biographical sketch - UCLA Department of Surgery

Principal Investigator/Program Director (Last, First, Middle):
Economou, James S.
Provide the following information for the key personnel and other significant contributors in the order listed on Form Page 2.
Follow this format for each person. DO NOT EXCEED FOUR PAGES.
James S. Economou
Professor of Surgery,
Professor of Microbiology, Immunology and Molecular
EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, and include postdoctoral training.)
The Johns Hopkins University
The Johns Hopkins University
The Johns Hopkins University
A. Positions
(if applicable)
Residency in General Surgery
Assistant Professor of Surgery
Associate Professor of Surgery
Professor of Surgery
Louis D. Beaumont Chair in Surgery
Director, UCLA Human Gene Medicine Program
Chief, Division of Surgical Oncology
Professor of Microbiology, Immunology and Molecular Genetics
Deputy Director, UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center
NCI Experimental Therapeutics Study Section 2, Member and Chair, 1995-2000
NCI Cancer Manpower and Training Subcommittee F, Member and Chair, 2000-2005
B. Peer Reviewed Papers (out of a total of 104 papers)
Straatsma, B.R., Nusinowitz, S., Young, T.A., Gordon, L.K., Chun, M.W., Rosen, C., Seja, E., Economou,
J.S., Glaspy, J.A., Bozon, V., Gomez-Navarro, J., Ribas, A. Surveillance of the eye and vision in clinical
trials of CP-675, 206 for metastatic melanoma. The American Journal of Ophthalmology (in press) 2007.
Ribas, A., Vo, D.D., Weeks, D.L., Comin-Anduix, B., Schumacher, L.Y., Garban, H.J., McLean, C., Yang,
J., Dissette, V.B., Peraza, P., Owens, S.K., McBride, W.H., Glaspy, J.A., Economou, J.S. Broad antitumor
protection by dendritic cells administered to CD8alpha knock out mice. Cancer Immunology Immunotherapy,
55:663-671, 2006.
Comin-Anduix, B., Gualberto, A., Glaspy, J.A., Seja, E., Ontiveros, M., Reardon, D.L., Renteria, R.,
Englahner, B., Economou, J.S., Gomez-Navarro, J., Ribas, A. Definition of an immunologic response using
the major histocompatibility complex tetramer and enzyme-linked immunospot assays. Clinical Cancer
Research, 12:107-116, 2006.
Prins, R.M., Vo, D.D., Khan-Farooqi, H., Yang, M.Y., Soto, H., Economou, J.S., Liau, L.M., Ribas, A. NK
and CD4 cells collaborate to protect against melanoma tumor formation in the brain. Journal of Immunology
177:8448-8455, 2006.
Schumacher, L.Y., Vo, D.D., Garban, H., Comin-Anduix, B., Owens, S.K., Dissette, V.B., Glaspy, J.A.,
McBride, W.H., Bonavida, B., Economou, J.S., Ribas. A. Immunosensitization of tumor cells to dendritic cellactivated innate responses with the proteasome inhibitor bortezomib. Journal of Immunology 176:4757-1465,
Butterfield, L.H., Ribas, A., Dissette, V.B., Lee, Y., Yang, J.Q., De la Rocha, P., Seja, E., Oseguera, D.,
Duran, S.D., Potter, D., McBride, W.H., Finn, R., Glaspy, J.A. and Economou, J.S. Hierarchy of alpha
Fetoprotein (AFP)-specific T cell responses in subjects with AFP-positive hepatocellular cancer. Journal of
Immunology 177:712-721, 2006.
PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 09/04, Reissued 4/2006)
Biographical Sketch Format Page
Principal Investigator/Program Director (Last, First, Middle):
Economou, James S.
Butterfiled, L.H., Ribas, A., Dissette, V.B., Lee, Y., Yang, J.Q., De la Rocha, P., Seja, E., Oseguera, D.,
Duran, S.D., Potter, D., McBride, W.H., Finn, R., Glaspy, J.A., Economou, J.S. A Phase I/II trial testing
immunization of hepatocellular carcinoma patients with dendritic cells pulsed with four AFP peptides. Clinical
Cancer Research 12:2817-2815, 2006.
Prins, R., Khan-Farooqi, H., Vo, D., Economou, J.S., Liau, L.M., and Ribas, A. NK and CD4 cells
collaborate to reject melanoma metastasis in the brain. Journal of Immunology 177:8448-8455, 2006.
Comin-Anduix, B., Gualberto, A., Glaspy, J.A., Renteria, R., Reardon, D., Seja, E., Englahner, B.,
Ontiveros, M., Economou, J.S., Littman, W., Gomez-Navarro, J., Ribas, A. A methods study to define the
performance specifications of MHC tetramer assays for immune monitoring of tumor immunotherapy.
