www.luatminhkhue.vn vanban.luatminhkhue.vn THE MINISTRY OF FINANCE Circular No. 113/2015/TT-BTC dated August 07, 2015 of the Ministry of Finance amending a number of articles of the Circular No. 04/2012/TT-BTC dated January 05, 2012 of the Ministry of Finance providing for the collection, payment, management and use of fees and charges in veterinary services Pursuant to the Law on promulgation of legislative documents No. 17/2008/QH12 dated 03/6/2008; Pursuant to the Decree No. 215/2013/ND-CP dated December 23rd 2013 by the Government defining the functions, tasks, entitlements and organizational structure of the Ministry of Finance; At the request of the Director of the Tax Policy Department, The Minister of Finance promulgates Circular amending to Circular No. 04/2012/TT-BTC dated 05/01/2012 by the Ministry of Finance providing for the collection, payment, management and use of fees and charges in veterinary services as follows: Article 1. Points 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 part I Appendix 1; points 5, 6, 7, 8 Appendix 2; points 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.10, 2.21, 2.24 part II and points 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 part III section A; points 6 and 7 section C; section D; section E; section F of Appendix 4 enclosed with Circular No. 04/2012/TTBTC. Article 2. Point 3 part I of Appendix 1 is amended as follows: Fees for issuance of the certificate of quarantine of animals/animal products that are transited or temporarily imported: VND 70,000 per time. (The List of fees/charges that are annulled/amended is enclosed herewith). Article 3. This Circular takes effect on August 08, 2015. Article 4. Any difficulties arising in the course of implementation of this Circular should be reported to the Ministry of Finance for solution./. For the Minister The Deputy Minister Vu Thi Mai LUẬT SƯ TƯ VẤN PHÁP LUẬT 24/7: 1900 6162 www.luatminhkhue.vn vanban.luatminhkhue.vn LIST OF FEES and CHARGES THAT ARE CANCELLED/AMENDED I. Fees in veterinary services specified in Appendix 1 enclosed with Circular No. 04/2012/TT-BTC that are annulled/amended: 1. Cancelled fees: Unit of measure Rate (VND) Issuance 70,000 - Between provinces Issuance 30,000 - Within a province Issuance 5,000 4 Issuance of the Certificate of quarantine of goods shipped by post, carried goods (regardless of quantity and species) Issuance 40,000 5 Reissuance of Certificates of quarantine on request Issuance 50% of the initial payment 8 Issuance of the certificate of veterinary hygiene of places where animals and products thereof are gathered for handling Issuance 25,000 9 Issuance of the Certificate of veterinary hygiene: Issuance 40,000 No. List I Issuance of the Certificate of quarantine of animals, slaughter control, veterinary hygiene inspection; issuance of license for trading in veterinary medicines 1 Issuance of the Certificate of disease-free regions/establishments 2 Issuance of the Certificate of quarantine of animals/animal products for transport: - For stores/stalls selling animal products (with duration of 2 years) LUẬT SƯ TƯ VẤN PHÁP LUẬT 24/7: 1900 6162 www.luatminhkhue.vn vanban.luatminhkhue.vn - For concentrated animal-raising establishments, breed production and trading establishments, hatcheries; animals/animal products collection places; animal slaughterhouses, animal product-preparing and preserving establishments; isolation areas for quarantine of exported/imported animals (with duration of 2 years) Issuance 70,000 11 Issuance of the result certificate of testing of veterinary medicines and aquatic veterinary medicines Issuance 70,000 12 Issuance of the license for modification of import order of veterinary medicines/aquatic veterinary medicines Issuance 70,000 13 Issuance of the Certificate of conformable animal-disease laboratory (for each disease) (with duration of 2 years) Issuance 70,000 14 Issuance of the Free Sale Certificate for export 1 type of medicine 70,000 15 Issuance of certificate of sale of veterinary medicines/aquatic veterinary medicines (issuance/extension) 1 type of medicine 70,000 16 Issuance of the certificate of modification of the license for sale of veterinary medicines/aquatic veterinary medicines (packaging specification), modification of labels/packaging of goods 1 type of medicine 60,000 17 Issuance of the certificate of quality of veterinary medicines, chemicals, biopreparations