Dr. Joe Krycia, C2, Advanced Integrated Antennas for Ship Topsides

Classroom Presentation Schedule
Tuesday, Sept 20, 0755 – 1145
1st period (0755-0845)
Dr. Jason Stack, PC3, Cooperative Robotics and Intelligent Sensing for MCM
Assoc. Prof. Brad Bishop, ES451, Mobile Robot Design, MU201
2nd period (0855-0945):
Dr. Frank Narducci, NA7, Atom Interferometry-based Sensors: Really Cool Devices,
Asst. Prof. Carl Mungan, SP333, Classical Mechanics, CH239
Dr. Tom Wettergren, N4, A New Method of Multi-objective Optimization to Improve Engineering Tradeoff
in Complex Systems Design,
Asst. Prof. Irina Popovici, SM80, Topics in Mathematics, CH117
3rd period (0955-1045):
Dr. Robert Brizzolara, C3, Unmanned Sea Surface Vehicles for Maritime Missions
Asst. Prof. Matthew Feemster, ES401, Advanced Control Systems, MU001
Dr. Albert Ogloza, NA10, Detect See and Avoid Sensors Concepts for Enabling UAV Autonomous Flight
in the NAS,
Assoc. Prof. Brad Bishop, ES451, Mobile Robot Design, MU201
Dr. Jeff Solka, D7, Text Data Mining and the Quest for Accelerated Discovery,
Prof. Peter Andre, SM280, Topics in Mathematics, CH117
Dr. Jason Stack, PC3, Cooperative Robotics and Intelligent Sensing for MCM,
Assoc. Prof. Ric Crabbe, SI420, Intro to Artificial Intelligence, MI223
4th period (1055-1145):
Dr. Dave Marchette, D4, Random Graph Methods for User Profiling and Anomaly Detection,
Prof. Chuck Hanna, SM280, Topic in Mathematics, CH117
Dr. Gerardo Pangilinan, IH4, Novel Laser Based Diagnostics of Detonation Events
Asst. Prof. Carl Mungan, SP333, Classical Mechanics, CH239
Dr. Wayne Tucker, N1, Marine Materials,
Assoc. Prof. Sarah Mouring, EN442, Ocean Engineering Structures, RI123B
Tuesday, Sept 20, 1330-1520
5th period (1330-1420):
Dr. David Hess, C8, Development of Advanced Surface Ship Simulation and Control
Asst. Prof. Matthew Feemster, ES401, Advanced Control Systems, MU001
Dr. Charles Patrissi, N3, Nano-composite Materials,
Assoc. Prof. Paul Trulove, SC111, Foundations of Chemistry, MI101 (75 minute section)
Dr. Alan Van Nevel, NA2, Automatic Image Understanding: Creating Information from Digital Imagery,
Assoc. Prof. Jenelle Piepmeier, Randy Broussard, ES485A, “Intro to Computer Vision”, Room MU122
Dr. Alfredo Rayms, D8, Combating Weapons of Mass Casualty in the 21st Century: The Threat of Novel
Chemical and Biological Weapons,
Assoc. Prof. Craig Whitaker, Organic Chemistry, SC225, MI116
Wednesday, Sept 21, 0755 – 1145
1st period (0755-0845):
Dr. Robert Brizzolara, Unmanned Sea Surface Vehicles for Maritime Missions
Assoc. Prof. Brad Bishop, ES451, Mobile Robot Design, MU104
Dr. Gwen Campbell, NA4, Advanced Technology and Training: Getting computers to play with you, talk to
you and even read your mind,
LT Karen Bliss, SM221, Calculus III with Vector Fields, CH107
Dr. David Hess, C8, Development of Advanced Surface Ship Simulation and Control
CDR Emil Petruncio, SO516, Honors Waves and Tides, MI095
Dr. Joe Krycia, C2, Advanced Integrated Antennas for Ship Topsides,
Prof. Vince Pisacane, EA465, Space Power and communications, RI211
Dr. Mark Mason, NA9, Applied Chemistry: The Development of Advanced Energetic Materials for the
Assoc. Prof. Debra Dillner, SC111, Foundations of Chemistry, MI107
Dr. Alfredo Rayms-Keller, D8, Combating Weapons of Mass Casualty in the 21st Century: The Threat of
Novel Chemical and Biological Weapons
Assoc. Prof. Christine Copper, SC485A, Chemistry of the Environment: Military Impact, MI101
Dr. Andrew Slaterbeck, D10, Navy Efforts in Chem-Bio Defense
LCDR Craig Payne, ES300, Naval Weapons Systems, MU110
2nd period (0855-0945):
Dr. Robert Brizzolara, C2, The Effect of Surface Modification on the Interaction of Materials with Biological Organisms
LT John Augenblick, USN, ES300, Naval Weapons Systems
Dr. Joe Krycia, C2, Advanced Integrated Antennas for Ship Topsides,
Prof. Vince Pisacane, EA465, Space Power and communications, RI211
Dr. Travis Laker, NA5, Computational Simulation of Explosive Events,
