February 20, 2015 - Coastal San Luis Resource Conservation District

Coastal San Luis Resource Conservation District
1203 Main Street, Suite B, Morro Bay, CA 93442
(805)772-4391 Fax 772-4398
Coastal San Luis RCD Board Meeting Minutes
February 20, 2015
UC Cooperative Extension
2156 Sierra Way, San Luis Obispo, CA
Call to Order – President Neil Havlik called the meeting to order at 12:35 PM.
A. Directors Present: Neil Havlik, Kathie Matsuyama, Linda Chipping, Jean-Pierre Wolff, and Dave Alford
B. Directors Absent: Rob Rutherford and Cheryl Lenhardt
C. Staff and Associates Present: Staff Members Nicole Smith, G.W. Bates, Mark Skinner, Della Barrett, Cindy
Gonzales, and Jackie Crabb and NRCS Representative Cheryl Zelus
D. Guests: None
II. Public Comment Period – Board Secretary Della mentioned which staff and board members have already
turned in their Forms 700, due on April 1st.
III. Approval of Minutes of January 16, 2015 - On a motion by Kathie, seconded by Dave, the Minutes of
January 16, 2015 were approved. Ayes: Neil, Kathie, and Dave. Nos: None. Linda and Jean-Pierre
abstained, as they had not attended the meeting.
IV. Financial Report
A. Approval of February Disbursements – Cindy reviewed the Disbursement Lists and she and staff responded
to Board Member questions. On a motion by Linda, seconded by Dave, the February Disbursement List was
approved. Ayes were Neil, Linda, Dave, Jean-Pierre, and Kathie. Noes: None. Abstentions: None.
B. Financial Reports and Finance Manager Report – Cindy reviewed the 1/31/15 Financial Reports and
answered Board Member questions. There was discussion about several of the report items, including the
timing of cash flow.
V. Report Items
A. Project Manager Report – Jackie reviewed the report she had e-mailed earlier, and answered Board Member
questions. Regarding the CSL RCD’s assistance to SLO County in putting on an event for agricultural
growers in the Los Osos Valley, Jean-Pierre commented that he plans to attend as a RWCQB member. He
further commented on the rate of sea-water intrusion and the decline in well levels in the Los Osos Valley.
B. Conservation Programs Manager Report– Nicole reviewed each item of the report she had e-mailed earlier,
and answered Board Member questions. She elaborated on the field tours/workshops of some of the rainwater capture sites that were created last year through the Storm Rewards program. She and Jackie will be
meeting with county staff to discuss the things the CSL RCD has accomplished and the possible increase in
county grant funds.
C. Engineer Report – GW reviewed the report he had e-mailed earlier. He updated the Board on his projects,
and answered Board Member questions. He elaborated on his 319h project (Morro Bay) tour with the
RWQCB and the EPA representative, which was well received.
D. Restoration Specialists Report– Mark reviewed his and Peter’s e-mailed reports. He described the panel of
experts that had toured the dunes and he distributed maps illustrating the locations of fencing and other
measures to be taken as part of State Park’s dust control projects. The Coastal Commission has not come to
a final decision regarding moving last year’s straw bales that are now buried or semi-buried by sand. On a
different subject, Neil asked what data is available on the success of previous years’ plantings.
E. Natural Resources Conservation Service – Cheryl Zelus reported on EQIP, noting that February 20 was the
deadline for the second “batching period” applications. Later, there will be more batching period deadlines.
Once again this year’s Farm Bill gives beginning farmers and socially disadvantaged farmers priority ranking.
VI. Discussion and/or Board Action Items
Coastal San Luis Resource Conservation District
1203 Main Street, Suite B, Morro Bay, CA 93442
(805)772-4391 Fax 772-4398
A. and B. Discussion and Approval of Resolution 15-01 Morrissey Ranch Acquisition and Discussion and
Approval of Resolution 15-02 Morrissey Ranch Offer to Dedicate – For several years, with the involvement of
Board Members and staff, the CSL RCD had been putting together an agreement to acquire and conserve the
property know as the Morrissey Ranch in Los Osos. Funding for the purchase was provided by grants from
the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the California Coastal Conservancy. The purpose is to permanently
dedicate the property for open space preservation, natural resource conservation, and habitat conservation.
Jackie explained the two Resolutions, which had been e-mailed to Board members and staff. Neil added that
Resolution 15-02 provided for the irrevocable offer of dedication, as required by the Coastal Conservancy.
