

Student Union Advisory Board

October 24, 2012



Meeting called by: Michael Naughton, Vice-Chair

Roll Call: Victoria Shore

Minutes: Victoria Shore

Attendees: Joe Parisi, Michael McGuire, Laura Fox, John Timpe, Oupa Seane, Anthony Hendricks,

Paige Lehman, Kayleigh Harrison, Kenneth Smoak, Michele Staton, Michael Naughton, David Crabtree,

Victoria Shore.

Absent : Kenneth Smoak, Megan Jones, Samantha Delgado

Guests: Hether Celetti, John Simms


Agenda item : Approval of Minutes from September 19, 2012 Presenter

Paige Lehman made a motion to approve the minutes of September 19, 2012.

: Michael Naughton

Michael McGuire seconded the motion.

There were no objections. Motion passed.

SUAB Chair Report: Presenter: Michael Naughton

Michael announced that he would be running the meeting as Megan was unable to do so. The first item he discussed was the date for the next meeting. As the regular meeting was scheduled November 21 st , the day before Thanksgiving, Michael asked the group for their decision to change the meeting to the 14 th or the 28 th . After some discussion, the group decided to schedule the next regular meeting to November 14 th in the same meeting room. He advised the group that he and Megan would be scheduling a meeting with

David to discuss the goals for the committees.

Student Union Director Report: a.

Monthly Report:

Presenter: David Crabtree

David Crabtree highlighted operations and events that took place in September. As he discussed the

September Monthly Report, he advised the board members that he had anticipated the small drop in revenue, but felt that it was an insignificant drop and would be picking up in the next few weeks, looking at the schedule of events. He also advised the members that work regarding S.T.E.A.M. was continuing and should be functional by January, 2013. There were no questions and no discussion.

Old Business:


Page 2 SUAB Meeting October 24 2012

New Business:

The Priority Request that was scheduled was not discussed as the Women’s Center could not be present due to a conflict in schedules. The discussion was tabled until the Women’s Center could attend the SUAB Meeting.

During the September SUAB meeting, Michael Naughton had requested a copy of the Student

Union’s Priority Request List be provided to each member. Michael directed everyone’s attention to the list and went over what a priority request was and the procedures for making a request.

Guest Comments:


Presenter: Michael Naughton

Updates & Events/Good of the Order: Presenter: Michael Naughton

John Timpe asked David Crabtree about the limitations of the meeting area for events and if we needed more workers or more meeting areas. David pointed out that the major problem was in the timing of events and that most events take place during the afternoons during peak hours- or periods of time most requested. However, in the future as the student population grows, more event areas will also be scrutinized.

John also asked the reason the ping pong area was being painted. David said that it is to define the court area and is also rubberized for a safer and more efficient playing area.

Michael McGuire asked if there would be a roof over the ping pong area. David said that there would be, however, lighting was the priority. The roof was scheduled for a later date.

Micheal Naughton reminded the members that OP’s concert was Friday, and tickets for the Jaguar’s would be selling on Thursday.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:17 P.M. Respectfully submitted by Victoria Shore
