ISN Global Operations Center - International Society of Nephrology

ISN-GO CME Meeting Application Form
Please note that in order to be eligible for support, a CME meeting is to have a formal scientific program as well as
national or intra-regional attendance of at least 70-100 expected participants. Classroom type courses for in-house faculty
are not considered eligible. Applications should be received at least 3- 6 months to a year prior to the start of the meeting.
Meeting Name:
2013 ISN-GO CME Course and Nephrology Forum of Shanghai Society of Nephrology
Name of Organising Society/Institutions:
Sponsored by ISN, co-sponsored by Shanghai Society of Nephrology , Fudan University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
School of Medicine
Start Date: August 2nd 2013
End date: August 4th 2013
City: shanghai
Country: P.R.China
Contact person: Prof. Xiaoqiang Ding MD
Tel: +86-13601984942
E-mail address: (Prof.
Fax: +86-21-64038472
Xiaoqiang Ding)
Short description of the meeting content: (Please send us an electronic copy of your Scientific Programme.)
The main topic of this CME meeting is “the basic and clinical research on Chronic Kidney Disease.” In this meeting, the
basic research and clinical work about the pathology and pathogenesis of chronic kidney disease will be deeply discussed
and reviewed by the international and domestic speakers. The pathogenesis of kidney disease will provide us a better way
to diagnose and treat the disease so as to improve its prognosis. Therefore, we choose “the basic and clinical research on
chronic kidney disease” to be the theme of this CME meeting. At the meeting, recent advances in pathology, pathogenesis,
diagnosis and treatment of several types of glomerulonephritis will be discussed. The meeting focuses on both basic and
clinical aspects of glomerulonephritis which will benefit the nationwide attendants including nephrologists, renal
pathologists, medical students, researchers and others. The meeting will offer all the attendants a good opportunity to widen
their knowledge on chronic kidney disease.
Please describe the measures you will take to encourage the attendance of younger and/or less advantaged
colleagues from your region: (for example: reduced rates, travel grants, etc.)
We believe that our nephrologists, physicians and postgraduate students will update their knowledge of kidney
disease via this academic exchange. The meeting will offer all the attendants a good opportunity to widen their knowledge
on kidney disease. Ten excellent medical students will get the travel grants.
Suggested ISN speakers and topics (max 3):
Prof.1: Dr. Wolfgang C Wingkelmayer
Topic1 : “Atrial fibrillation in CKD” ; Topic2: “What is Comparative Effectiveness Research (CER)? How are CERs
Prof. 2: Dr. Adeera Levin
Topic1: “Prevention of CVD in CKD patients ”; Topic2: “The CKD care system in Canada"
Meeting Venue Details (name of center, address, tel. N°):
Shanghai International Convention Center. Address: 2727 Riverside Avenue, Pudong, Shanghai P. R. China. 200120.
Tel: 86-21-50370000
Expected n° of delegates and regions covered:
Over 1600 nephrologists, physicians and postgraduate students from the whole country are expected to attend the meeting.
Will you be providing Delegates bags?
Other Sponsors:
Shanghai Society of nephrology, Zhongshan Hospital Fudan University, Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University.
ISN Global Operations Center
Mrs Sophie Dupuis,
Rue du Luxembourg 22-24,
B-1000 Brussels, Belgium
Tel. +32 2 213 13 67, Fax. +32 2 213 13 63
Prof. Dr. N. Lameire
4K4 (ISN GO)
University Hospital Ghent
De Pintelaan 185
9000 Gent, Belgium
Tel: +32/9/240 4402, Fax: +32/9/240 4403