LT Karen Bliss, SM221, CALC III, Room Ch107
Geoff Lindsay, NA6, New Plastics that Conduct Electricity, Change Color, Emit Light, and Convert
Electrical Signals to Optical Signals
Assoc. Prof. Debra Dillner, SC485C, Advanced Organic Chemistry, MI107
Dr. Stuart Moran, D6, Directed Energy,
Prof. Pete McCoy, SM316, Engineering Mathematics, CH225
Dr. Linda Mullen, NA1, Light in Water: Basic Principles and Navy Applications,
Asst. Prof. Cecily Steppe, SO231, “Intro to Oceanography”, MI095
Dr. Alfredo Rayms-Keller, D8, Combating Weapons of Mass Casualty in the 21st Century: The Threat of
Novel Chemical and Biological Weapons
LCDR Craig Payne, ES300, Naval Weapons Systems, MU116
Dr. Mark Spano, C6, Chaos in Electric Power Systems and Grids,
Prof. Mitch Baker, SM313, Mathematical Methods for EE majors, CH220
Dr. Jeff Zien, D1, Modeling and Analysis of Aerodynamic Heating on Reentry Vehicles,
Assoc. Prof. Ralph Volino, EM415, Heat Transfer, RI111
3rd period (0955-1045):
Dr. Robert Brizzolara, C3, Unmanned Sea Surface Vehicles for Maritime Missions
CDR Emil Petruncio, SO416, Waves and Tides, MI095
Dr. Peter Chang, C10, Prediction of Vortex Shedding Using Large Eddy Simulations,
Prof. Gabriel Karpouzian, EA301, Aerodynamics, RI212
Dr. David Hess, C8, Development of Advanced Surface Ship Simulation and Control
Assoc Prof. Brad Bishop, ES451, Mobile Robot Design, SA015
Dr. Travis S. Laker, NA5, Computational Simulation of Explosive Events
LCDR Craig Payne, ES300, Naval Weapons Systems, MU110
Dr. John D. Lathrop, PC1, New technologies for Minehunting
LCDR Kyle Kliewer, SA410, Applications of Search and Detection Theory, CH121
Dr. Lew Nuckols, PC5, New technologies in Diving and Life Support,
Prof. Bob Mayer, EN461, Ocean Systems Engineering Design, RI125
Dr. Andrew Slaterbeck, D10, Navy Effects in Chem-Bio Defense
LT John Augenblick, ES300, Naval Weapons Systems, MU110
Dr. Wayne Tucker, N1, Marine Materials,
LT Mike Crafts, EN445, Marine Fabrication Methods, RI126
Dr. Richard Waters, S2, MEMS Inertial Component Development and Concepts for Navigation
Asst. Prof. Samara Firebaugh, EE341, Electronics, RI104
Dr. Tom Wettergren, N4, A New Method of Multi-objective Optimization to Improve Engineering Tradeoff
in Complex Systems Design,
LT Karen Bliss, SM221, CALC III with Vector Fields, CH107
4th period (1055-1145):
Dr. Gwen Campbell, Advanced Technology and Training: Getting computers to play with you,
talk to you and even read your mind,
Assoc. Prof. John Moulis, SM223, Calculus III with Optimization, CH122
Dr. Peter Chang, C10, Prediction of Vortex Shedding Using Large Eddy Simulations,
Prof. Gabriel Karpouzian, EA301, Aerodynamics, RI212
Dr. Stuart Moran, D6, Directed Energy
LT John Augenblick, ES300, Naval Weapons Systems, MU110
Dr. Linda Mullen, NA1, Light in Water: Basic Principles and Navy Applications
CDR Emil Petruncio, SO231, Intro to Oceanography, MI095
Dr. Lew Nuckols, PC5, New technologies in Diving and Life Support,
Prof. Bob Mayer, EN461, Ocean Systems Engineering Design, RI125
Dr. James Rohr, S1, The Dolphins’s Secret – Hydrodynamics, Swimming Performance and a New Method for Flow
Asst. Prof. Cecily Steppe, SO451, Biological Oceanography, CH088
Dr. Al Stern, IH5, Navy Sponsored Energetic Ingredient Synthesis Research and Development,
Asst. Prof. Clare Gutteridge, SC225, Organic Chemistry, MI116
Dr. Richard Waters, S2, MEMS Inertial Component Development and Concepts for Navigation
Asst. Prof. Samara Firebaugh, EE341, Electronics, RI104
Wednesday, Sept 21, 1330-1520
5th period (1330-1420):
Dr. Peter Chang, C10, Prediction of Vortex Shedding Using Large Eddy Simulations,
Prof. Gabriel Karpouzian, EA301, Aerodynamics, RI212
Dr. Dave Grenier or Dr. Andrew Slaterbeck, D10, Navy Efforts in Chem-Bio Defense,
Assoc. Prof. Chris Kinter and Prof. Graham Cheek, Integrated Chemistry Lab – SC263, RI103
(Assoc. Prof. Craig Whitaker is course coordinator, so he is planning to attend this session.)
