KINE 3330 Pathology and Pharmacology

KINE 3330 Pathology and Pharmacology
Spring 2005
Test #2 Review Sheet
This test will cover material from Chapters 1-4. Test items will include multiple-choice, shortanswer, and essay/critical thinking questions. Test items will address information from the
following sources: (1) chapter and journal article readings, (2) class discussions, (3) lab
activities, and (4) power points.
Journal Articles in Class Notebook
Terry GC, Kyle JM, Ellis JM, Cantwell J, Courson R, Medlin R. Sudden Cardiac Arrest in
Athletic Medicine. J Ath Train.2001;36:205-209.
Koester MC. A Review of Sudden Cardiac Death in Young Athletes and Strategies for
Preparticipation Cardiovascular Screening. J Ath Train.2001:197-204.
McChesney JA, McChesney JW. Auscultation of the Chest and Abdomen by Athletic
Trainers. Journal of Athletic Training. 2001;36:4-10. [pgs. 61-67 in class notebook]
Leaver-Dunn D, Robinson JB, Laubenthal J. Assessment of Respiratory Conditions in
Athletes. Athletic Therapy Today. 2000;5(6):14-19. [pgs. 82-87 in class notebook]
Houglum JE. The Basics of Asthma Therapy for Athletes. Athletic Therapy Today.
2001;6(5):16-21. [pgs. 88-93 in class notebook]
Kovan JR, Mackowiak TJ. Exercise-Induced Asthma. Athletic Therapy Today. 2001;6(5):2225. [pgs. 94-97 in class notebook]
Dishuck J, Harrelson GL, Harrelson L. Educating the Asthmatic Athlete. Athletic Therapy
Today. 2001; 6(5):26-32.
Chapter 1 Principles of Clinical Pathology and Decision-Making
 Terminology:
 Pathology
 Pathogenesis
 Etiology
 Sign vs. symptom
 Clinical presentation
 Differential diagnosis
 Purpose of a medical history
 History of present illness vs. past and family medical history
 Review of systems by symptom (Table 1-7, pg. 8)
 Systemic symptoms vs. musculoskeletal symptoms
 Pain
Acute vs. chronic
Local vs. referred
 Red flags (Table 1-11)
Chapter 2 Pathophysiology
 Terminology:
 Homeostasis
 Pathophysiology
 Hypertrophy
 Atrophy
 Hyperplasia
 Metaplasia
 Dysplasia
 Osteocytes
 Osteoclasts
 Osteomyelitis
 Inflammation
 Acute inflammatory response
o Signs & symptoms
o Chemical mediators
o Common steps
 Chronic inflammation
 Signs & symptoms of infection
 The normal physiology, pathophysiology and response to injury or disease for the
 Bone
 Muscle
 Nerve
 Connective tissue
Chapter 3 Cardiovascular and Hematological Systems
 Anatomy & physiological function of the heart
 Types of blood cells and their functions
 Basic factors affecting blood pressure
 Cardiovascular responses and adaptations to exercise
 Purpose of preparticipation exams
 Pros & cons of cardiovascular screening within preparticipation exams
 General signs & symptoms of cardiac pathology
 Pain patterns
 Medical History – personal and family
 Assessment techniques for cardiovascular pathology
 Pulse
 Blood pressure
 Auscultation
o listening zones
o positioning
 supine vs. standing used to assess for possible dehydration
 Common causes of sudden cardiac death
 Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
 Coronary artery anomalies
 Marfan’s Syndrome
 Cardiac conduction disorders
o Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome
o Long QT Syndrome
 Other cardiac pathology
 Valve disorders
 Commotion cordis
 Hypertension
 Hematological pathology
 Anemia
 Sickle cell anemia
 Hemophilia
 Vascular disorders
o thoracic outlet syndrome
o deep vein thrombosis
o pulmonary embolism
o aneurysm
Chapter 4 Pulmonary System
 Anatomy & physiological function of the pulmonary structures
 Processes of ventilation and respiration
 General signs & symptoms of pulmonary pathology
 Pain patterns
 Medical history and physical exam
compression tests
peak flow meter (proper use, calculation of personal best, calculation of yellow,
green, & red zones)
 Specific pulmonary pathology (pathophysiology, signs & symptoms, & management)
 drowning or near drowning
 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
 asthma
 underlying pathophysiology of disease
 long-term treatment vs. quick relief treatment
 proper use of meds
 common meds used in treating asthma
 role of ATC in educating the athlete
 role of ATC in managing acute asthma attacks
 exercise-induced asthma
 refractory period
 management of athletes with EIA
 pneumothorax
 hemothorax
 pneumomediastinum
 Other thoracic pathology
 rib fracture
 flail chest – paradoxical excursion
 costocartilagenous separation