Direct Services - Domestic Waste and Recycling

Equality Impact Assessment
Title of policy: Direct Services Unit – Domestic Waste and Recycling
Short description of policy: The Direct Services Unit is the Council’s
organisation for delivering Waste and Recycling collections and StreetScene
Services to residents of the Borough, either through direct provision or
through procurement from outside organisations.
The Unit is committed to providing local services that meet the demands of
best value, that are consistent with the Council’s corporate strategy and
objectives, and which deliver a real improvement in the quality of the
The unit has three operational bases; the main one at Hedge End Depot; and
smaller Units in Parham Drive, Boyatt Wood, and Brookwood Cemetery in
Eastleigh Borough Council operates an alternate weekly collection service of
household waste, collecting residual waste and food waste one week and
recycling and food waste the next. This service is offered to all residents. A
monthly glass and battery collection service is also provided. In addition a
chargeable garden waste collection service and a chargeable bulky waste
collection service is also available should residents require it. Clinical waste is
also collected from residents upon arrangement with the Primary Care Trust.
The StreetScene Service is responsible for the delivery of Street Cleansing
and Grounds Maintenance Services across the Borough. It is our aim to
deliver first class services which are rooted in and meet the needs of the
community, and which positively impact on the environment and people’s
quality of life.
Negative impact
How could the policy have a significant negative impact on equality in relation to
each area?
Services are kerbside collections which could impact on residents unable
either through age/disability/pregnancy or illness to place bins/boxes/bags
at the edge of their property.
Assisted Collections are available for residents who are unable through
age/disability/pregnancy or illness to place their waste at the kerbside for
collection. (NB. There must be no able bodied persons living in the property to
qualify for this service).
Services promotion – Information is produced in standard print which
could have an impact on the visually impaired.
All Direct Services literature can be translated on request and information on how
to access information in alternative formats, including Braille and large print can
be found on the council website. Comprehensive service information can be
found on the council’s website which is also available in
several different languages and large print.
Services are kerbside collections which could impact on residents unable
either through age/disability/pregnancy or illness to place bins/boxes/bags
at the edge of their property.
Assisted Collections are available for residents who are unable through
age/disability/pregnancy or illness to place their waste at the kerbside for
collection. (NB. There must be no able bodied persons living in the property to
qualify for this service).
Residual waste bins are limited by capacity to 180 litres which are collected
on a fortnightly basis which could impact on specific disabilities
Applications for additional residual waste capacity are considered on a case by
case basis. Additional capacity can be granted if there are special circumstances
which results in large quantities of waste being generated. (NB. This is subject to
all free recycling services being used appropriately)
Services promotion - Information is produced in English which could be a
barrier for non English speaking/reading elements of the Borough
All Direct Services literature can be translated on request and information on how
to access information in alternative formats, including Braille is available on the
council website. Comprehensive service information can be found on the
council’s website which is also available in several different
languages and large print.
Gender: No impact
Gender reassignment: No impact
Pregnancy or maternity:
Services are kerbside collections which could impact on residents unable
either through age/disability/pregnancy or illness to place bins/boxes/bags
at the edge of their property.
Assisted Collections are available for residents who are unable through
age/disability/pregnancy or illness to place their waste at the kerbside for
collection. (NB. There must be no able bodied persons living in the property to
qualify for this service).
Residual waste bins are limited by capacity to 180 litres which are collected
on a fortnightly basis which could impact on households with children in
Applications for additional residual waste capacity are considered on a case by
case basis. Additional capacity can be granted if there are special circumstances
which results in large quantities of waste being generated. (NB. This is subject to
all free recycling services being used appropriately and will be time limited.)
Religion or belief: No impact
Sexual orientation: No impact
Socio-economic groups:
The garden waste & bulky waste services are chargeable services which
could impact on low income households.
Free disposal of garden waste and bulky items is available at one of four
Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRC) within the borough, details of the
HWRC opening times can be found on the Council website
Concessions are available for residents in receipt of housing benefit or council
tax benefit. A 50% reduction for bulky waste collections and 30% reduction for
garden waste subscriptions.
GN: You must assess each of the 9 areas separately and consider how your
policy may affect people’s human rights.
You need to ask yourself:
Will the policy create any problems of barriers to any community of group?
Will any group be excluded because of the policy? Yes/No
Will the policy have a negative impact on community relations? Yes/No
If the answer to any of these questions is Yes, you must prepare a Full EqIA.
Positive impact
Could the policy have a significant positive impact on equality by reducing
inequalities that already exist?
Explain how will it meet our duty to:
Promote equal opportunities - No
Get rid of discrimination - No
Get rid of harassment - No
Get rid of victimisation – No
Promote good community relations - No
Promote positive action / more favourable treatment (if a group is
disadvantaged – needs to be proportionate) - No
Promote and protect human rights – No
GN: If the policy could affect any of these duties, you must prepare a Full
What is the evidence for your answers to the above questions?
Customer satisfaction survey 2010 &2012
No equality service complaints.
What does available research say?
Viewpoint survey 2010 & 2012 indicates an above average satisfaction in service
delivery (90%)
The council provides a comprehensive waste and recycling collection service
providing containers for food waste, dry mixed recycling (paper/card/ plastic
bottles/aerosols/ aluminium and steel cans), glass bottles/jars and household
batteries and residual waste. Research undertaken by consultants on behalf of
the government’s Waste Resources Action programme (WRAP) identified similar
service provision within other local authorities that resulted in no impact as long
as services provided are being used.
What further research or data do you need to fill any gaps in your understanding
of the potential or known effects of the policy?
Have you thought about commissioning new data or research?
GN: See for advice on how to find and analyse the evidence.
GN: You need to look at and think about:
quantitative research
qualitative research
national evidence
international evidence
results of any consultations you have carried out.
Screening assessment
Now that you have looked at the evidence, do you think that the policy needs a
Full EIA? Yes/No
GN: if your answer is Yes, see guidance for advice on how to write your EIA.
Next steps
GN: If you need to do a Full EIA, go to Stage 2: Full Equality Impact
Assessment in the guidance.
If you do not need to do a Full EIA:
What else might you need to do to make sure the policy promotes equality and
gets rid of discrimination?
GN: This could be things like making sure that local services know they will need
to publish their own EqIAs.
How will you monitor the situation as the policy develops and takes effect?
What further research do you need?
GN: Once you have answered these questions, you will need to:
ask your Unit Head to sign off the document
publish the document
keep it as a record of your Part 1 EIA.
send a copy to the.