Clinical Cancer Research 12:107-116, 2005.
Schumacher, L.Y., Ribas. A., Dissette, V.B., McBride, W.H., Mukherji, B., Economou, J.S. and Butterfield,
L.H. Human dendritic cell maturation by adenovirus transduction enhances tumor antigen-specific T-cell
responses. Journal of Immunotherapy 27: 191-200, 2004.
Wargo, J., Ribas, A., Schumacher, L.Y., Comin-Andruix, B., Dissette, V.B., Glaspy, J.A., McBride, W.H.,
Butterfield, L.H. and Economou J.S. Natural killer cells play a critical role in the immune response following
immunization with melanoma antigen engineered dendritic cells, Cancer Gene Therapy 12: 516-527, 2005.
Mehrotra, S., Chakraborty, N.G., Chakraborty, A., Slowik, M., Stevens, R., Zengou, R., Clinton, M.,
Butterfield, L.H., Economou, J.S, Dorsky D.I., Mukherji, B. Antigen presentation by IL-10-polarized human
monocye-derived dendritic cells. Immunology 113: 472-481, 2004.
Gordon, L.K., Ribas, A., Nusinowitz, S., Butterfield, L.H., Glaspy, J.A., Economou, J.S. and Straatsma,
B.R. Surveillance of the eye and vision in a clinical trial of MART1-transformed dendritic cells for metastatic
melanoma. Controlled Clinical Trials 25:400-407, 2004.
Ribas, A., Wargo, J., Comin-Andruix, B., Sanetti, S., Schumacher, L.Y., McLean, C, Dissette, V.B.,
Glaspy, J.A., McBride, W.H., Butterfield, L.H. and Economou J.S. Enhanced tumor responses to dendritic cell
vaccines in the absence of CD8 positive cells. Journal of Immunology 172: 4762-4769, 2004.
Ribas, A., Glaspy, J.A., Lee, Y., Dissette, V.B., Seja, E., Vu, H.I., Tchekmedyian, N.S., Oseguera, D.,
Comin-Anduix, B., Wargo, J.A., Amarnani, S.N., McBride, W.H., Economou, J.S., Butterfield, L.H. Role of
dendritic cell phenotype, determinant spreading, and negative costimulatory blockade in dendritic cell-based
melanoma immunotherapy. Immunotherapy. 27: 354-367, 2004.
Liao, Y.P., Wang, C.C., Butterfield, L.H., Economou, J.S., Ribas, A., Meng, W.S., Iwamoto, K.S.,
McBride, W.H. Ionizing radiation affects human MART-1 melanoma antigen processing and presentation by
dendritic cells. Journal of Immunology. 173:2462-2469, 2004.
Schumacher, L., Ribas, A., Dissette, V.B., McBride, W.H., Mukherji, B., Economou, J.S. Human dendritic
cell maturation by adrnovirus transduction enhances tumor antigen-specific T cell responses. Journal of
Immunotherapy 27:191-200, 2004.
Mehrotra, S., Stevens, R., Zengou, R., Chakraborty, N.G., Butterfield, L.H., Economou, J.S., Dorsky, D.I.,
Mukherji, B. Regulation of melanoma epitope-specific cytolytic T lymphocyte response by immature and
activated dendritic cells, in vitro. Cancer Res. 63: 5607-5614, 2003.
Lu, D.S.K., Raman, S.S., Limanond, P., Aziz, D., Economou, J.S., Busuttil, R. Large peri-tumoral
vessels: influence on treatment success of hepatic tumor radiofrequency ablation. Journal of Vascular
Interventional Radiology 14: 1267-1274, 2003.
Butterfield, L.H., Ribas, A., Meng, W.S., Dissette, V.B., Amarni, S., Vu, H., Seja E., Todd, K., Glaspy,
J.A., McBride, W.H. and Economou, J.S. T cell responses to HLA A*0201 immunodominant peptides
derived from alpha fetoprotein in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. Clinical Cancer Research 9: 59025908, 2003.
Butterfield, L.H., Ribas, A., Dissette, V.B., Amarani, S., Vu H., Oseguera D., McBride, W.H. Mukherji, B.,
Cochran, A., Glaspy, J.A. and Economou, J.S. Determinant spreading associated with clinical response in
dendritic cell-based immunotherapy of melanoma. Clinical Cancer Research 9: 998-1008, 2003.
Ribas, A., Amarnani, S.N., Buga, G.M., Butterfield, L., Dissette V.B., McBride, W.H., Glaspy, J.A.,
Ignarro, L.J. Immunosuppressive effects of interleukin-12 co-expression in melanoma antigen gene-modified
dendritic cell vaccines. Cancer Gene Therapy 9: 875-883, 2002.
