COST ACTION G8 NON-DESTRUCTIVE ANALYSIS AND TESTING OF MUSEUM OBJECTS Feedback from the questionnaires : Part I Conservation professionals Participants Accessibility to ND analytical and testing techniques ND techniques relevant to WG3 Limitations - Internally: our Vasilike Argyropoulos institution owes a Portable XRF, colour chromameter and “Surface molds” analysed by SEM: analysis of outdoor bronze monuments. - Accessibility to techniques and time to be able to work with a scientist who specialises in the application of the technique - Usually the scientist has many projects and it can be difficult to be able to work with him or her - Not enough trained persons to use the equipment - Lack of funding to pay for analytical work. Approach to applying non-destructive techniques on a routine basis that is economical and the “client” will be willing to pay for the services rendered. Christian Degrigny - SEM-EDS: observation of the surface of metal artefacts (without sampling) to study their damage - UV fluorescence photography: alteration of a varnish - X-radiography: alteration of a metal artefact, paintings… - computerized video spectral comparator: use of imaging techniques to reveal specific alteration features Analytical techniques are very limited in Malta . To use them it is necessary to travel abroad: high cost… - More involvement of conservators in the use of non-destructive techniques: to improve their awareness and to give them tools to monitor properly the artefacts - More involvement of students during their training. Future users of these techniques - Accessibility of the techniques on site - More involvement of researchers in conservation issues to identify degradation, corrosion and weathering processes and give tools to conservators and conservation scientists to define portable XRF, SEMEDX, and colour chromameter -Collaborations: access to other types of non – destructive techniques through collaboration with research institutes such as FORTH and Demokritos - Within the Malta Centre for Restoration - Collaboration with other institutions: Forensic Science laboratory Wertheim-Bronnbach / 13-14 2004 1 Requests and needs to be tackled within WG3 Questionnaire – Part I COST ACTION G8 Martina Griesser Miladi Makuc Semion Henning Matthiesen Manfred Schreiner Karen Stemann Peterson NON-DESTRUCTIVE ANALYSIS AND TESTING OF MUSEUM OBJECTS proper conservation strategies. Conservation and preservation of corroded metal objects. Only in co-operation with university institutes, the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) Laboratories and by COST actions - Very limited - Not systematically organised - Collaboration between the Centre for restoration and National Gallery is in preparation Electrochemical measurements (cathodic polarization curves): corrosion of silver and copper inclusions in gold coins. - Too expensive to buy i.e. a portable XRF system for the museum - Lack of personnel. UV: observation, photography (detecting previous treatments) IR: digital imaging – detecting underdrawings X-radiography: observation of internal structure of sculptures, overpaintings PIXE: materials identification (pigments) on paintings and sculptures – few tests. To give useful guidelines (“recipes”) to the scientists who are not in daily contact with artefacts and for who such analyses are not their daily task. - Good access to e.g. XRadiography, FTIR, micro-probe FTIR, SEM - No access to e.g. microprobe XRD, XANES (Xray Absorption Near Edge Structure) and others Yes, at the Academy of Fine Arts as well as at the Vienna University of Technology - X-Radiography for evaluating state of preservation for iron artefacts - EIS, ER (Electrochemical Resistance) and corrosion potential for measuring ongoing corrosion in soil - FTIR (Attenuated Total Reflection) for identifying corrosion products. - XRF, XRD and SEM/EDX for glass and metal analysis and corrosion products, identification of pigments - AFM (Atomic Force Microscopy) and FTIR for in-situ studies of the weathering process on glass as well as on metal surfaces. - Exposure of coupons simulating the original materials to pollutants. - Oddy-tests in collaboration with our lab. - SEM/EDS analyses directly on surfaces of small objects to determined composition in connection with technology studies. (reliable results from above mentioned SEM/EDS often - Collaboration between the institutions is very limited because of poor economical situation - There is no understanding from the owners’ side that analyses are part of the conservation process - Scientists are not trained for the methods needed in conservation. No access to other methods. In some cases too expensive. Degradation of materials used for modern and contemporary art objects. - - Yes as far as projects or department resources will sponsor analyses Wertheim-Bronnbach / 13-14 2004 2 - What do the corrosion products say about the corrosion mechanisms? - Does reburied archaeological wood accumulate Fe and S from the reburial environment? Questionnaire – Part I COST ACTION G8 NON-DESTRUCTIVE ANALYSIS AND TESTING OF MUSEUM OBJECTS require that small areas of analyses must be scraped clean). Development of PIXE method for ND analysis of paper documents. Jedert Vodopivec Accessibility to analytical testing techniques depend in great part upon personal contacts with researchers and financial sources Clara von Waldthausen - Housed in ICN (Netherlands Institute for Cultural Heritage) premises. - Access to various destructive and ND analytical instruments - AD strips: use of ND analytical techniques in preventive conservation. - The preservation calculator - The cellulose acetate and the colour wheel: ageing of materials. Helena Wouters - The IRPA laboratory is well-equipped. Unlimited access to all in-house available techniques - collaboration with other institutions for more sophisticated techniques: SIMS, µ-XRD, and especially where a particle accelerator is needed, like PIXE - Portable EDXRF : elemental analysis corrosion products in fields of metals, paintings, manuscripts - Raman Spectroscopy - Microscopy: in situ determination of corrosion products on paintings, metals - X-Radiography : thickness of the corrosion layer in metals - SEM-EDX-WDX : visualisation and determination of degradation and corrosion on all kind of materials - Climate-control chambers for degradation experiments: Xenon Arc Weather-Ometer (include dry-wet cycle, rain, irradiation and temperature); acid-fog and salt-fog unit; a freeze-thaw unit; a Kesternich chamber (drydeposition experiments). Wertheim-Bronnbach / 13-14 2004 3 The use of ND techniques depends on technical, human and economical factors. Today all three needs to be fulfilled. Not easy to realise in practice, in parallel to the daily conservation work - Cost of ND analytical techniques and dependence on research laboratories - The AD strips, the preservation calculater and the wheels are cheap and easy to use and provide great advantages in making decisions surrounding the preventive conservation of certain photograph collections. Economical restrictions. The instrumentation in our Lab is chosen in a way that the acquisition- and working cost falls within a relative acceptable range compared to the overall application possibility for all the different conservation fields. Relatively not expensive and technically not to complicated methods - - To bring together people working on the same field - Development of more collaboration and exchange of information. Questionnaire – Part I