Procedural Guidance for School Visits to UCLan


Safety, Health & Environment Section

FM SHE 030

Procedural Guidance for

School Visits to UCLan

July 2014

Version 3.0

Document review due: July 2016

Please Note :This is a controlled document, please ensure you are using the most recent version.

FM SHE 030 Procedural Guidance for School Visits to UCLAN

1. Introduction

An increasing number of school pupils visit the University’s campuses every year as part of an organised school trip.

The University h as a statutory ‘duty of care’ under the Health and Safety at Work etc.

Act 1974 to protect, so far as reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of its staff, students and others, such as teachers and pupils on school trips, while they are on our premises or affected by our activities.

As the visit will likely include young persons, defined by the Health & Safety

Executive (HSE) as “anyone under 18 years of age” or children below the minimum school leaving age (<16), the University has an enhanced duty of care towards them.

2. Scope

The following document sets out University procedural guidance for the management of health and safety during visits by schools to UCLan. It is intended to assist you in complying with relevant University procedures, the law and offers practical advice to help ensure the health, safety and welfare of all concerned.

3. Liaison with the school

To ensure the visit runs as smoothly and safely as possible careful liaison with the school will be essential. Schools may require specific information from the University prior to the visit for example copies of University’s risk assessments for the activities, tasks, etc related to the visit, evidence of Public Liability Insurance (available on the

Purchasing Office’s website or they may require a pre-visit to assist them in completing their risk assessment.

As a matter of course the Safety, Health & Environment ( SHE ) Section advises that you provide the school in advance of the visit with information such as contact details, drop off/collection points, essential health and safety information such as how to summon first aid assistance, fire safety arrangements, how to report an accident or incident, procedure for lost pupils, etc. The SHE Section can provide information leaflets with relevant safety information upon request (contact ext: 2047).

The University should also seek information from the school on whether there are any particular issues concerning the visiting pupils or supervisors which may require specific control measures to be introduced. For instance pupils with disabilities who would require a drop-off/collection point close to the area of activity or those with a serious medical condition which could be worsened by a particular activity or by exposure to a particular substance (e.g. a severe allergy to latex or nuts).

Such issues would require to be specifically addressed within the risk assessment.

4. Risk Assessment

While the school has a duty to conduct their own suitable and sufficient risk assessment of the visit, the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations

1999 also requires the University to risk assess any significant hazards and associated risks (if applicable) that may be posed by the visit, including:

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 ensuring the risk assessment takes into account children’s/young persons psychological or physical immaturity, inexperience, and lack of awareness of existing or potential risks, and;

 introducing control measures to eliminate or minimise the risks, so far as is reasonably practicable

The risk assessment should also take into account any information supplied by the school relating to any of its pupils or supervisors medical conditions, physical or learning disabilities that may potentially affect their safety or that of others whilst on campus.

A generic risk assessment for school visits can be found in appendix 1, please note that this only covers common issues and does not address the specific activities the pupils will be doing on campus. These will need to be risk assessed and added to the generic assessment.

5. Supervision of children

The primary responsibility for supervision of school children on campus lies with the school and it should be ensured that the school will provide an adequate number of supervisors for its pupils. The Department of Education recommended supervision ratios for children and young persons are:

1 adult for every 6 pupils in school years 1 to 3 (under 8 yrs - under 5 ’s reception classes should have a higher ratio);

1 adult for every 10-15 pupils in school years 4 to 6 (age 8 -11 yrs);

1 adult for every 15-20 pupils in school year 7 (age 12 -18 yrs) onwards.

The University considers that for pupils under 16 years of age, supervision by school teachers/representatives should, so far as reasonably practicable, be constant.

For pupils less than 18 years of age a school representative should at a minimum be available at designated meeting points. The requirement for specific supervision e.g. for pupils with disabilities must be considered at the risk assessment stage.

6. Information provision to visiting supervisors/teachers

Upon arrival at the University a check should be made to ensure essential health and safety information has been passed on to visit supervisors by their school, including any changes to the activities or schedule, how to summon First Aid assistance, fire safety arrangements, how to report an accident or incident, procedure for lost pupils, etc (a checklist for such information can be found in appendix 2)..

SHE Section

July 2014

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Appendix1. Generic Template School Visit Risk Assessment

Safety, Health and Environment Section


Risk Assessment For

School / Service:

Assessment Undertaken By


Assessment Reviewed


Location of Activity


: Date:

Signed by Dean of School, Director of Service or nominee :


REF: Date:

Note this risk assessment only covers generic visit issues risks and controls associated with specific activities must be included where appropriate and not all of the hazards or controls listed below will be relevant to your event - delete as appropriate

List significant hazards here:

List groups of people who are at risk:

List existing controls, or refer to safety procedures etc.

For risks, which are not adequately controlled, list the action needed.

Pupils and teachers alighting from coaches, minibuses, etc and accessing .......... Building.

Road traffic accident

General, slip, trips, falls

& personal injury

Poor lighting

Trailing cables

Discarded litter

Obstructions in walkways

Poor housekeeping

Floor socket boxes

Pupils, teachers,

UCLan staff

Pupils, teachers,

UCLan staff

Safety and coach/minibus drop information to be given to all groups;

Coaches / mini buses to drop off at designated points then move to designated car parks;

Pupils must be adequately supervised by school teachers at all times, according to school guidelines;

General ‘good housekeeping’ procedures

Walkways to be kept clear.