Meng, W.S. Butterfield, L.H., Ribas, A., Dissette, V.B., Heller, J.B., Miranda, G.A., Glaspy, J.A., McBride,
W.H. and Economou, J.S., Alpha fetoprotein-specific tumor immunity induced by plasmid prime-adenovirusboost genetic vaccination. Cancer Research 61 8782-8786, 2001.
PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 09/04, Reissued 4/2006)
Continuation Format Page
Principal Investigator/Program Director (Last, First, Middle):
Economou, James S.
Ribas, A, Butterfield, L.H., Amarnani, S., Dissette, V.B., Kim, D.., Meng, W. S., Miranda, G. A., Wang, HJ., McBride, W.H., Glaspy, J.A., and Economou, J.S. CD40 cross-linking bypasses the absolute requirement
for CD4 T cells during immunization with melanoma antigen gene-modified dendritic cells. Cancer Research,
61 8787-8793, 2001.
Frost, P., Butterfield, L.H., Dissette, V.B., Economou, J.S. and Bonavida, B. Immunosensitization of
melanoma tumor cells to non-MHC Fas-mediated killing by MART-1 specific CTL cultures. Journal of
Immunology, 166: 3564-3573, 2001.
Meng, W.S., Butterfield, L.H., Ribas, A., Heller, J.B., Dissette, V.B., Glaspy, J.A., McBride, W.H. and
Economou, J.S. Fine specificity analysis of an HLA-A2.1-restricted immunodominant T cell epitope derived
from human alpha fetoprotein. Molecular Immunology, 37:943-950, 2001.
Butterfield, L.H., Meng, W., Koh, A., Vollmer, C.M., Ribas, A. Dissette, V.B., Faull, K., Glaspy, J.A.,
McBride, W.H., and Economou, J.S. T cell responses to HLA-A*0201-restricted peptides derived from human
alpha fetoprotein. Journal of Immunology 166: 5300-5308, 2001.
Andrews, K.J., Ribas, A., Butterfield, L.H., Vollmer, C.M., Eilber, F.C., Dissette, V.B., Nelson, S.,
Shintaku, P., Mekhoubad, S., Nakayama, T., Taniguchi, M., Glaspy, J.A., McBride, W.H. and Economou,
J.S., Adenovirus IL-12-mediated tumor regression in a murine hepatocellular carcinoma model is not
dependent on CD1-restricted natural killer T Cells. Cancer Research, 60:6457-6464, 2000.
Ribas, A, Butterfield, L.H., Hu, B, Dissette, V.B., Koh A., Lee, M.C., Andrews, K.J., Meng, W., Glaspy,
J.A., McBride, W.H., Economou, J.S. Immune deviation and fas-mediated deletion limit antitumor activity
after multiple dendritic cell vaccinations in mice. Cancer Research, 60: 2218-2224, 2000.
Miller, P.W., Sharma, S., Stolina, M., Butterfield, L.H., Luo, J., Lin Y., Dohadwala, M., Batra, R.K., Wu, L.,
Economou, J.S., Dubinett, S.M. Intratumoral administration of adenoviral interleukin 7 gene-modified
dendritic cells augments specific antitumor immunity and achieves tumor eradication. Human Gene Therapy
11: 53-65, 2000.
Ribas, A., Butterfield, L.H., Hu, B., Dissette, V.B., Chen, A.Y., Koh, A., Glaspy, J.A., McBride, W.H.,
Economou, J.S. Generation of T-cell immunity to a murine melanoma using MART-1 engineered dendritic
cells. Journal of Immunotherapy, 23: 59-66, 2000.
Vollmer, C.M., Ribas, A., Butterfield, L.H., Dissette, V.B., Andrews, K.J., Eilber, F.C., Montejo, C.D.,
Chen, A.Y., Ho, B., Glaspy, J.A., McBride, W.H., Economou, J.S. p53 selective and nonselective replication
of an E1B-deleted adenovirus in hepatocellular carcinoma. Cancer Research 59:4369-4374,1999.
Butterfield, L.H., Koh, A., Meng, W., Vollmer, C.M., Ribas, A., Dissette, V.B., Lee E., Glaspy, J.A.,
McBride, W.H., Economou, J.S. Generation of human T-cell responses to an HLA-A2.1-restricted peptide
epitope derived from alpha fetoprotein. Cancer Research 59:3134-3142, 1999.
Vollmer, C.M., Eilber, F. C., Butterfield, L.H., Ribas, A., Dissette, V.B., Koh, A., Montejo, L., Andrews,
K.J., McBride, W.H., Glaspy, J.A., Economou, J.S. Alpha fetoprotein-specific genetic immunotherapy for
hepatocellular carcinoma. Cancer Research 59:3064-3066, 1999.
