Group-04 g04_testbed Sonali Deshpande Michael Dang’ana 260046793 110234458 DIGITAL SYSTEM DESIGN Lab Report 3 Using Altera Quartus II Software g_04_testbed Group-04 g04_testbed Sonali Deshpande Michael Dang’ana 260046793 110234458 Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Description .........................................................................................................3 Pinout Diagram: ................................................................................................4 Schematic Diagrams..........................................................................................5 Discussion ...........................................................................................................7 Timing Performance Summary .......................................................................9 FPGA Resource Utilization Summary ..........................................................10 Group-04 g04_testbed Sonali Deshpande Michael Dang’ana 260046793 110234458 1. Description This test-bed is a circuit that present inputs to a module and displays outputs of the module in a way that lets it evaluate the performance of the module. The following modules were tested with this circuit: a. Pulse Generator b. 0-25 Counter c. 5:25 Decoder d. Barrel Shifter e. 25:5 Encoder f. LED Segment Display The Pulse Generator is a circuit that produces a repetitive pulse with a period of 0.3 seconds, and a width of one fast clock cycle (40 nsec if one uses the clock generator on the Altera board). It will be used as the count_enable for the 0-25 counter. The 0-25 Counter is a 5-bit counter that counts up from 0 to 25 and repeats. It uses schematic capture and the Altera lpm_counter library module. Once it detects that the counter has reached 25, it then loads the count of 0 on the next clock pulse (using synchronous loading). Our test-bed circuit has the following inputs and outputs: Input: In[4..0], pulse_reset, count_reset, enable. Output: Output [6..0]. Our Pulse Generator circuit has the following inputs and outputs: Input: reset, enable, clock. Output: pulse. Our 0-25 Counter circuit has the following inputs and outputs: Input: reset, count_enable, clock. Output: Output[4..0]. Group-04 g04_testbed Sonali Deshpande Michael Dang’ana 2. Pinout Diagram: Below is a simple diagram showing the inputs and the outputs of our circuit, test_bed. Below is a simple diagram showing the inputs and the outputs of our circuit, Pulse Generator. Below is a simple diagram showing the inputs and the outputs of our circuit, 0-25 Counter. 260046793 110234458 Group-04 g04_testbed Sonali Deshpande Michael Dang’ana 3. Schematic Diagrams Test-bed 260046793 110234458 Group-04 g04_testbed Pulse Generator 0-25 Counter Sonali Deshpande Michael Dang’ana 260046793 110234458 Group-04 g04_testbed Sonali Deshpande Michael Dang’ana 260046793 110234458 4. Discussion With the intention of ensuring the efficacy of the circuit, we ran a comprehensive functional simulation and verified the integrity of the subsequent results. This was achieved through the use of a Vector Waveform File. For each input the corresponding output was checked. All our results produced precise outcomes. Testing: For the test-bed circuit, we tested the loading of the reset value, as well as the circuit’s ability to produce the remaining characters of the alphabet in the right order. We also tested the toggle back to letter A once the output reached letter Z. This allowed us to test how the individual modules operated when placed in a circuit, as apposed to how they operated when alone. The results can be seen in the simulation screenshots. For the Pulse Generator circuit, we tested the division factoring of the main clock signal. This allowed us to test the logic used to generate the ‘pulse’ signal. The results can be seen in the simulation screenshots. For the 0-25 Counter circuit, we tested the circuit’s ability to load 0 once 25 was reached. This allowed us to test the logic used to generate the ‘sload’ signal of the counter. The results can be seen in the simulation screenshots. Simulation Screenshots: Below are the screen captures of our simulation results of our test-bed circuit. To convey the thoroughness of our circuit, we decided to include another screenshot from the middle segment of the waveform. As you can see the pulse is set to one when the Output goes back to A. Group-04 g04_testbed Sonali Deshpande Michael Dang’ana 260046793 110234458 Below are the screen captures of our simulation results of our Pulse Generator circuit The simulation was done for a pulse constant of 755 (instead of the required 7,552,499 which is too large to be easily done within a short period of time) to demonstrate the division factoring of the main clock signal, for at least one pulse cycle. This full cycle can be seen in the picture below: Below are the screen captures of our simulation results of our 0-25 Counter circuit To convey the thoroughness of our circuit, we decided to include another screenshot from the middle segment of the waveform. As you can see the Output is set to 0 when it reaches 25. Physical Measurements: We measured one aspect of the barrel shifter, namely, the propagation delay (tpd) between the LSB of the input and the LSB of the output. We found that tpd = 130ns approx. The measurement was done using the oscillators in the DSD lab. Group-04 g04_testbed Sonali Deshpande Michael Dang’ana 260046793 110234458 5. Timing Performance Summary The Diagram on the left gives the timing analysis of the circuit produced by the Timing Analyzer of the Compilation Tool of Altera. It shows the worst case propagation delay as coming along the In[4] - Out[6] path. The delay is 120 ns approx. Group-04 g04_testbed Sonali Deshpande Michael Dang’ana 260046793 110234458 6. FPGA Resource Utilization Summary Below is the summary as shown in the Altera compilation report of the test-bed circuit. The total number of logic elements used is 349. This concludes our 3rd Laboratory Report