Distribution and abundance of Turbinaria ornata on the north side of Moorea, French Polynesia Chad Hanson, Kendra Karr, & Alison Kendall University of California, Santa Cruz 95064 Abstract. Natural disturbance coupled with a recent rise in anthropogenic perturbation have catalyzed the widespread expansion of algal populations in the coral reef ecosystems of Moorea, French Polynesia. This study sought to determine whether densities of the invasive Fucalean alage, Turbinaria ornata, varied along exposure gradients. No significant difference was found in T. ornata abundance among the various sites; Turbinaria cover averaged 5% throghout all three transects. Substantial differences were apparent between West Opunohu and the Tiahura and East Opunohu transects. West Opunohu was an outlier in terms of percentage of sand, rubble, pavement, dead coral, live coral, Sargassum, and Halimeda; only Turbinaria and Padina were consistent (no significant relationship) among all transects. Finally, this study surveyed associated species assemblages (fish, epifauna, and epiphytes) in an attempt to decipher variation within and among sites. Introduction Within the last two decades, a rise in the population and distribution of a Fucalean algae, Turbinaria ornata, has occurred within the reef systems of French Polynesia. Setchell (1926) described this species in an early record of French Polynesian marine life. Subsequent studies carried out at the Tiahura transect, Moorea, French Polynesia showed that there had been a dramatic increase in the distribution and abundance of Turbinaria ornata between 1978 and 1982 (Payri, 1982). This increase in the Turbinaria population followed an expansion of agriculture and construction, and a subsequent rise in nutrient runoff (personal comunication, Payri). T. ornata remains reproductive throughout the year and exhibits intrinsic rates of growth under ideal conditions. This life history is consistent with a ‘r-strategy’ mode of growth, which enables the algae to successfully colonize and invade new areas (Stiger, Payri, 1999). The present study aimed to addressed three hypotheses: 1) The abundance of Turbinaria will be high in areas of high disturbance; 2) The abundance of Turbinaria has increased over time; (3) Associated fish, epiphyte, and epifaunal communities will differ along exposure gradients. Materials & Methods Study site description Sampling was conducted over a period of three weeks from November to December 2000. To detect variation among different areas of the lagoon three study sites were chosen. The sites differed significantly in the degree of exposure they receive. The West Opunohu (WO) transect lies very close to the large Tareu pass and includes regions with direct exposure to swell and large wave events, making it the most exposed site in the study. Both the Tiahura (T) and East Opunohu (EO) transects are further from passes and are thus more protected. All sites spanned the lagoon along the North side of Moorea, French Polynesia (Fig. 1). The T transect is composed of a fringing reef, a boat channel prone to high current flow, and a barrier reef (BR) which extends to the reef crest (C). The WO transect includes a narrow fringing reef (FR) followed by a deep channel, a shallow bank followed by another channel, and a barrier reef extending to the crest. The EO transect consists of a fringing reef, an extensive sand flat, and barrier reef which is divided by a boat channel near the crest. To determine the current distribution and abundance of Turbinaria ornata we divided each transect into zones based upon distinct geomorphological features. We measured the length of each zone and sampled percent coverage of T. ornata, S. mangarevense, Halimeda, Padina, dead and live coral, and substrate using 12 2.5X2 m quadrats per zone. Counts were made of juvenile and adult Turbinaria as well as urchins. Epifauna and Epiphytes To examine community structure we assessed epifauna and epiphytes for each transect. Samples were collected from both fringing reef and crest zones at all three sites. Eight mature thalli were randomly chosen within each zone and taken to the lab for classification. Each (plant) was shaken for 15 seconds in a jar of seawater, followed by 15 seconds in 50% mixture of freshwater/seawater. Epifauna were collected from the rinse water and examined under a dissecting microscope. Epiphytes were either examined on the thallus or removed by hand. Organisms were grouped to Class level. Fish Assemblages To determine fish community structure we carried out observations of fish assemblages within the barrier reef zones of each study site using fish transect sampling. Fish were counted along 