Appendix 1: Revised Criteria for the Unit of Analysis Error Flowchart for the detection of the Unit of Analysis error in susceptible studies. Addressing the Unit of Analysis- 2 Appendix 2: Susceptible Observational Studies That Addressed the Unit of Analysis Article Category Clinical Skills First Author, Year of Publication, and Reference Type of Study Patient Level Sample Size Practitioner/ Practice Level Sample Size Prospective Cohort 50 Patients 16 Physicians Cross-sectional 3453 Patients 138 Physicians Prospective Cohort 7730 Patients 300 Physicians Retrospective 2256 Patient Visits 5 Practitioners To assess the association between licensing scores and quality of care given. Prospective Cohort 113535 Patients 614 Physicians The effect of resident postgraduate year on inguinal hernia recurrence. Retrospective Analysis 1983 Patients Unknown To compare the clinical performance of primary care and medicine residents. Prospective Cohort 6307 Patients 153 Physicians Bach PB, 2004(60) Baldwin LM, 1995(61) Carey TS, 1996(62) Chan BT, 2003(63) To delineate differences in physicians who care for different racial groups. Cross-sectional 150391 Patients 4355 Physicians To assess the effect of prior defendant status on obstetric practice. Retrospective Cohort 11980 Patients 205 Physicians To determine the variables associated with using spinal imaging for back pain. Prospective Cohort 1633 Patients 208 Physicians To determine the variables associated with referrals to specialists. Cross-sectional 696003 Patients 6972 Physicians Cooper LA, 2003(64) Prospective Cohort 252 Patients 31 Physicians Flocke SA, 2005(65) To correlate race, patient satisfaction, and patient-centered communication. To determine whether physician and patient gender influences preventative care. Cross-sectional 3256 Patients 138 Physicians Franks P, 2000(66) To examine the relationship between referral rates, and patient satisfaction. Cross sectional 5000 Patients 100 Physicians Franks P, 2003(67) To correlate socioeconomic status with preventive care and referral patterns. Cross-sectional 437743 Patients 568 Physicians Gaur AH, 2005(68) Greenfield S, 2002(69) To determine the providers that administer antibiotics during viral illness. The effects of case-mix and physicianlevel clustering on quality of care. Cross-sectional 1952 Encounters Unknown Retrospective 1750 Patients 63 Physicians Hampers LC, 2002(70) To delineate differences in Emergency Department management of croup. Retrospective Cohort 530 Patients 69 Physicians Kalish RB, 2004(71) To determine the rate and factors influencing cesarean delivery. Cross-sectional 422 Patients 422 Physicians Mangione-Smith R, 1999(72) The effect of parental expectation on antibiotic prescribing rate. Observational 306 Patients 10 Physicians Bariciak ED, 2003(53) Gotler RS, 2000(54) Kaplan SH, 1996(55) Riley MR, 2005(56) Goal of Study To assess ED physician accuracy in estimating the age of bruises in children. To assess the means by which physicians facilitate participatory decision-making. To characterize physicians who facilitate participatory decision-making well. To determine how frequently pediatric sub specialists diagnose obesity. Educational Tamblyn R, 1998(57) Wilkiemeyer M, 2005(58) Wong MD, 1999(59) Physician Practice Patterns Addressing the Unit of Analysis- 3 Mangione-Smith R, 2002(73) To determine observational procedures alter patterns of antibiotic prescribing. To determine the parental beliefs regarding antibiotics that are attributable to race. To determine the physician characteristics associated with delivery of quality care. Observational 317 Patients Unknown Cross-sectional 543 Patients 38 Physicians Cross-sectional 24581 Patients 3660 Physicians Retrospective 104231 Patients Unknown Cross-sectional 303 Patients 19 Physicians Prospective Cohort 429 Patients 132 Physicians To identify clinician opinions associated with continuation of exclusive breastfeeding. Prospective Cohort 288 Patients 121 Physicians The effects of physician behavior on child immunization rates. Retrospective and cross-sectional 1834 Patients 15 Physicians To compare cardiologists and generalists regarding resource use and outcomes. Prospective Cohort 1298 Patients Unknown The effect of hospitalist care on resource use and outcome. Retrospective Cohort 5308 Patients 138 Physicians To determine the inter-rater reliability of the EQ-5D in patients with dementia. Cross-sectional 64 Patients 4 Physicians To determine the effect of patient age on end-of-life care. The association between malpractice records and patient complaints. Prospective Cohort Retrospective Cohort 9105 Patients Unknown Unknown 645 Physicians Retrospective 1308 IVF Egg Transfers 11 Physicians Retrospective Cohort 652 Patients 399 Physicians The causes of variability in IVF success rate between individual practitioners. Retrospective 782.1 IVF Transfer Cycles 13 Physicians Meltzer D, 2002(89) To compare costs and outcomes between hospitalists and generalists. Prospective Cohort 6511 Patients 60 Physicians Meredith LS, 2005(90) The effect of provider’s attitudes on smoking cessation. Retrospective 1080 Patients 280 Physicians The relationship between physician certification and clinical performance. Cross-sectional 197500 Patients 1982 Physicians The effect of interprovider variability on cost variations in ventilated neonates. Retrospective Cohort 132 Patients 11 Physicians The effect of a change to fixed distance embryo transfer on IVF success. Retrospective 4439 IVF Transfer Cycles 7 Physicians The effect