Breast Care nurse May 2014 - Homerton University Hospital


Breast Cancer educational programme

Involvement in research and clinical trials

Health and Wellbeing breast cancer programme

Useful telephone numbers

Homerton Hospital

Main hospital number: 020 8510 5555

Clinic appointments – 020 8510 5544

Surgeons’ secretaries – 020 8510 7930/7981

Medical Oncologist’s secretaries – 020 8510 7819

X-ray dept (mammograms and ultrasounds) – 020 8510 5762

24 hours Emergency Chemotherapy – 07917093738

Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Manager

Health and Cancer Information Centre: 020 8510 5191

Breast Cancer Care

– 0808 800 6000

CAB (benefits advice)

– 020 8525 6367

Macmillan Cancerline – 0808 808 0000

The Breast Unit Consultants are: -

Miss Christina Choy (consultant surgeon)

 Ms. Laila Parvanta (consultant surgeon)

 Dr. Sarah Slater (consultant oncologist)

Dr. Virginia Wolstenholme (consultant radiologist)

Other formats

If you require this leaflet in any other format please speak to your clinical nurse specialist (Keyworker)


The following team members have been consulted and agreed this patient information:

Consultant, Clinical Nurse Specialist (Keyworker), Macmillan Cancer Information and

Support Manager and Patient

Produced by: Breast team

Homerton University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Homerton Row, London, E9 6SR

Tel: 020 8510 5555 Produced by: Breast team



Reviewed: May 2014

Next review date: May 2016

Breast Care Service

Clinical Nurse Specialist

Key Worker

Breast Department

Incorporating hospital and community health services, teaching and research

Your Breast Care Nurses and Key Workers are: -

Cate Darlison

Direct Line: - 020 8510 7023 (answerphone)

Via switchboard: - 020 8510 5555 Bleep 323

Jeanine Georgette

Direct Line: - 020 8510 7023 (answerphone)

Via switchboard: - 020 8510 5555 Bleep 237

We are not available on:-

Wednesday morning between 9.00am


One of us will act as your key worker

Hours of work:

Monday to Friday, 9.00am to 5.00pm (answerphone outside these hours)

When you ring, please leave a message on the answerphone as we are often seeing patients in clinic or on the wards and therefore not in the office.

Due to the nature of the service, immediate response to answerphone messages may not be possible. However, messages are checked regularly throughout the day and we aim to answer all calls within approximately 24 hours of receiving a message.

Please be aware that though this is not an emergency service, if we are available we will try and help during our working hours. If you require immediate care and are unable to reach us, please contact your Breast Surgeons’ secretary, Oncology department / District

Nurse/ GP/ Accident and Emergency department or Walk-in Centre

What is our aim?

The Breast Care Service at Homerton University Hospital NHS

Trust aims to provide you with the best possible care for your illness.

The Breast Care Nurse/Keyworker will be your main point of contact at the hospital and will be involved in co-ordinating your care and also act as a link between health care professionals.

We will be available to offer you and your family/carers information support and advice about:

your treatment and care

 practical advice like prosthesis fitting

 information on how to obtain wigs

 emotional and psychological support like counselling and support groups

 social and financial support

 management of minor arm lymphoedema and exercise

advice on controlling any symptoms you might experience

 communication with your GP regarding your care

We also refer to other specialist services as necessary for added support (with your consent)

The breast care team is made up of a number of specialist practitioners to manage your care . We operate as part of a

Multidisciplinary team (MDT), ensuring all aspects of your care are fully discussed, as appropriate. Other members of the MDT, who regularly meet weekly to discuss and review your case before, during and after your treatment include:

Breast Surgeons

Consultant Oncologist

Consultant Radiologist

Consultant Pathologist

Breast Care Nurses /Key Worker

Other services provided:

Health Promotion sessions in the hospital and community

Identifying gaps for service improvement

Involving service users in service developments