30x3 meter transects 1 meter above the bottom. Two transects were done per barrier reef zone, for a total of 10 transects for T, 8 for WO and 6 for EO. Numbers of any of the 161 species encountered on the data sheet were recorded. Data Analysis The data collected were categorized by transect according to zone. The length of each zone was measured, but was not taken into account during statistical analysis. Using the software SYSTAT, one-way ANOVA tests were completed for the species surveyed using the factor, ‘transect’. Two-way ANOVA tests were conducted using ‘transect’ and ‘zone’ for selected substratum and algal species. Quadratic discriminate analyses were performed using Wilk’s Lambda and Pillai Trace to detect differences between specific variables. Past data were referenced to establish whether significant change has taken place in T. ornata abundance and the composition of its associated reef communities over time. We defined the communities by their respective fish assemblages, and epiphyte/epifaunal associations. RESULTS Spatial Variation Among site variation The results of the Univariate F-test (Table 1) show that there are significant differences between the transects in terms of algae and substrate percent cover with the exception of Padina (p= 0.83), and T. ornata (p=0.55). Further analysis revealed that substantial differences in percent cover exist between the WO transect and the other two sites. WO was an outlier in terms of percentage of sand, rubble, pavement, dead coral, live coral, Sargassum, and Halimeda; only Turbinaria and Padina were consistent (no significant relationship) among all transects (Figure 1) Table 1. Among transect comparison Univariate F-test Effect Sand Rubble Pavement Dead Coral Live Coral Turbinaria Sargassum Padina Halimeda p-value 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000002 0.000001 0.552447 0.000000 0.826531 0.001076 Significant Y Y Y Y Y NS Y NS Y Further analysis revealed that substantial differences in percent cover exist between the WO transect and the other two sites. WO was an outlier in terms of percentage of sand, rubble, pavement, dead coral, live coral, Sargassum, and Halimeda; only Turbinaria and Padina were consistent (no significant relationship) among all transects (Figure 1). Linear regression indicates a positive relationship between adult number of Turbinaria and percent cover of Sargassum at T and EO. Again, no correlation was observed at WO (Graph 2). Adult numbers of T. ornata are correlated with S. mangarevense percent cover. No relationship was found between percentage of T. ornata and live coral (Graph 3), nor was there any apparent connection between T. ornata and dead coral (Graph 4). A negative relationship was determined for percent cover of S. mangarevense and live coral at T and EO, but no correlation was established for WO (Graph 5). The difference in exposure between transects is apparent in the data, with Tiahura and East Opunohu grouped separately from West Opunohu for many of the categories surveyed. Within transect variation The substrate at West Opunohu is consistent with a high exposure area. In contrast to the other two low exposure sites, the WO transect has significantly lower percentages of sand and coral cover (both live and dead), in addition to higher coverage of pavement and rubble (Figure 1). In terms of biological variables, T. ornata is relatively constant among zones and transects while S. mangarevense tends to dominate in the crest zones and at West Opunohu in particular. Positive correlations between cover of T. ornata and S. mangarevense were found for the T and EO transects while there was no significant correlation for WO (Graph 6). Temporal Variation In comparing current data with that of Payri (1987), there has been an observable increase in the density of Turbinaria ornata in the last two decades. In the 1987 survey, T. ornata coverage was 5% or less moving from the boat channel towards the crest. Present data indicates that percent cover fluctuates within 5 and 10% along the barrier reef. As for the fringing reef, there was a rise in the density of Turbinaria coverage from 2% or less in 1987, up to 8% or less (Figure 6 ; Graph 1). Fish Assemblages Number of transects sampled varied between sites, therefore, data were weighted accordingly (Table 3). Turbinaria was consistent across the board yet the associated species assemblages appear to vary. Certain species (i.e. Centropyge flavissimus, Thalassoma hardwicke) followed the patterrn in which WO was an outlier, however, this did not hold true for all species. Higher densities of both Scarids (Scarus sordidus, Scarus psittacus) were recorded at EO compared to