Spectrophotometry Exp. 1: Spectrophotometry 【Objective】 1. To learn and understand the concepts and principles of spectrophotometric assay, plotting standard curve and its application and the calculating results of the standard compare 2. To become familiar with the commonly used spectroscopic methods for protein quantification. 3. To become able to operate spectrophotometer and to make measurements. 【Principle】 Suppose you are looking at two solutions of the same substance, one is of a darker color than the other. Your common sense tells you that the darker color solution has more substances there. In other words, as the color of solution becomes darker and darker, the concentration of the substance in this solution becomes higher and higher. This is a basic principle of spectrophotometric assay: the intensity of color is a measure of the amount of a material in solution. The quantitative measurement of colorless materials is usually achieved based on the principle that they will be converted to colored substances in certain chemical or biological reactions. 1. The relationship of substance color and the light it absorbs Complementary color When two colors are mixed in appropriate proportions, a white color will be produced. Thus, these two colors are called complementary color. The color we see in a sample solution is due to the selective absorption of certain wavelengths of visible light and transmittance of the remaining light. If the 1 Spectrophotometry sample absorbs all wavelengths in the visible region, it will appear black; if it absorbs none of them, it will appear white or colorless. We see the various colors when particular wavelengths of radiant energy strike our eyes. Assuming that we shine a beam of white light at lactoflavin, it absorbs blue light. Since the blue component of the white light gets absorbed by the substance, the light that is transmitted is mostly yellow, the complementary color of blue. This yellow light reaches our eyes, and we “see” the substance as a yellow colored substance. The visible range is only a very small part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Ultraviolet and infrared spectrophotometric methods are suitable for many colorless substances that absorb strongly in the UV or IR spectral regions. 2. Lambert- Beer Law When monochromatic light (light of a specific wavelength) passes through a color solution, there is usually a quantitative relationship between the solute concentration and the intensity of the transmitted light, that is, I0 I Where: I0 = the intensity of incident light I = the intensity of the transmitted light C = the concentration of the solute being measured L = the path length, i.e. the length of the radiation path through the sample C L Transmittance (T) is defined as the ratio of the amount of the transmitted light to the amount of the incident. Transmittance = I I0 = intensity of incident light intensity of the transmitted light Absorbance (A) is defined as the negative logarithm of the transmittance, and you will note that absorbance and transmittance bear an inverse relationship. Absorbance = - log T = - log I/I0 The absorbance of a solution is proportional to the number of absorbing molecules, that is the concentration (C), and the distance (L) that the light passes through. A = KCL 2 Spectrophotometry This relationship is called the Lambert-Beer law. K, the proportionality constant, goes by any names: extinction or absorption coefficient or absorptivity constant. This is a characteristic of each solute. It is dependent on the wavelength of light and on the solvent conditions. The unit for the extinction coefficient depends on the units used to express the concentration and the path length. A molar extinction coefficient (expressed in ε) has units of M-1cm-1. Sometimes, the proportionality constant is given as the absorbance of a 1% w/v solution in a cell with a path length of 1 cm. In this case the constant in the Beer-Lambert Equation becomes E1%. 3. The calculation of the concentration of unknown substance (1) Standard comparison method In practice, the concentration of a solute in a sample with unknown concentration or named as unknown sample (u) can be determined directly by comparing the A of the unknown sample to the A of a standard solution whose concentration is known or named as standard sample(s) providing that such compounds obey the Lambert-Beer Law and all conditions under which standards and unknowns are prepared should be kept identical. Standard sample As=Ks×Cs×Ls Unknown sample Au=Ku×Cu×Lu Since the L, the path length and the extinction coefficient will be constant; that is, Ls=Lu and Ks=Ku, thus, As/Au=Cs/Cu, Cu=Au/As×Cs (2) Standard curve method According to the Lambert - Beer Law, there exists a linear relationship between absorbance and concentration of a solute when all conditions under which standards and unknowns are prepared should be kept identical. So a plot of absorbance vs. concentration of absorbing solute yields a straight line passing through the origin. This is usually done by preparing a series of standard solutions, each with a known concentration of a given compound, measuring their absorbance values and plotting absorbance vs. concentration to construct a curve. The concentration of the unknown sample can be located by drawing a straight line from point of absorbance of the unknown until it intersects with concentration curve, and then draw perpendicularly to the X-axis to identify the concentration of your unknown sample. 3 Spectrophotometry The Lambert-Beer law implies that when concentration is equal to zero (C = 0), absorbance must also be zero (A = 0). In other words, the standard curve must pass through the origin. 4. General operation procedure (1) Parameter selection 1) Choice of Wavelength The plot of absorbance of a sample versus wavelengths is called the absorption spectrum. The plot below gives the absorption spectrum of potassium permanganate (KMnO4). You will see that the absorbance changes with wavelengths. Theoretically we could choose any wavelength for quantitative estimations of concentration. However, the magnitude of the absorbance is important, especially when you are trying to detect very small amounts of material. For this reason we generally select the wavelength of maximum absorbance for a given sample and use it in our absorbance measurements. 