Report on – North East Karnataka Road Transport Corporation _______________________________________________________________________ Executive Summary 1. North-East Karnataka Road Transport Corporation (NE-KnRTC) has jurisdiction over five districts of Karnataka state Viz.(Bidar, Gulbarga, Bellary, Raichur, and Koppal) 2. This study has its focus on economic viability of the corporation and its ability to provide the best services and facilities to the passengers. 3. Fleet utilization of NE-KnRTC, which is the proportion of buses put on road to the buses held, has decreased from 100% to 95% over three years and this percentage of fleet utilization in other corporations is also varying over periods too. The age profile of the bus normally determines the optimum utilization of the bus 4. in public service. NE-KnRTC has 5.58 lakh of kms of use in 2006-07, which is short of nearly one lakh kms compared to its use in 2004-05. 5. Fuel efficiency of NW-KnRTC and NE-KnRTC are 5.23 and 5.45 KMPL in 200607 respectively. NE-KnRTC has improved its fuel efficiency compared to NWKnRTC. 6. Fuel performance of the corporations – NW-KnRTC and NE-KnRTC buses is even better and consistent when compared with other corporation figures. 7. The average rate of accidents in rural STUs is 0.17 and in urban STUs is 0.34 in 2006-07 for all STUs. NE-KnRTC has an accident rate of 0.13 per lakh km in 2006-07. The quality of service improves if STUs can achieve zero accidents rate in their service operations. 8. The percentage of traffic revenue of NE-KnRTC to total revenues is 92.82 in 2006-07. Since this portion of revenue is an indicator of popularity of the services, NE-KnRTC has to move in the direction of improving the services in quality and quantity. 9. Poor financial performance is attributable to competition from private operators and the low traffic density routes. They can improve their financial performance i Indian Institute of Management Bangalore Report on – North East Karnataka Road Transport Corporation _______________________________________________________________________ by scientific Routing and Scheduling, increasing the share of Inter District and Intra State through the addition of Volves, deluxe buses etc. 10. The operation ratios of NE-KnRT are 102.72% and 101.69% in 2005-06 and 2006-07 respectively. Compared to other corporation this value is on higher side in 2006-07 and the efficiency of management will be higher if this value is below 80%. 11. A large number of passengers (57%) belong to 20-35 years age group followed by 30% of them belonging to 35-50 years group. Income wise 59% of the respondents have Rs.2001-5000 monthly family earnings and 27% of them have Rs.5000-10000 monthly family earnings. The major occupations of the passengers are Agriculture (50%), Service (16%) and Business (14%) and Students (6%) 12. The travel made by the passengers within city is mostly by NE-KnRTC services and only 2% of them have used private bus service for intercity travel. 13. The important reasons mentioned to travel in NE-KnRTC in all divisions are It is the safest It is run by a Government Corporation 14. The first three travel attributes as expected by the passengers are Passenger Friendly behavior of the Staff Travel Duration (Journey time) Safety of the Journey 15. Existing attributes of quality of services of NE-KnRTC can be grouped into three categories based on the opinions of the passengers. A. Satisfied: o Handling of Luggage o Punctuality o Speed B. Comfortable: o Frequency o Facilities in Bus Shelter/Stand/Terminal o Seat Availability o Comfort in the Bus ii Indian Institute of Management Bangalore Report on – North East Karnataka Road Transport Corporation _______________________________________________________________________ C. Need Improvement: o Fare (Cost of the Ticket) o Reliability o Convenient Timings 16. The passengers desire some qualitative improvement in staff behavior in respect of two aspects. Helpful to: Women, Elderly and Children Honesty: Diligently issuing Tickets 17. Most significant reasons for breakdown appear to be the poor maintenance of vehicles and followed by bad condition of roads. This is equally true in all divisions 18. The main factor influencing pilferage in collection is the nexus between the conductors and passenger as revealed by the passengers. 19. NE-KnRTC services are good in providing better facilities than the Private Operators in the following aspects. Leg room between seats Convenient places for boarding Convenient places for alighting Comfortable Seating Courteous and well mannered crew/staff Convenient stops during the journey for snacks/coffee/lunch/dinner Driving is smooth and safe and less of rash driving 20. Nearly 43% in Bidar, 34% in Gulbarga and 23% in Bellary out of 549 responses favor functional freedom and authority to NE-KnRTC management in deciding the routes and frequencies. 21. Age wise, 48% of them belong to 20-35 years group, 48% to 35-50 years group. Occupation wise the respondents belong to government service (49%), Housewives (24%), private service (24%) and elected representatives (2%). education levels of the respondents are reasonably high to enhance the quality of iii Indian Institute of Management Bangalore Report on – North East Karnataka Road Transport Corporation _______________________________________________________________________ the survey. They have Primary level (11%), High school level (17%), and college level (70%) of education. Only 2% are illiterate. 22. Preference to travel by NE-KnRTC in all divisions comes as It is being run by Government Corporation It is the safest through these services. 