Unit Review - Managing Mental and Emotional

Name __________________________________ Class ________________ Date _______________
8th Grade
Unit Review
Lesson: Emotions
_____ 1. Hormone changes that occur during teen development can affect
emotions by causing differences in a teen’s
a. sleeping patterns.
b. clothing taste.
c. food and snacks.
d. mood and energy.
2. The _______________________ produces emotions in response to life events.
Match each definition with the correct term. Write the letter in the space provided.
_____ 3. a feeling produced in response to a life
_____ 4. a chemical that helps control how the body
grows and functions
mental health
emotional health
_____ 5. the way a person experiences and deals
with feelings
_____ 6. an organ that releases hormones into the
_____ 7. the way people think about and respond to
events in their daily lives
Lesson: Understanding Emotions
8. An _______________________ is a set of emotions arranged by how pleasant
they are.
9. If you identify your emotions, you may be able to _______________________
with problems better.
10. Situations, people, and events that cause a person to feel an emotion are called
Original content Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Additions and changes to the original content are the responsibility of the instructor.
Decisions for Health
Managing Mental and Emotional Health
Name __________________________________ Class ________________ Date _______________
Review continued
11. Name three physical changes in the body that emotions can elicit.
Lesson: Expressing Emotions
_____ 12. Which of the following is a form of healthy expression?
a. destroying property
b. starting fights
c. making a sculpture
d. setting fires
13. Unhealthy emotions can prevent people from solving
14. The first step to effective _______________________ is knowing what you
want to say.
15. What is body language?
16. What is active listening?
Lesson: Coping with Emotions
_____ 17. Which of the following is NOT a positive thought about a bad
a. “This won’t last forever.”
b. “Nothing ever works out for me.”
c. “I will have other chances.”
d. “It doesn’t always happen like this.”
Original content Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Additions and changes to the original content are the responsibility of the instructor.
Decisions for Health
Managing Mental and Emotional Health
Name __________________________________ Class ________________ Date _______________
Review continued
Match each term with its definition. Write the letter in the space provided.
_____ 18. the natural response with which the body
reacts to unpleasant situations
_____ 19. automatic behavior used to reduce stress
_____ 20. a measure of how much you value,
respect, and feel confident about yourself
positive self-talk
defense mechanism
negative thinking
_____ 21. thinking about the good parts of a bad
_____ 22. focusing on the bad side of a situation
23. When your overall health is stable, your mental and physical
_______________________ to stress are less severe.
Lesson: Mental Illness
_____ 24. Which of the following is NOT a symptom of schizophrenia?
a. extreme expression of emotion
b. hallucinations and delusions
c. paranoia
d. nonsense speech
Match each term with its definition. Write the letter in the space provided.
_____ 25. a disorder that affects a person’s thoughts,
emotions, and behaviors
_____ 26. the belief that other people want to harm
a. mental illness
b. anxiety disorder
c. mood disorder
d. paranoia
_____ 27. an illness in which people have
uncontrollable mood changes
_____ 28. an illness that causes unusually strong
nervousness, worry, or panic
29. List two factors that can lead to a mental illness.
Original content Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Additions and changes to the original content are the responsibility of the instructor.
Decisions for Health
Managing Mental and Emotional Health
Name __________________________________ Class ________________ Date _______________
Review continued
30. Some symptoms of bipolar mood disorder occur in several mental illnesses,
which can make BMD hard to _______________________ and treat.
Lesson: Depression
_____ 31. Depression is not just feeling sad, it is
a. an emotion.
b. a mental illness that can be extremely dangerous.
c. a delusion.
d. an illness that is rarely treated successfully.
_____ 32. Which of the following is NOT a sign of depression?
a. changes in sleeping and eating patterns
b. tiredness or lack of energy
c. difficulty concentrating
d. feeling hopeful
33. Depression is a _______________________ in which a person feels extremely
sad and hopeless for long periods of time.
34. What is suicidal thinking?
35. Someone who is thinking about suicide should be taken to a
_____ 36. Which of the following is NOT a source of help for people with
emotional problems or disorders?
a. movies
b. teachers
c. clergy
d. peer counseling
Original content Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Additions and changes to the original content are the responsibility of the instructor.
Decisions for Health
Managing Mental and Emotional Health
Name __________________________________ Class ________________ Date _______________
Review continued
Lesson: Getting Help
Match each term with its definition. Write the letter in the space provided.
_____ 37. a person who addresses mental health
problems by dealing with individuals and
their friends and family members
_____ 38. a person who tries to change thoughts,
feelings, and actions by finding the reasons
behind them or by suggesting new ways to
manage emotions
teen hotline
social worker
_____ 39. a community resource that teens can call to
talk privately and anonymously about their
_____ 40. a medical doctor who specializes in illnesses
of the brain and body that affect emotions and
_____ 41. a professional who helps people work through
difficult problems by talking
42. Treating mental disorders or serious emotional problems early can help
prevent _______________________ and other violence.
Original content Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Additions and changes to the original content are the responsibility of the instructor.
Decisions for Health
Managing Mental and Emotional Health