Diablo Valley College Business 240 Chapters 6 - 8 Spring 2010 Exam #2 Maximum points: 150. Show your work (all steps and reasoning) in order to earn full credit in your responses. Your name: __________________________________ 1. [50 points] Business regulation is measured by using “REG”, an Index of Regulation ranging from 1 to 50 (1 least regulatory State, and 50 most burdensome regulatory State). REG partially explains the level of economic activity in the State of California, or Gross State Product, “GSP”, measured in $Millions (this, according to “Cost of State Regulations on California Small Businesses Study”, by Sanjay Varshney and Dennis Tootelian). The linear model below shows a partial model of the relation between Gross State Product (GSP) and the “Extent of Regulation” Faced by Businesses in California (REG): GSP = 2000566 – 12450.16*REG The model they estimated had an R2 = 40.0093%. a) (10 points) What are the numeric values and the units of measurement of the intercept and the slope in the above regression line? Coefficient Magnitude Units Intercept Slope b) (20 points) If California ranks 40th (REG = 40) among states in regulation burden terms, then what is the impact (direction and magnitude) of regulations on our State’s economy, in $Billions or in $Millions? c) (10 points) Derive the correlation coefficient between GSP and REG from the given coefficient of determination, R2. d) (10 points) Determine the direction and the strength of the linear association between GSP and REG from the correlation coefficient in the previous part. 2. [100 points] Environmental issues have risen in economic and business importance over the last two decades. In particular, many persons believe that economic growth is directly related to increases in emissions of pollutants. This problem will examine the relation between economic growth, as measured by production and consumption variables, versus emissions of a host of gases deemed pollutants by commercial and environmental law in the United States. The data for this problem is available on the voyager http://voyager2.dvc.edu/~alacayo/bus240_exam_exam2_fa10.htm. Please load this STATCRUNCH and perform the tasks requested below. site data at into The filename is EPEQUS.csv and contains data from the National Air Pollutant Emission Trends, 19471998. The data has been indexed to a base year of 1947 (1947 = 100). The data source is URL: http://www.economagic.com/em-cgi/data.exe/beanat/t102101:q2a+a. The data set also contains two other variables, in indexed form, that measure U.S. output (real Gross Domestic Product—indexed) and U.S. Consumption (real Consumption—indexed) a) (10 points) Use statcrunch to produce a time series plot of U.S. GDP and U.S. Consumption. Paste the plot below and describe the three main features of the two time series in this graph (trend, cycle and volatility). b) (10 points) Use statcrunch to calculate the correlation between these two series. Describe the direction and strength of the relation between U.S. GDP and U.S. Consumption. c) (10 points) Use statcrunch to produce a time series plot of the following pollutants: CO, SO2, NOX, PM10, and VOC. Paste the plot below and describe the three main features of the two time series in this graph (trend, cycle and volatility). d) (10 points) Use statcrunch to calculate the correlation coefficient table for all of the correlations over time between the above pollutants. Describe the direction and the strength of the relationship between these five industrial pollutants. e) (10 points) Consider the following simple linear model: CO = b + m*USrealGDP. This model states that the emission of CO (Y) is explained by the level of economic activity USrealGDP (X) in a linear manner, such that b = constant/y-intercept and m = slope of the linear relation. Use statcrunch to compute the simple linear regression above and paste the summary regression results below. f) (10 points) In the regression of part (e), use statcrunch to graph the fitted regression line and paste a copy of the scatter plot with the fitted regression line below. g) (10 points) Does it make sense to interpret the intercept estimate, b, of the simple regression line of part (e)? Explain why the intercept’s meaning may be irrelevant. h) (20 points) Interpret the meaning of the slope estimate, m, from the output in part (f). i) (10 points) Use the scatter plot to confirm that it is fair to conclude that, over the past thirty years, CO emissions are declining as the economy has grown. But, why does the regression NOT back up this conclusion?