23. Half of the opinion makers support the two statements that convey the message of lesser dependence on public services Public should be encouraged to use personalized vehicles than relying on Public Transport (50%) Because of shortage of Buses in NE-KnRTC people are forced to use personalized vehicles (58%) 24. Passenger Friendly behavior of the Staff, Safety of the Journey and Travel Duration (Journey time) are Important Attributes of Transport Systems. 25. The quality of most of services of NE-KnRTC is at satisfactory / slightly good levels. Some notable quality services mentioned are Punctuality Handling of Luggage Facilities in Bus Shelter/Stand/Terminus Providing the best services to the public 26. The passengers look for some improvements in respect of Honesty: Diligently issuing Tickets Helpful to: Women, Elderly and Children 27. The perception of breakdowns of NE-KnRTC services (70%) is more compared to private buses (1%). Breakdowns of buses is more in Bidar and Gulbarga divisions. 28. NE-KnRTC scores high in respect of the listed quality of services over the Private Operators Timings of bus/ convenient departure and arrival Reliability of service (on time Departure and Arrival) Easy ticketing facility Facilities in Bus Shelter / Stand / Terminus iv Indian Institute of Management Bangalore Report on – North East Karnataka Road Transport Corporation _______________________________________________________________________ Convenient places for boarding Convenient places for alighting Safety of the journey / lesser rash driving Cleanliness of exterior 29. Highly voted suggestions are 1). Cancellation of Schedules /Trips /Services when there is no patronage and 2). Needs support from Government to do better to make NE-KnRTC continue to provide efficient and cost-effective transport services. 30. There are 13 Managers, 166 Drivers/Conductors and 126 technical and administrative workers in this opinion survey. 31. Majority of the employees, 254 out of 305 (83%) under study do not have any promotion in their entire service periods under KSRTC and NE-KnRTC. 32. About 33% of the employees opine that the NE-KnRTC buses are in poor condition to provide comfortable travel. 33. The order of importance of the factors to achieve better KMPL is i. Road Condition ii. Bus Condition iii. Driving Habits iv. Bus Maintenance v. Route 34. The first set of the factors – Passengers expectations from the transport system are o Travel safety o Fare o Punctuality o Schedule timings. 35. Privatization is opposed by a large number of employees (99%) with a similar opinion in all divisions. 52% of respondents prefer to run as departmental one and however 28% of them prefer better patronize from government. 36. The presence of private transport services operating parallel to the public transport services and lack of control on illegal operations appear to be other v Indian Institute of Management Bangalore Report on – North East Karnataka Road Transport Corporation _______________________________________________________________________ important problems to the corporation. This opinion has emerged from 52% and 57% of the respondents respectively in the survey. 37. Without differences among the divisions, 62% of the employees feel that the conditions of roads in their areas are pathetic 38. Breakdown of NE-KnRTC buses are experienced by 56% respondents [Gulbarga (63%), Bidar (52%) and Bellary (55%)] and the breakdown reasons may be ordered on the basis of agreement of responses as 1.Bad conditions of road (91%), 2.Poor maintenance of vehicles (87%), 3.Aged vehicle (85%) and 4.Rude handling by drivers (46%) 39. NE-KnRTC services provide clearly better facilities in respect of Timings of bus/ convenient departure and arrival Convenient places for alighting Convenient places for boarding Facilities in Bus Shelter / Stand / Terminus Safety of the journey / less rash driving 40. Factors contributing to Earnings per Km in order of their importance are i. Better services ii. Better traffic management iii. Provision for luggage iv. Appropriate fares v. Publicity 41. More than 50% responses are agreeable with the statements about effectiveness of vigilance and passengers’ responsible role in curbing pilferage. 40% of the respondents have disagreed with the truth of their role in pilferage and 37% of them disagree with the existing of high absenteeism in their division. 42. None of the cities in these districts will have projected population of one million plus in 2016. To handle intra district and rural services, there will be a need of 1553 and 1613 buses in years 2011 and 2016 respectively. For inter district services the demand will be 1184 and 1299 buses for the years 2011 and 2016 respectively. Inter state operations could be managed with 357 buses and 396 buses in the specified years 2011 and 2016.Thus, the total demand of 3094 buses for 2011 and 3308 buses for 2016 is projected to service all segments of the region covered by NE-KnRTC bus services vi Indian Institute of Management Bangalore Report on – North East Karnataka Road Transport Corporation _______________________________________________________________________ 43. NE-KnRTC is currently running about 2425 buses to cater to all segments. The organization needs to plan additional buses to the extent of 1000 buses by 2016. These additions are over and above the replacements needed for over aged fleet 44. It is estimated that in 2008 – 09, 400 buses will be required for both additional service and for replacement. For the next four years, 1200 buses will be required in total considering the age of the fleet and proposed expansion. Investment will be required for infrastructure also for building bus stands and it is proposed for the next four years from 2008-09 to 2011–12 the corporation would require Rs. 108 crore, Rs.94 crore, Rs.74 crore, and Rs.43 crore respectively. vii Indian Institute of Management Bangalore