CALIFORNIA INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT BOARD ORGANICS TOOLBOX Alameda County This case study describes how Alameda County participated and provided data for costbenefit analysis to reflect the diversity of home composting programs. Burbank This case study describes how the City of Burbank partnered with its hauling company and a grower to implement a highly successful green material and food scraps from landfilling. Emeryville This case study describes the City of Emeryville’s stormwater construction and to give guidelines about a sustainable construction of a city. Oakland This case study describes how the City of Oakland’s implemented a green building and Bay-Friendly Landscaping in a LEED-Platinum certified office remodel. Santa Cruz County This case study describes Santa Cruz County on how biosolids are recycled to better alternatives for biosolid management. Ukiah County A case study was conducted on a farm land in Ukiah County to determine the effects of biodynamic preparation on soil, wine grape and compost quality on vineyards. Alameda County (pdf file) Alameda County adopted a local ordiance prohibiting the disposal of certain recycleable and compostable materials from their landfills. San Jose (pdf file) City of San Jose adopted a local ordinance that offers incentives for non-ADC diversion. Santa Cruz County Santa Cruz County has a landfill ban on greenwaste. Sonoma County Sonoma County bans yard debris and wood waste from their landfills. Alameda – County measure – check website for fee on ADC/check with LAMD Staff – nothing at this time. Riverside County CASE STUDIES MODEL ORDINANCES FEE SECTION Organics Roadmap – Organic Toolbox (2) -1- San Jose San Jose uses fee to create incentives to recycle and compost. The following document is part of the City’s Zero Waste Strategic plan and provides a summary of the current fee, as well as a review of options being considered as diversion increases in order to replace revenues that are currently based on tons landfilled. http://www.sjrecyclesorg/PDFs/AppendixC-Financial_11-13-08.pdf Alameda County Waste Management Authority – EPP Model Policy and Guidelines Prepared by StopWaste.Org Alameda’s policy was adopted in order to conserve natural resources and increase the use and availability of environmentally preferable products that protect the environment. EPP Implementation Guidelines CIWMB’s EPP Program provides recommendations on what local governments and state agencies can do to purchase environmentally preferable products. After years of co-leading the state's EPP Task Force, in recent years we have provided support to the Department of General Services which is the lead agency for EPP in state government. ENVIRONMENTALLY PREFERABLE PURCHASES AND PRACTICES POLICY (EPPP) The Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Best Practices Manual (see the menu on the right side of the Department of General Services' Green California website) assists purchasing officials and specification writers with practicing environmentally preferable purchasing. This comprehensive tool addresses most of the products and services. The CIWMB co-lead the effort to create this manual with the Department of General Services where the website is hosted. CIWMB State Agency Buy Recycled Campaign (SABRC) Program Requirements SABRC requires that every State department, board, commission, office, State universities, and the Legislature must require all suppliers certify the postconsumer recycled-content (PC) of their products that fall within the 11 reportable categories. King County - Seattle, Washington King County provides sample contract specifications for compost and landscape mulch, and information on a variety of other products. In addition, its website contains procurement case studies along with resources for environmental purchasing and waste reduction. Los Angeles County (pdf file) Los Angeles County EPP Policy establishes the framework for an environmentally base purchasing program. San Jose The City of San José has been recognized for leadership in implementing environmental programs and procedures. Since 1990 the City has been proactive with policies that protect the environement through sustainable purchasing choices. United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) The EPA's website assists Executive agencies in the purchasing of environmentally preferable products (EPP) and services. This website has a glossary of terms, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), and a suite of tools including a database which lists over 600 environmentally preferred products and services. Organics Roadmap – Organic Toolbox (2) -2- COMPOST GUIDELINES/ SPECIFICATIONS FINANCIAL INCENTIVES CIWMB Publication: Guidelines for Writing Compost or Mulch Procurement Specification This guideline assist State and local agency representatives in developing specifications for purchasing compost or mulch for use in landscaping applications, erosion control, weed suppression and other end uses. Caltrans The Caltrans website has a variety of resources for project managers including specifications, publications, compost calculators, and event schedules. Brian Larimore – Workshop in June 2009 - White Paper Incentives and Disincentives CIWMB Publication: Second Assessment of