the other two sites. No significant difference was observed for the data collected. Epifaunal/epiphyte assemblages No apparent relationship can be concluded between the crest and fringing reef with respect to epifanual and ephiphyte ditribution among the transects (Table 2). DISCUSSION Spatial comparisons After assessing the distribution and abundance of T. ornata on large and small spatial scales several patterns became apparent. Statistical results did not support the original hypotheses that the large scale distribution and abundance of Turbinaria would differ along exposure gradients. Despite the fact that the West Opunohu transect is subject to extreme levels of disturbance, the percent cover of Turbinaria remained consistent with the other two transects. Within transect data revealed slightly more variance in Turbinaria densities, although it was not statistically significant. By looking at the abundance of T. ornata relative to S. mangarevense between transects and between zones it can be seen that the two species are present in roughly equal amounts with the exception of West Opunohu and the crest zone at Tiahura (Graph 6). This indicates that S. mangarevense is out-competing T. ornata under high disturbance. The dominance of S. mangarevense over T. ornata at West Opunohu - our high exposure transect - may be explained by differences in thallus morphologies. T. ornata has a rigid, bulky structure, whereas S. mangarevense is comprised of many flexible, streamlined blades, making it less susceptible to hydrodynamic drag. Thus S. mangarevense can persist under levels of disturbance that would otherwise remove T. ornata. The tendency of T. ornata to become detached from the substrate during large wave events, however, may be at least partially beneficial. The rafts of floating Turbinaria may function in dispersal, transporting sufficiently large quantities of reproductive individuals to colonize new habitats (Stiger, Payri). Additionally, the rafts may serve as refuge for juvenile fish and invertebrate recruits, which would in turn make Turbinaria more valuable to the reef community. Temporal comparisons: An observable increase in the density of Turbinaria ornata in the last two decades is correlated to the increase of anthropogenic disturbances of hotel development and boating activities. Areas along the study site that were not previously composed of algal species have been colonized by T. ornata and S. mangarevense, with T. ornata displaying the sharpest increase in cover. The validity of this comparison is questionable due to the differences in sampling methods. Our studies were constrained by time. Associated species assemblages The data implicated slight patterns in the distribution of certain fish families, and classes of epifauna within and among sites (Table 2). Samples were gathered over the course of a week from all six sites which may have introduced experimental due to temporal variability. For instance, Anthozoans were found at Tiahura FR and crest, and EO crest but were absent from the other sites. These zones were collected on the same day which may indicate a recruitment pulse which the other sites, collected on different days, did not account for. Therefore, the data obtained for this brief survey may not represent complete sampling of fringing reef and crest areas. Further studies can be carried out to determine whether there is refuge selection along exposure gradients. Our fish assemblage survey sought to determine whether there was variation in the associations of fish, with respect to exposure, between Turbinaria areas and non-Turbinaria areas. Minute trends were observed in fish communities where, for example, higher densities of Scarids were present at EO compared to the other two sites. Surveys were limited to barrier reef zones, therefore, there could be no comparison along exposure gradients within sites. Furthermore, we expected to see differences between assemblages at WO in comparison to EO and T, since WO was an outlier in terms of community organization, yet no significant differences were observed. More sampling is necessary in order to elucidate any true variation. Figure 1. Among Transect Comparisons 120 100 100 % SAND 80 60 40 20 0 90 80 90 % PAVEMENT 80 70 70 60 60 50 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 EO T WO TRANSECT 0 90 90 80 80 70 % DEADCORAL 70 60 60 50 50 40 30 40 T WO TRANSECT % LIVE CORAL T WO TRANSECT 0 % SARGASSUM 70 30 50 % TURBINARIA 20 10 EO T WO TRANSECT 0 EO T WO TRANSECT 25 % PADINA % HALIMEDA 20 25 60 50 20 15 40 15 10 30 10 20 5 5 10 0 T WO TRANSECT 30 35 90 EO 40 10 EO 0 60 20 10 80 10 EO 30 20 0 100 % RUBBLE EO T WO TRANSECT 0 EO T WO TRANSECT 