES, CHILDREN] ---. “Unsung Craftsmen.” In Cheney, Lore 261-74. [MATERIAL CULTURE, CRAFTS, MORMONS] Fife, Austin, Alta Fife, and Henry Glassie, eds. Forms Upon the Frontier: Folklife and Folk Arts in the United States. Utah State University Monograph Series 16.2. Logan: Utah State University Press, 1969. [ARCHITECTURE, MATERIAL CULTURE, MEDICINE, CUSTOMS] Fife, Austin E., and James M. Fife. “Hay Derricks of the Great Basin and Upper Snake River Valley.” Western Folklore 7 (1948): 224-39. Rpt. in Louie W. Attebery 2-11; rpt. in Fife, Exploring 141-57. [FARMING, RANCHING, MATERIAL CULTURE] Fife, Austin E., and J. Golden Taylor, eds. The Western Folklore Conference: Selected Papers. Utah State University Monograph Series 11.3. Logan: Utah State University Press, 1964. [FOLKLORE PROGRAMS, THEORY] Fike, Richard, and H. Blaine Phillips, II. A Nineteenth Century Ute Burial from Northeast Utah. Salt Lake City: Utah State Office, Bureau of Land Management, 1984. [FUNERALS, NINETEENTH CENTURY, UTES] Fischer, Christiane, ed. Let Them Speak for Themselves: Women in the American West, 1849-1900. Hamden, CT: Archon Books, 1977. [WOMEN, LIFE HISTORIES, NINETEENTH CENTURY] Fisher, Gayle Veronica. “The Obedient and Disobedient Daughters of the Church: Strangite Mormon Dress as a Mode of Control.” In Religion, Dress and the Body. Ed. Linda Arthur. Oxford, England: Berg, 1999. 7395. [WOMEN, CLOTHING, MORMONS] Fleming, L. A. “The Settlements on the Muddy, 1865 to 1871: ‘A God Forsaken Place.’” Utah Historical Quarterly 35 (1967): 147-72. [1860S, 1870S, SETTLEMENT PATTERNS, MORMONS, IRON COUNTY] Fowler, Catherine S. “The Hunchback Dance of the Northern Paiute and Other Clown Performances of the Great Basin.” In Anthropology of the Desert West: Essays in Honor of Jesse D. Jennings. Ed. Carol J. Condie and Don D. Fowler. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1986. 21728. [NATIVE AMERICANS, DANCE, TRICKSTERS, PAIUTES] Fowler, Don D., ed. “Photographed All the Best Scenery”: Jack Hillers’s Diary of the Powell Expeditions, 1871-1875. University of Utah Publications in the American West No. 9. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1972. [PAIUTES, HISTORIES, 1870S] Fowler, Don D., and Catherine S. Fowler. “John Wesley Powell, Anthropologist.” Utah Historical Quarterly 37 (1969): 152-72. [PAIUTES, UTES, NATIVE AMERICANS] ---. “Museum Collections and Ethnographic Reconstruction: Examples from the Great Basin.” In The Research Potential of Anthropological Museum Collections. Ed. Anne-Marie E. Cantwell, James B. Griffin, and Nan A. Rothschild. New York: New York Academy of Sciences, 1981. 177-99. [ETHNOGRAPHIES, MUSEUMS AND LIVING FARMS] Fox, Sandi. Quilts in Utah: A Reflection of the Western Experience. Catalog for exhibit at Salt Lake Art Center. Salt Lake City: Salt Lake Art Center, 1981. [TEXTILES, QUILTS, WOMEN] Francaviglia, Richard V. “The City of Zion in the Mountain West.” The Improvement Era 72 (1969): 10-17. [SETTLEMENT PATTERNS, MORMONS] ---. “Mormon Central-Hall Houses in the American West.” Annals of the Association of American Geographers 61 (1971): 65-71. [ARCHITECTURE, MORMONS, SETTLEMENT PATTERNS] ---. The Mormon Landscape: Existence, Creation, and Perception of a Unique Image in the American West. New York: AMS Press, 1978. [MORMONS, SETTLEMENT PATTERNS, ARCHITECTURE] ---. “The Passing Mormon Village.” Landscape 22.2 (Spring 1978): 40-47. [MORMONS, SETTLEMENT PATTERNS] ---. “Western Hay Derricks: Cultural Geography and Folklore As Revealed by Vanishing Agricultural Techniques.” Journal of Popular Culture 11 (1978): 916-27. [FARMING, RANCHING, OCCUPATIONAL PRACTICES] Fraser, Marianne. “Warm Winters and White Rabbits: Folklore of the Welsh and English Coal Miners.” Utah Historical Quarterly 51 (1983): 246-58. [CARBON COUNTY, ENGLISH, MINING, TALES, BELIEFS, WELSH] Fulkerson, Mary Lee, and Kathleen Curtis. Weavers of Tradition and Beauty: Basketmakers of the Great Basin. Reno: University of Nevada Press, 1995. [BASKETS, MATERIAL CULTURE, NATIVE AMERICANS] Fuller, Craig. “Finns and the Winter Quarters Mine Disaster.” Utah Historical Quarterly 70 (2002): 123-39. [BELIEFS, FINNS, LEGENDS, MINING, CARBON COUNTY]