California's Compost- and MulchProducing Infrastructure. This study provides definitive information and data on compost and mulch producers in California, feedstock sources, products, and markets for compost and mulch. CIWMB Publication: Compost Use for Landscape and Environmental Enhancement Manual CIWMB - Local Assistance & Market Development (LAMD) Regional Rural Cooperative Marketing Project (pdf file) Bay-Friendly Landscape Guidelines A whole systems approach to the design, construction and maintenance of landscapes to support the integrity of one of California’s most magnificent ecosystems, the San Francisco watershed. River-Friendly Landscape Guidelines A whole systems approach to the design, construction and maintenance of landscapes to support the integrity of one of California’s key ecosystems, the Sacramento River. Here is a marketing cheat sheet that I did for CRRA last year, and folks loved it. You can post in the marketing plans area of the toolbox. (louie scan document and list as a pdf file) Ron Alexander – Manual for Caltrans . CIWMB Demonstration Projects - in partnership with local governments, compost producers, users of compost and mulch, and others - that promote waste prevention and recycling of organic materials. CIWMB Publication – Compost Products used on Fire Damaged Land CIWMB Publications for Benefit of Compost Use Green California - DGS Information about Environmental and Health Issues and Recommendations MARKETING PLAN BENEFIT OF COMPOST USE Organics Roadmap – Organic Toolbox (2) -3- Ron Alexander Associates, Inc. (RAA) RAA is an environmental consulting company, specializing in composting and organics recycling. US Composting Council Factsheet – Compost and Its Benefits1 (pdf file) This fact sheet summarizes the many physical, chemical and biological benefits that the use of compost brings. San Jose – Competitive Contract Services San Jose uses a comptetitive process to obtain contract services for collection and processing which meet hightest and best use, as well as diversion goals. Provisions in yard trimmings contracts include 95% diversion, minimum of 50% material collected finished compost, STA certified compost, and approved products that can be made from collected organics. View RFP and contract in the toolbox at: San Jose Memorandum: Monthly Green Vision Update The City of San Jose adopted Green Vision to improve the quality of life for all residents by connecting and advancing economic growth and environment sustainability. CIWMB Recycled-Content Product (RCP) Directory The directory contains thousands of listings of recycled-content products made from recycled materials. CIWMB Supplier/Producer Listing A database consisting of different suppliers of compost and mulch producer in a selected county. CIWMB SWIS Database The Solid Waste Information System (SWIS) database contains information on solid waste facilities, operations, and disposal sites throughout the State of California. BioCycle – Nationwide Facilities Database BioCycle has a searchable database of composting facilities in North America. It includes all regulatory-compliant composting operations to aid generators of compostable feedstocks and other interested parties in locating facilities that are permitted to receive those feedstocks. Association of Compost Producers (ACP) The APC is a non-profit organization whose members are public agencies and private companies involved in the production and marketing of compost. The association helps members work together to improve the quality of soil being used for gardens, landscaping and farming. BioCycle BioCycle shows you how to turn organic residuals — woody materials, yard trimmings, municipal solid waste (MSW), food residuals, biosolids, manure and other feedstock into value-added products. CONTRACT MECHANISMS SUPPLIER LIST RESOURCES/ WEBSITES Organics Roadmap – Organic Toolbox (2) -4- California Organic Recycling Council (CORC) The CORC represents a coalition of organics recyclers, including collectors, processors, end users, and local governments. The CORC supports the development of an organics infrastructure for increasing sustainable and diverse end markets, through policy leadership and education. Cornell Waste Management Institute (CWMI) CWMI is a program in the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Cornell serves the public through research, outreach, training, and technical assistance with a focus on organic residuals. San Jose The City of San Jose has one of the most successful yard trimmings collection programs in California. Commercial agriculture and landscaping are natural markets for recycled organic materials such as green soil amendment, wood chips, and finished compost. Soils for Salmon Resources, Washington State The Soils for Salmon Resources provides information about the uses and benefits of Best Management Practices (BMPs) of soils. U.S. Composting Council (USCC) The USCC supports many programs, including the Seal of Testing Assurance (STA), the Test Methods for the Examination of Composting and Compost (TMECC), the Compost Analysis Proficiency Program (CAP), International Compost Awareness Week (ICAW) and the Biodegradable Logo project. S:\MATERIALS & PRODUCTS\Organics\OMM\BLarimore\ADC\ADCToolbox Findings - EY Organics Roadmap – Organic Toolbox (2) -5-