of interprovider variability on pregnancy rates in in vitro fertilization. Prospective Observational 997 Egg Transfers 6 Physicians Comparison of the quality of HIV care between Physicians, PA’s and NP’s. Cross-sectional 6651 Patients 243 practitioners Mangione-Smith R, 2004(74) Pham HH, 2005(75) Rathore SS, 2001(76) Silliman RA, 1999(77) Taveras EM, 2004(78) Taveras EM, 2004(79) Taylor JA, 1997(80) The effect of physician gender on rate of post-MI cardiac catheterization. The effect of surgeon gender on treatment offered for early-stage breast cancer. To assess attitudes and gaps in clinician counseling for breastfeeding mothers. QI and Outcome Auerbach AD, 2000(81) Auerbach AD, 2002(82) Coucill W, 2001(83) Hamel MB, 1999(84) Hickson GB, 2002(85) Karande VC, 1999(86) Keating NL, 2004(87) Lalwani S, 2004(88) Miller G, 2004(91) Perlstein PH, 1997(92) Van De Pas MM, 2003(93) Van Weering HG, 2005(94) Wilson IB, 2005(95) The effect of interprovider variability on the success of IVF-ET. The effect of different practice management strategies on diabetes quality of care. Addressing the Unit of Analysis- 4 Appendix 3: Susceptible Observational Studies That Did Not Address the Unit of Analysis Article Category First Author, Year of Publication, and Reference Practitioner/ Practice Level Sample Size Goal of Study Type of Study Patient Level Sample Size Lehmann CU, 2004(96) Pestotnik SL, 1996(97) Potts AL, 2004(98) The effects of an online TPN calculator on physician error rate. Prospective Cohort 1684 Patient Orders Unknown The effects of a CDSS on appropriate clinical and financial use of antibiotics. Prospective Observational 162196 Patients Unknown The effects of CPOE on medical errors. Prospective Cohort 564 Patients Unknown McLennan MT, 2005(99) The association between bladder perforation and physician experience. Prospective Observational 278 Patients 23 Physicians Posther KE, 2005(100) The number of lymph node dissections needed to identify malignancy. Prospective Observational 5237 Patients 198 Physicians Bailit JL, 2004(101) The effects of housestaff work hours on errors and outcomes. Case-control Unknown Unknown Petersen LA, 1994(102) The effect of lowered continuity of care on adverse housestaff events. Case-control 162 Patients 39 Physicians Chen J, 2001(18) The difference in cardiac catheterization rate attributable race. Retrospective 39715 Patients 17138 Physicians To determine whether medical student presence effects clinician time. Cross-sectional 452 Patients 16 Physicians To assess levels of compliance with the acute otitis media guidelines. Cross-sectional 567 Patients 29 Physicians The effects of physician decisionmaking styles on admission rates for MI. Retrospective 787 Patients Unknown 50 Physicians (study 1) 127 Physicians (study 2) CDSS Clinical Skills Educational Physician Practice Patterns Frank SH, 1997(103) Garbutt J, 2003(104) Green LA, 1994(105) Hall JA, 1994(106) Hampers LC, 1999(107) Hueston WJ, 1994(19) The relationship between physician and gender, and patient satisfaction. Observational 100 Patients (study 1) 537 Patients (study 2) To determine how language barriers effect ED management. Prospective Cohort 2467 Patients Unknown OB provider characteristics associated with epidural use. Retrospective 8229 Patients 392 Physicians Kaplan SH, 1995(108) Patient characteristics supporting participatory decision-making. Observational 8316 Patients 344 Physicians Letourneau MA, 2003(109) The characteristics of calls to telephone neurology nursing line. Cross-sectional 208 Patients 4 Physicians O'Brien SH, 2004(110) Psaty BM, 1995(111) The performance of in managing pediatric obesity. The effect of clinical trials on antihypertensive prescribing patterns. Observational 244 Patients Unknown Prospective Cohort 5201 Patients Unknown Addressing the Unit of Analysis- 5 Ransom SB, 1996(112) Rose JH, 2000(113) Todd KH, 1994(114) The effect of different reimbursement models on surgery rates. Retrospective 3780 Visits Unknown To compare cancer care offered by oncologists with generalists. Prospective Cohort 642 Patients 97 Physicians The effect of patient ethnicity on extremity trauma pain. Prospective Cohort 207 Patients 65 Physicians Carroll AE, 2003(115) Chen SC, 2003(116) Diamond HS, 1998(117) Gillison EW, 2002(11) Greenfield S, 1995(118) Gregory D, 2003(119) To quantify the predictors of resident documentation discrepancy. To compare the diagnostic accuracy of two different biopsy techniques Retrospective 339 Patient Notes Unknown Retrospective 232 Patients Unknown Retrospective Cohort 11464 Patients 131 Physicians Retrospective 1125 Patients 64 Physicians Observational 1720 Patients 367 Physicians Case-control 402 Patients Unknown Cross-sectional Retrospective Cohort 10608 Patients 360 Physicians 36103 Patients Unknown Prospective Cohort 652 Patients 46 Physicians Prospective Cohort 13057 Patients 360 Physicians QI and Outcome Grumbach K, 1999(120) King WJ, 2003(121) Martling A, 2002(122) Selby JV, 1999(123) The effect of full-time hospitalists on cost of care and outcome. The effects of care in a large center on esophageal cancer outcome. The effects of differing systems of care on diabetes and hypertension. The impact of a hospitalist program on cost and length of stay. The association between HMO physician specialty and patient satisfaction. The effect of computerized physician order entry on medication errors. The effects of interprovider variability on total excision of rectal cancer. The effect of HMO physician specialty on utilization and cost.