2) Choice of Absorbance It is strongly recommended to measure absorbance in the range 0.05-1.0 for the following reasons. 1. When you are trying to detect very small amounts of material, the magnitude of the absorbance is important. 2. When the absorption band has a “flat” top, the rate of change in absorbance with wavelength is smaller than that on the rising and falling shoulder of the peaks. 3) Blank reference solution (blank) Since transmittance is a relative measurement, the light transmitted by the sample should be compared to the light transmitted by a "reference" solution (Blank). The reference solution is generally the solvent in which the colored compound you are interested in is dissolved. A reference is necessary because the solvent itself might absorb some light at the wavelength you are using and you must correct for that absorbance. We assume that the blank transmits 100% of the light entering it that is the scale is set to read zero absorbance. Now you can use the full scale of the spectrophotometer. (2)Instrument components The instrument used in spectrophotometic assay is called spectrophotometer. All spectrophotometers have the following fundamental parts: a source of light, a 4 Spectrophotometry prism or grating to separate the light into narrow wavelength regions, a device for holding the sample, and a photoelectric cell for measuring light intensity. The “Spectronic 722” is a conventional instrument for spectroscopic measurement. Your laboratory instructor will demonstrate how to use it. (3)Operation for Spectronic 722 1) 2) 3) 4) Turn on the instrument and allow it to warm up for at least 15 minutes. Set the desired wavelength with the wavelength control. Place the blank cell and the sample cell into the cell holder. With the cover opened, adjust the readout to 0% T (transmittance) using zero control (with blank in the light path) on the %T scale. Then close the cover to adjust T to 100% using 100% control (or zero absorbance). 5) Turn to the absorbance scale by mode select button. 6) The instrument is now correctly calibrated. Measure absorbance of the samples. 【Note】 1. Always handle the cuvettes in the top and bottom edges. The cuvettes have two pairs of side surfaces. One pair is clear and used for light transmittance, and the other pair is cloudy and for easier manipulation. Never touch the clear surfaces, except to clean them with kimwipes. 2. Fill the cuvettes with the sample solution to the three-quarter volumes and then wipe up the surface using kimwipes. Place the cuvette into the sample holder with the clear surface aligned up with the light source. 5. Quantization of Protein (1) The Kjeldahl method of nitrogen analysis Protein is a biomacromolecule made of nitrogen-containing amino acids. When making protein determination, the measured quantity of nitrogen is converted to the protein content using an appropriate numerical factor. For meat samples, this factor is 6.25 since meat protein is approximately 16% nitrogen. P = %N × 6.25 (2) UV Absorbance (280 nm) Measure the absorbance of protein solutions at 280 nm. The absorbance around 280 nm is primarily due to the aromatic amino acid side chains. Tryptophan is the most important absorbant; tyrosine makes a small absorption. Other amino acids are known to be transparent at this wavelength. 5 Spectrophotometry (3) Colorimetric determination (Visible Spectrophotometry) Protein samples often consist of a complex mixture of many different proteins. The quantitative determination of the protein content is usually achieved based on the principle that certain reactions will convert functional groups of proteins to dye-forming reagents. The intensity of the dye correlates directly with the concentration of the reacting groups, and can be measured exactly. 【Experiment】 Method 1: Folin method (Lowry protein assay) 【Principle】 Under alkaline conditions, the divalent copper ion can form a complex with peptide bonds and the copper ion is reduced to a monovalent ion. The monovalent copper ion and the groups of tyrosine, tryptophan, and cysteine react with Folin reagent (phospho-molybdic-phosphotungstic reagent) to produce a blue color product. The intensity of the blue correlates directly with the concentration of the reacting groups and can be measured exactly. 【Reagents】 1. Lowry stock reagent: Prepare immediately before use by mixing the following three stock solutions A, B, and C in the proportion 100:1:1 (v:v:v), respectively. Solution A: 2% (w/v) Na2CO3 in distilled water. Solution B: 1% (w/v) CuSO4·5H2O in distilled water. Solution C: 2% (w/v) sodium potassium tartrate in distilled water. 2. 0.9 % NaCl 3. Folin′s reagent (Folin reagent) 4. Standard bovine serum albumin (BSA) solution (0.1%=1mg/ml) 【Procedure】 1. Add the following reagents in the order listed to the masked tubes. Volume: ml 1 2 3 4 5 6(B) BSA 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 - 0.9% NaCl 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 1.0 Lowry stock reagent 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 2. 3. 4. Incubate for 20 minutes at room temperature. Add 0.5ml of Folin′s reagent, mix well with Vortex. Incubate for 30 minutes at room temperature. 6 Spectrophotometry 5. 6. Read at 650 nm against the blank solution. Plot absorbance vs. concentration to construct a standard curve. Method 2: Biuret method 【Principle】 Under alkaline conditions substances containing two or more peptide bonds form a purple complex with copper salts in the Biuret reagent. The intensity of purple correlates directly with the concentration of the reacting groups and can be measured exactly. 【Reagents】 1. Biuret reagent 2. 0.9% NaCl 3. Standard serum (7%) 4. Unknown serum 【Procedure】 1. Add the following reagents in the order listed to the masked tubes. Volume: ml ml 2. 3. 4. 1 (u) 2 (s) 3 (B) unknown serum 0.1 - - standard serum - 0.1 - 0.9% NaCl - - 0.1 Biuret reagent 5.0 5.0 5.0 Incubate for 30 minutes at room temperature, mix well with Vortex. Read at OD readings at 540 nm against the blank solution. The protein concentration is determined using the following formulation below Cu = Au/As×Cs 7