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Ohio Grade 8 Achievement Test for Science – May 2007
Annotated Item 28
Standard and Benchmark Assessed:
Life Sciences
B. Describe the characteristics of an organism in terms of a combination of
inherited traits and recognize reproduction as a characteristic of living
organisms essential to the continuation of the species.
Multiple Choice Question:
Use the information below to answer questions 27-29.
The diagram below represents a cross section of a lagoon and some of its aquatic organisms. A
magnified view (400X magnification) of each organism is shown.
Source: Ohio Department of Education
August 07
Ohio Grade 8 Achievement Test for Science – May 2007
Annotated Item 28
Paramecia usually reproduce asexually. Fish reproduce sexually. Suppose the
environmental conditions in the lagoon change.
What advantage will the fish population have over the paramecium population?
Sexual reproduction produces offspring that are identical to the parents.
Sexual reproduction decreases the genetic variability in the fish populations.
Sexual reproduction limits the spread of harmful characteristics in fish populations.
Sexual reproduction allows populations to adapt to new conditions over fewer
This multiple choice question asks students to identify an advantage of sexual reproduction
when there is a change in environmental conditions. Students are told that paramecia
reproduce asexually and that fish reproduce sexually. Students must recall that reproduction is
a characteristic of living organisms that enables a species to pass its genetic material to future
generations. Students should recognize the differences between sexual and asexual
reproduction strategies and the advantages and disadvantages conferred upon organisms by
each type. Students must also know that sexual reproduction creates new combinations of
traits in offspring that may increase or decrease the chances that an organism will survive in a
particular environment. Sexual reproduction introduces genetic variation into a population while
asexual reproduction does not. Answer choice D is correct because organisms that reproduce
sexually (fish) can more readily adapt to new conditions over fewer generations. Answer choice
A is incorrect because the fish offspring produced by sexual reproduction will not be genetically
identical to their parents while offspring produced by asexual reproduction (paramecia) are
exact replicas of the parent. Answer choice B is incorrect because sexual reproduction
increases genetic variation in a population, rather than decreasing it. Lower genetic variation
would not be an advantage for the fish population if the environment changes. Answer choice C
is incorrect because an organism that reproduces sexually can pass on harmful traits to
offspring but this would not be an advantage for the population.
This question is classified as Recalling/Identifying Accurate Science because the task requires
students to recognize accurate scientific statements about sexual reproduction and the
advantages it may provide for a population of organisms.
Performance Data:
The percent of public school students selecting answer choice D for question 28 on the May
2007 Ohio Grade 8 Achievement Test for Science was 60%.
sexual reproduction, asexual reproduction
Source: Ohio Department of Education
August 07