Roy Porter, Enlightenment Chapter 11. Happiness NOTES “Enlightenment’s great historical watershed (fattore decisivo) lay in the validation of pleasure.” (p. 258) Pursuit of temporal happiness seen as the summum bonum Examples from before the Enlightenment: Antiquity: Epicurus (advocated hedonism: not so much the gratification of desire as the avoidance of pain) Renaissance: Pagan bacchanalia, v. pastoral painting and poetry (bucolic ‘golden age idylls’) Feasts of the Christian calendar: ex. 12 days of Christmas, Shrove Tuesday; Saints’ days “Familiar themes – the revels of Bacchus and Venus, the cornucopia and the flowing bowl – show that, both in reality and in the artistic imagination, there had always been times and places of holiday abandonment and enjoyment.” (p. 259) Yet, sensualism had been decisively rejected. (v., e.g., Stoics, “Christian rejection of carnality, true blessedness coming only through abstinence and asceticism” (p. 259) “The Enlightenment’s novelty lay in the legitimacy it accorded to pleasure… as the routine entitlement of people at large to pursue the senses (not just purify the soul) and to seek fulfillment in this world (and not only in the next).” (p.259) “Early Enlightenment philosophers endowed ethics with a new, and hopefully sounder basis in psychology.” See complete paragraph, pgs. 261-262. “Like Nature at large, man comprised a machine made up of parts, open to scientific study through the techniques of a ‘moral anatomy’ which would unveil psychological no less than physical laws of motion.” See complete paragraph, p. 262 “The natural right to pursue one’s own interests became an Enlightenment commonplace…. ‘Self Love,’ asserted Josiah Tucker, ‘is the great Mover in human Nature’… (p. 263). See also, quote from Sir James Stuart (p. 263) See paragraph immediately following “Questions of good and evil” By posing questions about human nature, about our free-will, about our impulses, enlightened thinkers have come to be considered the “first modern analysts of social man, the first sociologists and anthropologists, social psychologists, penologists, etc.” (p. 263) Projecting man as an ensemble of stimuli and responses, activated by sense impulses, sensationalist psychology sanctioned a new practical hedonism The pursuit of happiness, the right to happiness, became the talk of belles lettrists. Quote Soame Jenyns (p. 264) Addison, Steele, The Spectator: promoted the way of the honnête homme, stressing: Urbanity Politeness Rationality Moderation Authorizing smart pursuits: Light reading Tea-table conversation The pleasures of the town “Enlightened thought thus gave its blessing to the pursuit of pleasure… Overall, the English ideology, voiced through Lockean psychology, the Spectatorial stylistics of the self, utilitarianism and political economy, promoted refined hedonism and enlightened self-interest within consumer capitalism.” (p. 265) “An entertainment industry arose, controlled by professional actors, theatre managers, painters, sportsmen, art dealers, journalists, critics, and back-up teams of cultural brokers…” (p. 268) The ‘consumer revolution’ (p. 268) Homes grew more comfortable with additional of domestic goods previously available only to the rich; Upholstered chairs Tablecloths Glassware, chinaware Tea services Looking glasses Clocks Bookcases Engravings and bric-a-brac to decorate walls and shelves Toys for children (bought in stores) Expanded print culture: Magazines Novels Play texts Sermons Political pamphlets Almanacs Urban space restyled (p. 268) : the commercialization of leisure Shops (once workshops) displaying ready-made good Foreign visitors often remarked enthusiastically on them Shopping as a pastime Pleasure gardens (e.g., Vauxhall) Theatres (dramatic and musical: now appealing to larger audiences) Sports Other activities previously limited to frequenters of the court and other nobles, or which previously took place within the home became “organized, commercialized, professionalized, nationalized, and discussed in literate culture” (p. 269) Increased attention to, for. ex.: Music Art (galleries and museums) food and drink sex (erotic pleasure – including literature; prostitution) ‘irregular desire’ (i.e., homosexuality) tolerated (“simply a matter of taste” (p. 274) old sexual taboos being challenged “The prints of Hogarth and others provide plentiful evidence that the English did not merely indulge in pleasures, but wanted to be recorded enjoying themselves” (p. 275)