Newton Primary School: Termly Overview Plan Date: Autumn 2013 Year Group: LKS2 –Mr Howells & Mrs Stewart Topic Title: Water & Light LKS2 Week 9 w/b 4/11/13 Week 10 w/b 11/11/13 Writing: Writing our own Playscript for a shadow puppet show retelling the story of Rama and Sita. Reading: Non - Fiction : Information texts on Hinduism and Divali – The Festival of Light. Reciprocal/Guided Reading Oracy: Role play – performing shadow puppet show Reciprocal/Guided Reading Weekly grammar and spelling activities Adverbs and adventurous vocabulary Maths Exploring multiplication and division using a using a range of strategies including partitioning. Weekly NRICH challenges Times Table and Mental Maths tests ICT Religious Education Week 12 w/b 25/11/13 Week 13 w/b 2/12/13 Project 3: Divali Delight English Science Week 11 w/b 18/11/13 Week 14 w/b 9/12/13 Week 15 w/b 16/12/13 KS2 Christmas Show Project 4: Shining Lights Writing: Exploring traditional stories from Hinduism and retelling them using the story mountain format Reading: Fiction : Traditional stories from different cultures / religions Reciprocal/Guided Reading Oracy: Role play – performing shadow puppet show Reciprocal/Guided Reading Weekly grammar and spelling activities Verb tenses (past and present) Exploring 2D shape, rotation, symmetry and translations and how these can be used to create patterns. Weekly NRICH challenges Times Table and Mental Maths tests Identifying light sources. Exploring how light travels and how our eyes see it. Discussing why shadows appear and what makes shadows bigger and smaller. Playing shadow games and making shadow predictions. Investigating transparent, translucent and opaque materials. Spellbound Science – The Prisoner Princess Media Project (Ipads) – Constructing, performing, filming and editing our own shadow puppet shows retelling the story of Rama and Sita. Exploring and discussing Divali – The Festival of Light and Hindusism. Comparing and contrasting symbolism of Light and Water in different religions and communicating findings in a range of formats. Holding our own Divali celebrations. Writing: Writing a piece of Instruction writing to share how to build a model lighthouse. Writing Newspaper reports about sea disasters / ship wrecks. Reading: Non Fiction – Newspaper reports, information texts about lighthouses and shipwrecks. Reciprocal/Guided Reading Oracy: Reciprocal/Guided Reading Weekly grammar and spelling activities Direct and reported speech Writing: Producing a piece of descriptive writing about the sea using similes and personification Reading: Fiction – Poetry / creative stories about the sea. Reciprocal/Guided Reading Oracy: Performance poetry. A Child’s Christmas in Wales Reciprocal/Guided Reading Weekly grammar and spelling activities Adjectives and verbs Using measuring skills in mm, cm and m to build our model lighthouses. Converting units of measurement using multiplication and division by 10 / 100 and combining units of measurement using decimal numbers. Weekly NRICH challenges Times Table and Mental Maths tests Exploring electricity, what it is used for and how we use it on a daily basis. Discuss what life would be like without electricity. Investigating simple circuits and how electricity travels. Using logo and a control box to light our model Emailing Santa – lighthouses. composing, sending and retrieving e mail. Exploring and discussing Advent and Christmas-the birth of Jesus Christ History Geography Exploring the main rivers of the World using research and information texts. Focus on Ganges in India Exploring the main rivers of the World using research and information texts. Focus on Nile in Africa Exploring the main rivers of the World using research and information texts. Focus on Amazon in South America Exploring the main rivers of the World using research and information texts. Focus on Fitzroy in Oceana Exploring the main rivers of the World using research and information texts. Focus on Yangtze in Asia Exploring the main rivers of the World using research and information texts. Focus on Mississippi in North America Exploring the main rivers of the World using research and information texts. Focus on Danube in Europe Design Technology Art & Design Music Physical Education Welsh/CC PSHCE/P4C Designing, planning, making and evaluating our own shadow puppets to perform the story of Rama and Sita. Designing, planning, making and evaluating our own model lighthouses with a working light with the help of XL Wales. Looking at Rangoli pattern art and other patterns from multi cultural sources - attempting to create our own responses to this type of artwork using symmetry and shape based skills. Composing (Music Express SOW & Sounds of Music SOW) Playing with patterns , Suo-Gan, Jelly on a plate & Unsquare rythems Composing short pieces of music to accompany our shadow puppet show of Rama and Sita. Designing and making Christmas pictures using Splosh, Christmas cards and calendars Designing, planning, making and evaluating our own shadow puppets to perform the story of Rama and Sita. Designing and making Christmas pictures using Splosh, Christmas cards and calendars Performing - Christmas carol singing and singing practice for KS2 Christmas show. P.E. – Dance - (LCP – The Divali Dance)– Games –Invasion games - Netball – (PESS SOW) Weekly sentence patterns, day to day Welsh drilling sessions. Water related vocabulary Y4 Stabec – Ga i? Dillad Y3 Pip 7 / 8 – Beth wyt ti’n hoffi wneud/ fwyta? Weekly sentence patterns, day to day Welsh drilling sessions. Light related vocabulary Y4 Stabec – Beth sy’n bod? Rhy fyr etc Y3 Pip 9 / 10 – Beth wyt ti’n hoffi yfed / fwyta? Weekly sentence patterns, day to day Welsh drilling sessions. Travel related Vocabulary. Y4 Stabec – Beth sy’n bod? Rhy fyr etc Yr 3 Pip 11 – Ble wyt ti eisiau mynd? Weekly sentence patterns, day to day Welsh drilling sessions.. Christmas related vocabulary Y4 Stabec– Beth mae’r bachgen yn wisgo? Yr 3 Pip 12 – Beth sy gyda ti? Symbolism: What is symbolism and what does it mean? P4C Weekly Religious symbol images Symbolism of Light & Water: What is the symbolism of light in Judaism Christianity? P4C Weekly P4C Weekly Traditional Religious Stories Why is religion important to so many people? P4C Weekly. Share the World Why is Christmas a special time for us? P4C Weekly How Santa Really Works Symbolism of Light &Water: What is the symbolism of light in Hinduism & Sikhism? P4C Weekly Traditional Religious Stories Rights Respecting Schools : What are want and needs and what is the difference? P4C weekly I Want A Cat! & UNICEF RRS materials What do we know about the real meaning of Christmas? P4C Weekly The Nativity Story