Bio-Tech - Kendriya Vidyalaya No.1 Salt Lake

KendriyaVidyalaya No. 1 Salt Lake
Class XI - Unit Test 1 -2015-16
Subject: Biotechnology (Set 2)
Max. Marks – 40
Time: 1 ½ hours
Section A
1. Which was the first protein to be completely sequenced? And by whom?
Insulin by Frederick Sanger
2. The example for multiple allelism is ____________________.
Blood group in humans
3. Name one protein for each of the functions: a) defense protein b) enzyme
a) Defense protein – Immunoglobulin
b) Enzyme – trypsin/amylase or others
4. What are alleles? Give an example.
Alleles are alternate forms of a gene. T and t for height of plants
5. Indicate one disease caused by a mutant protein.
Sickle cell anaemia
Section B
6. Define an International unit of enzyme activity. Mention any two conditions required
for enzyme activity.
An International unit of enzyme activity is defined as the activity of the enzyme
which can catalyse the conversion of 1µ mole of substrate to product in one minute at
room temperature.
Two conditions required for enzyme activity are pH and temperature.
7. What are amphipathic molecules? Give an example.
Amphipathic molecules are molecules that have both hydrophilic and hydrophobic
regions. Example – lipid molecules
8. Differentiate between homopolysaccharides and heteropolysaccharides.
Homopolysaccharides are the
Heteropolysaccharides are the
polysaccharides that contain the same
polysaccharides that contain two or more
repeating units or monomers.
different sugars or derivatives as
Eg: Cellulose
Eg: Peptidoglycan
9. What are the different forms of RNA? Which is the most abundant form?
The different forms of RNA are mRNA, tRNA and rRNA. The most abundant form of
RNA in the cell is rRNA found in association with ribosomes.
10. What protein is used to make bullet-proof vests? Why?
The protein used to make bullet proof vests is fibroin from webs of certain spiders. It
is composed of mostly β-pleated sheets and is therefore strong and non-extensible.
Section C
11. Explain the strategy used in the N-terminal to C-terminal sequencing of proteins.
The N-terminal amino acid of a polypeptide is chemically labelled and is specifically
released leaving the rest of the protein shortened by one residue. The labelled amino
acid is identified by a chromatographic technique. This procedure is repeated as many
times as the number of resideues the protein contains. Hence, the identity of each
released amino acid from the N-terminal of the protein will lead to the sequence of the
protein read from N-terminal to C-terminus.
Diagram 3 on page 36.
12. Briefly explain the different forms of DNA.
A – DNA: right handed helix, formed at lower humidity conditions, larger diameter,
lower pitch than B-DNA, 9 bases per helical turn
B- DNA – dominant form in-vivo, right handed helix, 10 bases per helical turn
Z-DNA – left handed helix, zig-zag appearance, 11 bases per helical turn
13. Differentiate between α-helix and β-pleated sheet.
β-pleated sheet
Secondary structure in proteins formed
Secondary structure in proteins formed
due to the formation of intra-strand
due to formation of hydrogen bonds
Hydrogen bonds
between different regions of the same
strand or different strands.
Spiral structure, can be right or left
Sheet like structure
Found in keratin protein of hair, horns
Found in fibroin protein of silk
and hooves
14. Differentiate between complete and incomplete dominance.
Complete dominance
The phenomenon wherein one form of
the allele of a gene completely suppresses
the expression of the other allele.
‘T’ completely dominates over ‘t’ to
produce tall plants in Tt condition in
garden pea plants.
Incomplete dominance
The phenomenon wherein one allele does
not completely suppress the other allele,
but produces an intermediate character in
the presence of the other allele.
‘R’ shows incomplete dominance over ‘r’
and produces pink flowers in Mirabilis
15. Represent the cross showing complementary gene interaction for flower colour in 4
O’ clock plant.
Cross between AAbb(white) and aaBB(white) plant showing F1AaBb (purple), which
is selfed to give 9(purple): 7 (white).