There was discussion of two easements owned by the NRCS on the property, which is addressed by the
irrevocable offer of dedication. Dave brought up another possible prescriptive easement road, which needs to
be investigated. CSL RCD approval of the two resolutions would allow escrow to be opened and then
concluded by April 1st, as requested by the seller. Neil explained there is money in the grant to do the
necessary studies and prepare a restoration plan. It is possible that in the future the land will be turned over
to Sate Parks and be incorporated into Morro Bay State Park, because there is a nexus. Linda moved and
Kathie seconded a motion to approve Resolutions 15-01 and 15-02. Ayes: Linda, Neil, Jean-Pierre, Kathie,
and Dave. Noes: none. Abstentions: none.
C. Discussion and Action on possibly changing the CSL RCD’s regular meeting date - Neil explained the
agency’s regular meeting date of 3rd Friday each month has been problematic for some board members.
Jackie had done an e-mail poll, and learned that the 4th Friday worked best. By regulation, RCD board
meeting dates have to be regular and can’t be moved “willy-nilly”. After discussion, and by consensus, it was
agreed to change the regular meeting date to the 4th Friday, beginning in March. Cindy brought up the issue
of getting paychecks signed, which is usually done immediately after board meetings. Jackie and Cindy will
look into making staff payday compatible with the new schedule.
D. Price Canyon Update - combined with the Pismo Watershed Report (Item VII B).
D. Discussion of Grant Opportunities and Board Member Updates – Neil reported he and Jackie will be meeting
with State Parks staff regarding continuing the current contract. Jackie reported she and Nicole are working
on a possible CSL RCD annual fundraiser, as well as publicizing the work done by the CSL RCD. Jackie
added she will be making a presentation to the Economic Vitality Corporation. Donations can currently be
done on the RCD’s web site.
E. Continued Discussion of Strategic Planning – Postponed to a future meeting.
F. Future Regular Board Meeting Dates: By the new schedule, the next meetings will be March 27, 2015, and
April 24, 2015. Kathie will not be available for the March meeting.
VII. Meeting Updates
A. CARCD and NACD – Kathie reported briefly that Peter had helped the Dunes Center by providing native plant
seedlings, which were then planted by the CCCs.
B. ALAB, Edna Valley/Pismo Creek Watershed Group, and RWQCB – Regarding ALAB, Jean-Pierre reported
County Staff had made a presentation regarding the “green energy” program, which highlights solar energy
for ag use. At the meeting, he insisted that bio-reactors be added to the program. The County also
presented its water waste prevention program, and will take input from ALAB as best management
recommendations. ALAB has added a new “seat” for strawberry growers, because strawberries are the
second biggest crop in SLO County. Jean-Pierre has been reappointed ALAB Chair. Regarding the RWQCB,
he was re-elected Chair. He mentioned the Agricultural Groundwater Coalition, trying to find ways to provide
well information while maintaining landowner privacy. Separately, the RWQCB is working with the MorroBay/Cayucos water treatment plant. He also reported on the Grazing Regulatory Action Program (GRAP).
Regarding the Edna/Pismo Watershed, he reported Freeport Oil Co is no longer for sale, so they will continue
to be negotiating partners. Discussions with Freeport continue, as well as with the city of San Luis Obispo and
stakeholders. The Board discussed many issues relating to water in the Edna Valley and the County in
C. WRAC – Linda reported on the new SLO County Water Division, and passed around information that had
been presented to Supervisors in the previous week. All of the water planning and studies, WRAC, flood
control, and IRWRM will be moved to this new division, and the county is advertising for a Director. At
WRAC, there had been discussion about the Atascadero sub-basin being separate from the Paso Basin, and
whether the LOS I designation for Atascadero is still appropriate. She also reported on several county draft
water programs and ordinances that have been put on the back burner. Jean-Pierre added there are many
Coastal San Luis Resource Conservation District
1203 Main Street, Suite B, Morro Bay, CA 93442
(805)772-4391 Fax 772-4398
laws on the books regarding the public doctrine, reasonable use of water, and anti-degradation – all of which
pertain to both groundwater as well as surface water.
D. Zone 9, LAFCO, and CSDA – Neil had nothing to report on Zone 9 or CSDA. Regarding LAFCO, Marshall
Ochylski was re-elected as the Representative for Special Districts. He had been the nominee supported by
the CSL RCD.
VIII. Other Business – Neil reported a Special Districts Forum will be presented by the League of Women Voters
on March 11. Linda reported on the “Fast Track for Energy” has been carried over for four Planning
Commission hearings, and will come back next Thursday. The rush is because of the deadline of a large
grant by the Department of Energy, which the Board discussed
IX. Adjournment – The meeting was adjourned at 3:30 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Della Barrett, Board Secretary