Dr. Dan Harris, NA3, Missile Domes: Diamonds, Sapphires, and Points for Your Nose
Asst. Prof. Kevin Mcilhany, SP327, 20th Century Physics, CH239
Dr. Travis S. Laker, NA5, Computational Simulation of Explosive Events
LCDR Alex Pendergrass, ES300, Naval Weapons Systems
Dr. John D. Lathrop, PC1, New technologies for Minehunting
LCDR Chris Cook, SA367, Introduction to Mathematical Modeling, MU006
Dr. Stuart Moran, D6, Directed Energy,
Assoc. Prof. John Ciezki, EE488, Electric machines and Drives, MA019
Dr. Alan Van Nevel, NA2, Automatic Image Understanding: Creating Information from Digital Imagery,
Asst. Prof. Dave Stahl, SI460, Computer Graphics, RI102
Asst. Prof. Rob Ives, EE332, Signals and Systems, RI102
Dr. Albert Ogloza, NA10, Detect See and Avoid Sensors Concepts for Enabling UAV Autonomous Flight
in the NAS, Assoc. Prof. George Piper, ES451, Mobile Robot Design, MU104
6th period (1430-1520):
Dr. Gwen Campbell, Advanced Technology and Training: Getting computers to play with you, talk to you
and even read your mind,
Assoc. Prof. John Moulis, SA302, Analysis of Naval Tactics, CH103
Dr. Dan Harris, NA3, Missile Domes: Diamonds, Sapphires, and Points for Your Nose
Asst. Prof. Kevin Mcilhany, SP327, 20th Century Physics, CH239
Dr. Geoff Lindsay, NA6, New Plastics that Conduct Electricity, Change Color, Emit Light, and Convert Electrical
Signals to Optical Signals,
Assoc. Prof. Chris Kinter and Prof. Graham Cheek, Integrated Chemistry Lab – SC263, RI103
(Assoc. Prof. Craig Whitaker is course coordinator, so he is planning to attend this session.)
Dr. Linda Mullen, NA1, Light in Water: Basic Principles and Navy Applications
LCDR (sel) Tracey Moys, SO231, “Intro to Oceanography”, MI095
Dr. Harold Sandusky, IH2, Overview of Unintentional Explosive Reactions
LCDR Alex Pendergrass, ES300, Naval Weapons Systems, MU110
Dr. Wayne Tucker, N1, Marine Materials,
Assoc. Prof. Sarah Mouring, EN380, Naval Military Science and Engineering, RI123A
Dr. Tom Wettergren, N4, A New Method of Multi-objective Optimization to Improve Engineering Tradeoff
in Complex Systems Design,
Assoc. Prof. Ed Zivi, ES401, Automatic Control Systems, MU115
Thursday, Sept 22, 0755 – 1145
1st period (0755-0845)
Dr. John Canning, D3, A Concept for the Operation of Armed Autonomous Systems on the Battlefield
Assoc. Prof. Brad Bishop, ES451, Mobile Robot Design, MU201
2nd period (0855-0945)
Dr. Michael Wright, NA8, Organic Polymeric Materials,
Asst. Prof. Clare Gutteridge and Assoc. Prof. Craig Whitaker, Integrated Chemistry Lab – SC263, RI103
May also attend: Prof. Joyce Shade, SC111 Foundations of Chemistry, RI103
3rd period (0955-1045):
Dr. Tory Cobb, PC4, Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Sensing and Target Recognition in the Coastal
CDR Bill Marr, EN430, Underwater Work Systems, RI123B
Dr. John Canning, D3, A Concept for the Operation of Armed Autonomous Systems on the Battlefield
Assoc. Prof. Brad Bishop, ES451, Mobile Robot Design, MU201
4th period (1055-1145):
Dr. Tory Cobb, PC4, Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Sensing and Target Recognition in the Coastal
CDR Emil Petruncio, SO213, Intro to Oceanography, MI095
Thursday, Sept 22, 1330-1520
5th period (1330-1420):
Dr. Robert Brizzolara, C3, Unmanned Sea Surface Vehicles for Maritime Missions
Assoc. Prof. George Piper, ES451, Mobile Robot Design, MU201