Section D
16. Who discovered the structure of DNA? With the help of a neat labelled diagram,
explain the details.
The structure of DNA was discovered by James D Watson and Francis Crick in 1953.
The following are the details of the double-helical structure of DNA:
1. DNA is a double stranded structure.
2. The two strands associate in an anti-parallel manner, one strand runs 5’ to 3’ while
the other runs in a 3’ to 5’ direction.
3. The base sequence on one strand is complementary to the base sequence on the
other strand because of the base pairing rule – adenine on one strand forms two
hydrogen bonds with thymine on the other strand; cytosine on one strand forms
three hydrogen bonds with guanine on the other strand.
4. The backbone of the double-helix is made up of sugar phosphate groups and the
nitrogenous base pairs are towards the inside of the helix.
5. The distance between two nitrogenous base pairs is 0.34nm, the helix makes a
complete turn after 3.4nm, the diameter of the helix is 2nm.
Diagram 9 on page 42.
17. Taking a suitable example, explain the Law of Independent Assortment.
Law of Independent Assortment states that in a cross considering two or more
characters, the alleles of different characters segregate independent of each other.
Dihybrid Cross between plants with round, yellow peas and plants with wrinkled
green peas produce F1 hybrids with round and yellow peas (RrYy). In the F2
generation Mendel obtained four classes of phenotypes in the ration 9:3:3:1. 9 plants
were round, yellow peas (parental combination), 3 with round, green and wrinkled
yellow each (non-parental combinations), and 1 with wrinkled green (parental
combination). These observations suggest that the parental characters cba be split and
non-parental combination can be obtained in F2 generation. However, the segregation
ratio 9:3:3:1 in the dihybrid cross clearly shows that thte two paris of characters
segregate in an independent manner.
Cross showing the dihybrid cross with Punnett square. (fig 3 page 50)
KendriyaVidyalaya No. 1 Salt Lake
Class XI - Unit Test2 -2015-16
Subject: Biotechnology (Set 1)
Max. Marks – 40
Time: 1 ½ hours
Section A
1. Name the bond that links the monomers in a) polysaccharides b) nucleic acids
a) Glycosidic linkages b) phosphodiester
2. What is meant by primary structure of the proteins?
The complete amino acid sequence of a protein read from amino to carboxyl terminus
is called the primary structure of a protein.
3. Name the scientists who invented a method for protein sequencing.
PehrEdman& Fred Sanger
4. Name one protein for each of the functions: a) defense b) contraction
a) Immunoglobulin b) actin and myosin
5. Show the genotype of a double heterozygote and a double homozygote taking a
suitable example.
Double heterozygote – RrYy
Double homozygote – RRYY or rryy
Section B
6. Differentiate between RNA and DNA.
It is double stranded.
It is single stranded.
It has the sugar deoxyribose.
It has the sugar ribose.
It has the bases A,T,G,C
It has the bases A, U, G, C
7. How do enzymes differ from inorganic catalysts? Give any two differences.
Inorganic catalysts
Enzymes are highly specific with
They are relatively nonspecific.
respect to the reactions they
They enhance reaction rates at
They usually require very high
ordinary room temperature and
temperatures and pressures.
normal atmospheric pressure.
8. Draw a neat labelled diagram of biomembrane showing the amphipathic nature of
Figure 8, page
9. What is a test cross? Why is it used?
A test cross is a cross between a F1hybrid(or any test organism) and the recessive
parent. It is used to identify the genotype, ie. Homozygous or heterozygous condition
of the organism.
10. What is multiple allelism? Give an example.
The existence of more than two forms of alleles for the same gene is called multiple
allelism. Example, blood group in humans.
Section C
11. Explain the strategy used in the sequencing of proteins.
The N-terminal amino acid of a polypeptide is chemically labelled and is specifically
released leaving the rest of the protein shortened by one residue. The labelled amino
acid is identified by a chromatographic technique. This procedure is repeated as many
times as the number of resideues the protein contains. Hence, the identity of each
released amino acid from the N-terminal of the protein will lead to the sequence of the
protein read from N-terminal to C-terminus.
