PRIORY FIELDS SCHOOL CREATIVE CURRICULUM LONG TERM PLAN Year group TERM 1 2 NIGHT BEFORE XMAS TERM 3 HOME SWEET HOME Body & senses (science) My family (History) My local area (Geography) Self-portraits (Art) Data Handling (ICT) Light & dark (science) Christmas from the past (History) Local area safer (Geog) Block stamp printing (Art) Hinges (DT) E-safety (ICT) Grouping materials (Science) Houses from the past (History) Natural objects (Art) House for the pigs (DT) Control & sensing (ICT) Singing & performing (Music) TRANSPORT CELEBRATIONS Forces & motion (science) Transport from the past (science) World transport (Geog) Print making (Art) Vehicle for a famous person (DT) Control & sensing (ICT) CHANGES Electricity (science) Famous people (I) (History) UK & World map use (Geography) Photo montages (Art) Modelling & simulation (ICT) MY FUNNYBONES 1 TERM 2 Changing materials (science) Dover map work (Geog) Sculpture (Art) Gingerbread men (DT) Data Handling (ICT) Ocarinas (Music) TERM 4 TERM 5 TOYS ARE US Push & pull (science) Toys from the past (History) Toys from around the world (Geography) Weaving (Art) Moving pictures (DT) Modelling & simulation (ICT) Composing (Music) HEALTH & GROWTH Humans & health (science) Famous people (II) (History) Hand print circle (Art) Fruit salad (DT) E-safety (ICT) Ocarinas (Music) TERM 6 DAY AT THE SEASIDE GREEN FINGERS Plants (science) Explorers (History) Plants in the local area (Geography) Collage (Art) Fruit salad (DT) Communication (ICT) THE NIGHT Animals & variation (science) Great Fire of London (History) UK/London (Geog) Photo montage (Art) Research (ICT) Sound (Science) Seaside from the past (History) Seaside resorts in GB (Geography) Observational drawing (Art) Puppets (DT) Research (ICT) Improvements (Music) KONIK PONIES Living things & local environ (science) Local area (Geog) Sewing (DT) Communication (ICT) 3 WE WILL ROCK YOU (ART NOT DT) Rocks & fossils (science) Photography montage (Art) Data Handling (ICT) 4 (DT NOT ART) FROM KEASRSNEY TO CAIRO Life in Ancient Egypt (History) River & OS maps (Geog) Pneumatic Sarcophagos (DT) Modelling & simulation (ICT) MOUNTAINS & VOLCANOES 5 ART (NOT DT) 6 DT (NOT ART) Water cycles & changing state (science) Mountains (Geog) Watercolour landscapes (Art) E-safety (ICT) Music project (Music) BRITISH LIFE & CULTURE SETTLE DOWN NOW TUDORS Electricity, light & shadows (science) Shadow & performance art (Art) Control & sensing Modelling & simulation (ICT) CHEMBAKOLI OUR FOOD OUR PLANET Green plants (science) Environment and sustainability (Geography) Plants, Sandwiches (DT) E-safety & Communication (ICT) Stomp project (Music) Communication (ICT) Folk project (Music) SPRING INTO ACTION KEEPING WARM & STAYING COOL Forces & magnets (science) Spring toys (DT) Control & sensing (ICT) Insulators & materials (science) Mug warmer (DT) Data Handling (ICT) A study of a less developed country (Geog) Clothes using natural dyes (DT) Research (ICT) ANCIENT GREECE SPACED OUT BRITAIN SINCE 1948 Life in Ancient Greece (History) Sculpture (Art) Research (ICT) Space, vibration & sound (science) Marbelled lunar landscapes (Art) Control & sensing (ICT) Society in WW2 (science) Pop art (Art) Communication (ICT) Music project (Music) LIVING THINGS BRIGHT SPARKS Life processes (science) E-safety (ICT) Electricity (science) Control & sensing (ICT) MARVELLOUS MIXTURES Separating mixtures (science) Communication & Research (ICT) LIGHT FANTASTIC Life in Tudor times (History) Portraits (Art) Research (ICT) Contrast project (Music) Saxons (History) How settlements differ & change (Geog) E-safety (ICT) History of GB (History) Sewing in fashion (Art) FOOD GLORIOUS FOOD Micro-organisms, Circulations & nutrition (science) Print making (Art) Data Handling (ICT) CASTLES A local history study (History) Map work (Geog) Textiles & sewing (Art) Modelling & simulation (ICT) DOVER PAST & PRESENT FEEL THE FORCE Forces (science) Communication & Research (ICT) Variation & classification (science) World War 2 (History) Local area study (Geography) Fairgrounds (DT) Data Handling & Modelling &simulation (ICT) Singing & performing (Music)