and microorganisms used in veterinary medicines/aquatic veterinary medicines Time 70,000 Unit of Rate 2. Modified fees: No. List LUẬT SƯ TƯ VẤN PHÁP LUẬT 24/7: 1900 6162 www.luatminhkhue.vn vanban.luatminhkhue.vn I Issuance of the Certificate of quarantine of animals, slaughter control, veterinary hygiene inspection; issuance of license for trading in veterinary medicines 3 Fees for issuance of the certificate of quarantine of animals/animal products that are transited or temporarily imported: VND/time measure (VND) Time 70,000 II. Fees in animal-disease control specified in Appendix 2 enclosed with Circular No. 04/2012/TT-BTC that are cancelled: Unit of measure Rate (VND) - Volume (by cubic meter) Time/m3 800 - Area (by square meter) Time/m2 500 6 Solution of animal wastes Ton, m3 18,000 7 Impoundment of unbridled dogs that are caught by veterinary units (excluding feed costs) Day 15,000 8 Inspection of registration of pet dogs (with duration of 1 year) Time 4,500 No. 5 List Pasteurization and decontamination: III. Charges of quarantine of animals and products thereof; Control of slaughter, inspection of veterinary hygiene specified in Appendix 4 enclosed with Circular No. 04/2012/TT-BTC that are cancelled: No. Unit of measure List A Quarantine of animals and products thereof II Quarantine of animal products, animal feed and other animal derivatives 2.1 Poultry eggs: LUẬT SƯ TƯ VẤN PHÁP LUẬT 24/7: 1900 6162 Rate (VND) www.luatminhkhue.vn vanban.luatminhkhue.vn - Hatching eggs, baluts (chicken embryo) Egg 5,5 - Commercial eggs Egg 4,5 2.2 Ostrich’s egg Egg 7 2.3 Quail egg Egg 1 2.4 Silkworm egg Box 27,000 2.5 Semen Dose 70 2.10 Animal products that are bladed, repackaged, prepared, cooked kilogram 135 2.21 Horn crafts Pcs 500 2.24 Inspection of treated animal wastes Ton 7,000 - Transported by containers/refrigerator trucks with an amount of from 12 to 24 tons (if goods are subject to testing, charge of testing shall be calculated separately) Batch 400,000 - Transported with an amount of under 12 tons (if goods are subject to testing, charge of testing shall be calculated separately) Batch 200,000 - Batch of goods ≤ 1,000 kg in weight Batch 100,000 - Batch of goods 1,001 – 10,000 kg in weight Batch 200,000 - Batch of goods > 10,000 kg in weight Batch 400,000 III Quarantine of aquatic animals and products thereof 1.2 Inspection of actual conditions of goods, applicable to frozen aquatic animal products 1.3 1.4 Charge of inspection of actual conditions of goods, applicable to dried aquatic animal products Charge of inspection of actual conditions of goods, applicable to liquid and thick aquatic animal products LUẬT SƯ TƯ VẤN PHÁP LUẬT 24/7: 1900 6162 www.luatminhkhue.vn vanban.luatminhkhue.vn - Batch of goods with volume of ≤ 1,000 liters per ton Batch 100,000 - Batch of goods with volume of 1,001 – 10,000 liters per ton Batch 200,000 - Batch of goods with volume of > 10,000 liters per ton Batch 400,000 Ton 20,000 - With volume of > 20 million animals per year Time 468,500 - With volume of 10 million to 20 million animals per year Time 339,000 - With volume of 5 million to 10 million animals per year Time 255,000 - With volume of up to 5 million animals per year Time 170,000 7 Veterinary hygiene inspection for aquatic breedtrading establishments Time 145,500 D Decontamination in quarantine 1 Automobile Time per automobile 40,000 2 Plane Time per plane 450,000 3 Carriage Time per carriage 68,000 4 Other vehicles Time per vehicle 10,000 5 Yard, ground, isolation area for quarantine, raising establishment, breed production m2 500 1.5 Charge of inspection of actual conditions of goods, applicable to other aquatic animal products C Veterinary hygiene inspection 6 Veterinary hygiene inspection for aquatic breed production establishments LUẬT SƯ TƯ VẤN PHÁP LUẬT 24/7: 1900 6162 www.luatminhkhue.vn vanban.luatminhkhue.vn establishment, hatchery, slaughterhouse, animal product-preparing establishment, animal/animal product-trading establishment, animal product market E Affixing of veterinary hygiene inspection stamps on animal products F Marking of domestic livestock 1 Stamp 500 Attachment of ear tags for cattle (cows, horses, donkey, stag, deer, etc.) Tag 8,000 2 Attachment of ear tags for livestock (pig, goat, sheep, etc.) Tag 6,500 3 Sealing of vehicles for transport of animals and products thereof Seal 1,500 LUẬT SƯ TƯ VẤN PHÁP LUẬT 24/7: 1900 6162