Ribas, A., Bui, L.A., Butterfield, L.H., Vollmer, C.M., Jilani, S., Dissette, V.B., Glaspy, J.A., McBride, W.H.,
Economou, J.S. Antitumor protection using murine dendritic cells pulsed with acid-eluted peptides from in
vivo grown tumors of different immunogenicities. Anticancer Research 19:1165-1170, 1999.
Ribas, A. Butterfield, L.H., McBride, W.H., Dissette, V.B., Koh, A., Vollmer, C.M., Hu, B., Chen, A., Eilber,
F.C., Andrews, K.J., Glaspy, J.A., Economou, J.S. Characterization of antitumor immunization to a defined
melanoma antigen using genetically engineered murine dendritic cells. Cancer Gene Therapy 6: 523-536,
Perez-Diez, A., Butterfield, L.H., Li, L., Chakraborty, N.G., Economou, J.S., Mukherji, B. Generation of
CD8+ and CD4+ T-cell response to dendritic cells genetically engineered to express the MART-1/Melan-A
gene. Cancer Research 58:5305-5309, 1998.
Ribas, A., Butterfield, L.H., Dissette, V.B., Ho, B., Chen, A.Y., Andrews, K.J., Eilber, F.C., Glaspy, J.A.,
Economou, J.S., McBride, W.H. Generation of anti-tumor immunity using dendritic cells genetically modified
to express tumor specific antigen and cytokines, in 17th International Cancer Congress. Moraes, M., Bretani,
R., Bevilacqua, R., Monduzzi Editore (eds.) s.p.a., Italy.1998.
Butterfield, L.H., Jilani, S., Chakraborty, N.G., Bui, L.A., Ribas, A., Dissette, V., Lau, R., Gamradt, S.,
Glaspy, J.A., McBride, W.H., Mukherji, B., Economou, J.S. Generation of melanoma-specific cytotoxic T
lymphocytes by dendritic cells transduced with a MART-1 adenovirus. Journal of Immunology 161:56075613, 1998.
PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 09/04, Reissued 4/2006)
Continuation Format Page
Principal Investigator/Program Director (Last, First, Middle):
Economou, James S.
Ongoing Research Support
R01 CA129816-01 Economou (PI)
07/01/2007 - 06/30/2012
NIH-National Cancer Institute
PET imaging of MART TCR-engineered CD8 T cells immunotherapy in man
The major goal of this grant is to conduct a clinical gene therapy trial in patients with metastatic melanoma
Role: PI
R01 CA 79976
Economou (PI)
01/01/2003 - 01/01/2008
NIH-National Cancer Institute
Dendritic cell-based Genetic Immunotherapy for Melanoma
This grant supports efforts to analyze the mechanism of anti-MART-1 T cell Immunity generated from
AdVMART1 transduced DC in vitro and in vivo.
Role: PI
T32 CA75956
Economou (PI)
07/01/1997 - 06/30/2007
NIH-National Cancer Institute
UCLA Gene Medicine Training Program
The major goal of this grant is to support MD and PhD Postdoctoral fellows at UCLA during their 2 years of
Role: PI
K12 CA76905
Economou (PI)
07/01/1997 - 06/30/2008
NIH-National Cancer Institute
Clinical Scientist Training in Cancer Gene Medicine
The major goal of this grant is to support MD and PhD Postdoctoral fellows at UCLA during their 2 years of
Role: PI
P50 CA 086306
Herschman (PI)
05/01/2005 - 04/30/2010
NIH-National Cancer Institute
The UCLA Center for in vivo imaging in cancer biology - Project I. In vivo imaging of antigen-specific T cells
in mice and humans
This grant is aimed at non-invasive imaging of transgenic T cell responses to melanoma in animal models
and in humans.
Role: Co-Project leader
The Samuel Waxman Foundation Economou (PI)
07/01/2006 - 06/30/2008
MART TCR/HSV SR39tk – engineered CD8 T cells and hematopoietic stem cells in metastatic melanoma
The overall goal of this program is to develop a novel genetic therapeutic approach that directs normal cells
in the body to specifically attack melanoma tumor cells.
Role: PI
National Gene Vector Laboratories/NIH Economou (PI)
Treatment and biological imaging of patients with locally advanced or metastatic melanoma with lentiviral
vector MART-1 TCR/HSV1-sr39tk (FUW-M1-TCR/sr39tk) engineered lymphocytes mART-1 pulsed dendritic
cells, and interleukin-2 after a nonmyeloablative conditioning regimen (for construction of a clinical grade
lentiviral vector).
Role: PI
Pending applications:
W.M. Keck Foundation Economou (PI)
07/01/2007 – 06/30/2010
Genetic engineering of the human immune system
The goal of this program will study the basic biology of genetically-engineered stem cells to create a cancer
killing immune system.
Role: PI
PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 09/04, Reissued 4/2006)
Continuation Format Page