All non-essential cables/equipment to be removed. All other cables to be taped down/covered. Socket covers kept closed.

General inspections by Building Manager.

Fault / maintenance reporting procedures.

The service road between

Greenbank and Harrington

Buildings should not be used for access due to only partial footpath and reversing vehicles

Suitable footwear to be worn

Remaining level of risk: high, med or low



First aid, accident reporting procedures.

Pupils getting lost on


Trips / falls on lecture theatre stairs

Trapping fingers / hit by lecture theatre doors


Flammable materials


Electrical fault

Pupils, teachers,

UCLan staff

Pupils, teachers,

UCLan staff

Stair guarding injury


– personal


Pupils, teachers,

UCLan staff

Pupils, teachers,

UCLan staff

A school member of staff(s) must be present with the group in accordance with DoE ratios. A minimum of two adults is mandatory, one of whom must be a full time teacher.

Careful supervision by school teachers with regular head counts by teacher;

All teachers issued with a lost persons procedure and their pupils made aware of it in the welcome introduction. Procedure lists what to do should they get lost and our contact numbers.

Safety info to be given to all groups;

All staff will be issued with contact numbers for

Security and other staff.

University emergency security procedures.

Main theatre lighting to be used during arrival / leaving;

School staff to advise pupils to be careful on steps before arrival and as they make their way to seats and during leaving.

Doors to be held open as visitors enter/leave theatre by supervisory staff.

No smoking in buildings, fire alarm system, fire marshals, careful supervision by school teachers of pupils. Safety info to be given to all groups.

Staff trained on how to leave a building safely with external visitors.

University fire procedure, fire marshals, careful supervision of pupils

Student Ambassadors briefed on Fire Evacuation


Safety information to be given and explained to school staff & pupils

Careful supervision by school teachers of pupils..

Route planned in advance. Warn all group of hazards.

First aid, accident reporting procedures.

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Hot surfaces in refectories


Child safeguarding


Risk of abuse or false allegations


Electrical shock, burns

Toilet visits

Pupils becoming lost

Manual Handling:

Loading/unloading vehicles, moving/using equipment

Injury due to poor lifting techniques.

Pupils, teachers,

UCLan staff

Warn all groups of potential hazards; First aid, accident reporting procedures.

Pupils, teachers,

UCLan staff

Pupils, teachers,

UCLan staff


Pupils, teachers,

UCLan staff

Children to be supervised at all times by school teacher/s;

School safeguarding procedures:

Best practice in child protection to be followed at all times;

Staff/students should not work on a 1-2-1 basis unless specifically assessed.

Advice from SHE Adviser/Section.

All UCLan electrical equipment PAT tested and regularly inspected for faults, faulty equipment to be removed from use immediately.

All equipment brought into the University should have a current PAT certificate.

First aid, accident reporting procedures.

Careful supervision by school teachers of pupils.

All non-essential equipment to be removed.

School staff/UCLan staff & students to supervise pupils at all times.

Draft University child protection procedures

DBS checks where necessary

Maintain good posture when lifting or lowering equipment;

Avoid twisting or bending to reduce the chance of back injury;

Wear protective gloves to reduce the risk of damage to hands;

Do not single-handedly attempt to lift anything that is

“too heavy”;

Be aware of awkward shaped loads and unevenly balanced loads.

Manual handling training





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Food Safety - provision by UCLan catering

Food hygiene incidents, food contamination, allergies ;


Unwanted visitors

Verbal and/or physical assault, loss / damage of equipment

General Public Safety

Injury due to overcrowding, lack of information provision, stewarding, security, etc.

Pupils, teachers,

UCLan staff

University HACCP, risk assessment & food safety management procedures.

Pupils, teachers,

UCLan staff

Unwanted visitors to be notified to : Security (24hour security lodge) 01772 892068. Emai l:

Out-of-hours building access procedure.

University staff / student discipline procedures.

Staff/Student Counselling

Health & Safety Procedural Guidance for the

Management of Staff or Student Organised

Events on the Preston Campus

Suitability of venue to be evaluated prior to selection, taking into account numbers to be accommodated and the adequacy of fire safety arrangements.

Room capacities to be adhered to.

Staff to be briefed in their role in an emergency.

Housekeeping announcement at beginning of event;

Stewarding of members of the public;

Out-of-hours access notified to Security – permission from Dean required;

First aid, accident reporting procedures.

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Specific risks related to the visit / activities

You should try and identify additional significant hazards related to the school visit. These may be related to your choice of venue, or the activities being undertaken as part of the visit.

You must then identify existing control measures already in place to ensure the hazards do not harm anyone and then

You must then identify whether additional control measures are required to ensure the hazards do not harm anyone.

Finally decided what level of risk these hazards now pose.

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Appendix 2. Information Provision Checklist

Information Provided

UCLan contact/s

UCLan Emergency number 333

Collection / drop-off points

Schedule / itinerary for visit

Requirement for supervision

Any significant risks associated with the visit

First aid arrangements

Fire safety and evacuation arrangements

Location of toilet and welfare facilities

Accident, incident, near-miss reporting

Lost pupils procedure

UCLan Visit Risk assessment (if requested)

Copy of UCLan Public Liability insurance (if requested)

Copy of UCLan SHE policy statement (if requested)

Yes No Comments

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