Math Journal Entry Rubric Explanation Demonstrated Knowledge 4 3 2 1 In-depth Clear, precise, and accurate Somewhat clear, precise, and / or accurate Misses key points, unclear, and imprecise. Response shows Response shows Response shows complete understanding adequate understanding limited understanding of of the problem, ideas, of the problem, ideas, the problem, ideas, and and processes and processes processes Response shows little or no understanding of the problem, ideas, and processes No major math errors or serious flaws in reasoning May be some serious math errors or flaws in reasoning Major math errors or serious flaws in reasoning and and At least 2 paragraphs or some parts of prompt answered Less than 2 paragraphs or few parts of prompt answered No math errors and Mechanics and At least 3 paragraphs 2 – 3 paragraphs or all parts of prompt or most parts of prompt answered answered Use of Visuals/ Examples Clear, appropriate, detailed, and complete Clear, somewhat appropriate, and incomplete Unclear or inappropriate Inappropriate and unrelated Use of Mathematical Terms & Symbols Always appropriate Usually appropriate Sometimes appropriate Rarely appropriate Total out of 20: Some questions to guide your writing: I a. This week in math I learned ________________ What I know about ___________ so far is _____________ . What I'm still not sure about __________ is _____________________. b. I want to learn more about__________________________. c. My favorite part of math this week was _______________________. d. The hardest part of math this week was __________________________. e. I need more help understanding __________________________. II What is the most significant thing I learned this week? III What are the steps needed to solve this type of problem? IV How is this problem similar to others I already know how to solve? V What makes this problem different from other ones? VI What vocabulary words can I use to help me explain this procedure? Points