Revised 7.26.15 HONORS FELLOWS HNR 498 Registration Form Basic Information Name __________________________________ Date ________________________ Class of ____________ (Graduation Year) Datatel # (OnTrack ID#)_________________ Semester (including year) _______ Credit Hours _______ Major(s): Faculty Mentor: Check your Fellows Status: Second year Fellow Third year Fellow Fourth year Fellow Have you proposed your thesis? Yes. Semester: No. I am proposing this semester Intended thesis hours distribution (at least 4 hours must be taken during the student’s 4th year. Hours may not be taken during Winter Term or Summer except in unusual and extreme circumstances and with the approval of the Honors Director): Fall of 3rd year______ Spring of 3rd year______ Fall of 4th year______ Spring of 4th year______ If this timeline is different from the typical one described in the “Description and Timeline” thesis document, please provide a brief explanation of why. Description of Research Contract for Current 498 Registration (Please type responses for each category. The more thorough, the better. You may also attach your own contract/syllabus as long as you include answers to each of the questions below.) Research Title: Our regular meeting times will be (should be at least once per week): At these meetings, we usually will spend our time by (please describe typical agenda/activities): The student will be expected to work on the thesis project ______ hours per week (should comply with Undergraduate Research Program guidelines, which state a minimum of 3 hours per week per credit hour). Specific tasks to be completed this semester include: (Please provide an extensive and detailed list. If the student has not yet submitted a thesis proposal, include that task in the list). Expected timeline (subject to change, of course, but this is the tentative plan): The grade for this semester will be assigned on the following basis (please explain specifically): Revised 7.26.15 Required Signatures Student: I agree to follow Honors Program policies and attend mandatory meetings regarding the thesis. I will turn in an end-semester report for each semester I am enrolled in HNR498, and will stay in touch with the Honors Program about any major changes. Student Signature____________________________________Date_______________________ Faculty mentor: I understand that in addition to submitting a midterm and final grade to the Registrar, I will submit a brief evaluative report on the student’s performance to the Honors Director at the end of the semester. I understand I am committing to work with this student for the duration of the project, which will be equivalent to 8 semester hours of credit. I agree to attend mandatory mentor meetings and comply with the policies and procedures of the Honors Program regarding the Honors thesis. Materials about the thesis are available on the Honors website ( ) and questions should be directed to Tom Mould ( Mentor Signature___________________________________ Date_____________________ Approval of Honors Program Director__________________________________ Date________ THE HONORS OFFICE KEEPS A COPY OF THIS FORM BUT YOU MUST DELIVER THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED FORM TO THE REGISTRAR’S OFFICE IN ALAMANCE 102.