0 EO T WO TRANSECT Graph 1. Percent cover of T. ornata within zones TRANSECT EO T WO 60 TURBINARIA 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 ZONE 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 ZONE 2 4 6 8 10 12 ZONE Graph 2. Correlation between Adult Number and Cover of S.mangarevense TRANSECT EO T WO Turbinaria (density) 50 0 40 0 30 0 20 0 10 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 SARGASSUM SARGASSUM SARGASSUM Graph 3. Correlation between Cover of Live Coral and T. ornata TRANSECT EO T W O 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 TURBINARIA TURBINARIA TURBINARIA Graph 4. Correlation between Cover of Dead Coral and T. ornata TRANSECT EO T WO DEADCORA L 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 TURBINARIA TURBINARIA TURBINARIA LIVECORAL 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Graph 5. Correlation between Cover of Live Coral and S. mangarevense TRANSECT EO T WO 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 SARGASSUM 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 SARGASSUM SARGASSUM Graph 6. Correlation between Percent Cover ofT. ornata and S. mangarevense within Transects TIAHURA 60 WEST OPUNOHU 90 Per 50 cen t 40 Co ver 30 Per cen 70 t 60 Co ver 50 40 40 Val ue 30 20 30 20 50 20 10 0 0 EAST OPUNOHU 60 80 10 10 2 4 6 8 ZONE 10 12 0 0 1 2 3 4 ZONE 5 T. ornata S. mangarevense 6 7 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 ZONE 6 7 8 LIVECORAL 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Table 2. Epifauna & epiphytes found on Turbinaria ornata Tiahura fringing reef Tiahura crest Epifauna 1 Decapoda 3 Tangle worm 2 Gastropods 2 Opisthobranchs Epiphytes Dictyota Jania Boodlea Padina 4 Polychaetes 5 Crustaceans 5 Flat worms 8 Anthozoans Bryozoans abundant on holdfasts filamentous red West Opunohu fringing Epifauna 5 Echinoderms (Ophioroidea) 3 Terebellid Polychaetes 3 Opisthobranchs West Opunohu Crest Epiphytes Epifauna Jania 3 Opisthobranchs filamentous green 5 Polychaetes filamentous 10 larval Crustaceans brown 1 Flat worm 1 Decapod Encrusting Bryzoan on haptera 2 Flat worms 1 Gastropod 21 larval crustaceans East Opunohu fringing Epifauna 4 Opisthobranchs 5 Anthozoans 5 Polychaetes 1 Gastropod 15 larval Crustaceans Epifauna 2 Opisthobranch 7 Anthozoans 1 Decapod 1 Echinoderm (Ophioroidae) 7 larval Crustaceans 5 Polychaetes 1 Flat worm 1 Sponge Epiphytes Jania filamentous red filamentous green Halimeda Epiphytes Dictyota Jania filamentous brown West Opunohu Crest Epiphytes Dictyota Jania Culpemenia filamentous green Epifauna 2 Pycnogonids 4 Opisthobranchs >25 larval crustaceans Epiphytes Jania Sargassum Dictyota filamentous red crustose red (haptera) Table 3a. Unweighted average of common fish species among transects Family Genus and Species Acanthuridae Acanthurus nigrofuscus Scaridae Scarus sordidus Scarus psittacus Labridae Thalassoma hardwicke Pomacentrid Stegastes nigricans ae Chrysoptera leucopoma Pomacanthid Centropyge flavissimus ae Tiahura East Crest 97 2 6 17 39 West Opunohu 47.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 11.0 2 15.0 17 12 4.0 9 52 25 19 13 16 Table 3b. Weighted averages of common fish species among transects Family Genus and Species Acanthuridae Acanthurus nigrofuscus Scaridae Scarus sordidus Scarus psittacus Labridae Thalassoma hardwicke Pomacentrid Stegastes nigricans ae Chrysoptera leucopoma Pomacanthid Centropyge flavissimus ae Tiahura East Crest 9.7 0.2 0.6 1.7 3.9 West Opunohu 5.9 0.4 0.4 0.5 1.4 0.2 1.9 2.8 1.2 0.5 1.5 8.7 4.2 3.2 2.2 2.7 References Payri, Claude E.; N’Yeurt, Antoine D.R. 1997. A revised checklist of Polynesian benthic marine algae. Australian Systematic Botany. 10(6): 867-910. Payri, C.E. 1982. Les macrophytes du lagon de Tiahura (ile de Moorea, Polynesie francaise). Inventaire floristique – Repartition – Biomasse – Variations saisonnieres – Dynamique des populations de Turbinaria ornata (Pheophycees, Fucales). These d’Etat, Universite des Sciences et Techniques du LanguedocRoussillon, Montpellier. 260 pp. Payri Setchell, W.A. 1926. Tahitian Algae. – Publications in Botany, University of California, 12 (5) : 61-142, pl. : 7-22 Stiger, V.; Payri, C.E. 1999. Spatial and seasonal variations in the biological characteristics of two invasive brown algae, Turbinaria ornata (Turner) J. Agardh and Sargassum mangarevense (Grunow) Setchell (Sargassaceae, Fucales) spreading on the reefs of Tahiti (French Polynesia). Botanica Marina. 42: 295306. Stiger, V.; Payri, C.E. 1999. Spatial and temporal patterns of settlement of the brown macroalgae Turbinaria ornata and Sargassum mangarevense in a coral reef on Tahiti. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 191: 91-100.