Diagram 3 on page 36.
12. Briefly explain the Law of Segregation.
Mendel’s law of segregation states that the paired hereditary determinants separate or
segregate during gamete formation such that each gamete is equally likely to get
When Mendel crossed a tall and dwarf pea plant, the progeny of the F1 generation
were all tall and no dwarf plants were obtained. When the tall plants of the F1 were
selfed, he obtained both tall and dwarf plants in the ratio 3:1. This clearly shows that
the alleles segregate randomly during gamete formation and are brought together in
the next generation.
Monohybrid cross in figure 2, page no. 49.
13. Differentiate between α-helix and β-pleated sheet.
β-pleated sheet
Secondary structure in proteins
Secondary structure in proteins formed due
formed due to the formation of intrato formation of hydrogen bonds between
strand Hydrogen bonds
different regions of the same strand or
different strands.
Spiral structure, can be right or left
Sheet like structure
Found in keratin protein of hair, horns Found in fibroin protein of silk
and hooves
14. Briefly discuss the different forms of RNA.
Messenger or mRNA: contains information to make a protein. It is unstable and
comprises 5% of total RNA. Its length is highly variable, of the range 75-3000
Transfer RNA or tRNA: it is a small molecule and is involved in the transfer of amino
acids to the site of protein synthesis. It is about 90 nucleotides long. It comprises
about 15% of total RNA and forms 3D structure.
Ribosomal RNA or rRNA: associated with the ribosomes. It comprises 80% of the
total RNA. Length varies from 120-3000 nucleotides.
15. How does the phenomenon of incomplete dominance deviate from mendelism?
Incomplete dominance is a phenomenon where the heterozygote offspring of the F1
generation does not show the character of either parent but produces an intermediate
phenotype. The phenomenon is found in the inheritance of flower colour in 4 O’clock
plant. A cross between red (RR) and white (rr) plants yields F1 plant which is pink
(Rr) in colour. Upon selfing, it yields red, pink and white plants in the ration 1:2:1, the
Mendelian monohybrid genotypic ratio.
It is a deviation from Mendelism because in Mendel’s experiments, the cross between
parents with contrasting characters produces offsprings with one of the parental
characters, i.e. the dominant character.
Section D
16. Who discovered the structure of DNA? With the help of a neat labelled diagram,
explain the details.
The structure of DNA was discovered by James D Watson and Francis Crick in 1953.
The following are the details of the double-helical structure of DNA:
1. DNA is a double stranded structure.
2. The two strands associate in an anti-parallel manner, one strand runs 5’ to 3’ while
the other runs in a 3’ to 5’ direction.
3. The base sequence on one strand is complementary to the base sequence on the
other strand because of the base pairing rule – adenine on one strand forms two
hydrogen bonds with thymine on the other strand; cytosine on one strand forms
three hydrogen bonds with guanine on the other strand.
4. The backbone of the double-helix is made up of sugar phosphate groups and the
nitrogenous base pairs are towards the inside of the helix.
5. The distance between two nitrogenous base pairs is 0.34nm, the helix makes a
complete turn after 3.4nm, the diameter of the helix is 2nm.
Diagram 9 on page 42.
17. Explain the inheritance of flower colour in sweet peas.
The inheritance of flower colour in sweet peas follows complementary gene
interaction. Here two varieties of pea plants with AAbb (white flower) and aaBB
(white flower) are crossed. The F1 plants will produce purple flowers with genotype
AaBb. This is because flower colour requires the production of the pigment
anthocyanin. Anthocyanin is produced only when a dominant allele from each gene is
present. When the F1 hybrid is selfed, the F2 produced purple and white flower plants
in the ratio 9:7. 9/16 of the plants will carry atleast one dominant allele of both ‘A’
and ‘B’ genes. The other 7/16 will be unable to produce the pigment as they may not
contain both the dominant alleles.
Cross shown in figure 9, page 55.