
Aaron Ben-Ze'ev
Ph.D. Dissertation
Perception as a Cognitive System (1981). Adviser: Professor Stephen
Die Logik der Gefühle: Kritik der emotionalen Intelligenz (Frankfurt:
Suhrkamp, 2009). (This is an abridged and revised German version of The
Subtlety of Emotions).
In the Name of Love: Romantic Ideology and its Victims (Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 2008). (With R. Goussinsky).
Hebrew version is published by Zemora-Bitan, 2008; Polish translation is
Love Online: Emotions on the Internet (Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 2004).
The modified Hebrew version published by Zemora-Bitan, 2004. The book is being
translated into Polish, Bulgarian, Korean and Chinese.
The Subtlety of Emotions (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2000).
This book has been adapted and modified for its Hebrew version; in Hebrew it has
been published in two books: Straight from the Heart: Emotions in Everyday Life
(1998) and The Secrecy of Emotions (2001); both books are published by ZemoraBitan (Tel-Aviv).
The Perceptual System: A Philosophical and Psychological Perspective
(New York: Peter Lang, 1993).
This book has been adapted and modified for its Hebrew version: Mind (Haifa: Haifa
University Press and Zemora-Bitan, 1996).
Aristotle's On the Soul (Tel-Aviv: Hakibbutz Hammeuhad, 1989), (Hebrew).
Edited Books
Good Gossip (Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1994).
A somewhat different Hebrew version was published by Hakibbutz Hameuhad (TelAviv, 1993). The English version is edited with Robert Goodman, the Hebrew version
with Avinoam Ben-Ze'ev.
Books In Preparation
Romantic Compromises: Yearning for the Possible
1. "Ain't Love Nothing But Sex Misspelled?” In C. Maurer, T. Milligan,
and K. Pacovská (Ed.), Love and its Objects. Palgrave Macmillan
2. Satisfaction and Commitment in Long-term Heterosexual Relationships,
International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2nd
edition, Elsevier.
3. "Sexuality and the Internet," International Encyclopedia of the Social and
Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, Elsevier.
4. “The Comparative Personal Concern in Schadenfreude,” in W. W. van
Dijk and J. W. Ouwerkerk (Eds.), Schadenfreude: Understanding
Pleasure at the Misfortune of Others (Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, forthcoming).
5. “Philosophy of Love,” and “Emotions,” entries in Encyclopedia of
Philosophy and the Social Sciences (Sage: 2013).
6. “The Nature and Morality of Romantic Compromises,” in C. Bagnoli (Ed.),
Morality and the Emotions. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011), 95114.
7. Dvash, J, G. Gilam, A. Ben-Ze’ev, T. Hendler, & S. G. ShamayTsoory, “The envious brain: the neural basis of social comparison,”
Human Brain Mapping (March, 2010).
8. "Emotions: Concepts and Definitions." in The Human Handbook on
Emotions. (Springer, 2010) (With R. Cowie, and N. Sussman).
9. "Love In Times of Increased Longevity". in R. Brinzanik & T. Hülswitt
(Eds.), Will We Live Forever? Conversations about The Future of Humans
and Technology. (Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 2010).
10. "That Thing Called Emotion: On the Nature of Emotional Experiences," in
P. Goldie (Ed.), Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Emotion (Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 2010).
11. "Jealousy and Romantic Love," in S. Hart and M. Legerstee (Eds.),
Handbook of Jealousy:
Theories, Principles, and Multidisciplinary
Approaches (Wiley-Blackwell, 2010).
12. "Modern Society and the Realm of Romantic Possibilities." In T. Dumova
(Ed.), Handbook of Research on Social Interaction Technologies and
Collaboration Software: Concepts and Trends. (IGI Global, 2009).
13. "Schadenfreude," in Oxford Companion to the Affective Sciences (Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 2009).
14. "Intellectual Autobiography," Philosophia, 36 (2008), 255-276.
15. "Hating the One we Love," Philosophia, 36 (2008), 277-283.
16. “Detattachment: The Unique Nature of Online Romantic Relationships,” in
Y. Amichai-Hamburger (Ed.), The Social Net: The Social Psychology of
the Internet (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005), pp. 115-138.
17. Ben-Ze'ev, A. and Revhon, N., "Emotional Complexity in Everyday Life,"
Social Science Information, 43 (2004), 581-589.
18. “Emotions Are Not Mere Judgments,” Philosophy and Phenomenological
Research, 68 (2004), 452-459.
19. “Flirting On and Offline,” Convergence, 10 (2004), 4-42.
20. “Emotions as a Subtle Mental Mode,” in R. Solomon (Ed.) Thinking about
Feeling: Contemporary Philosophers on Emotion (New York: Oxford
University Press, 2004), 250-268.
21. “‘Emotionally, You’re an Idiot’: Review of The Science and Myth of
Emotional Intelligence,” Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 7 (2003), 282-283.
22. “Privacy, Emotional Closeness, and Openness in Cyberspace,”
Computers in Human Behavior, 19 (2003), 451-467.
23. “Perceptual Objects may have Nonphysical Properties,” Behavioral and
Brain Sciences, 26 (2003), 22-23.
24. “Appraising Appraisal Theories,” American Journal of Psychology, 116
(2003), 318-325.
25. “The Logic of Emotions,” Philosophy, Supplement: 52, 147-162; A.
Hatzimoysis (Ed.), Philosophy and the Emotions (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2003).
26. “Aristotle on Emotions toward the Fortune of Others,” in D. Konstan and
N. K. Rutter (Eds.), Envy, Spite, and Jealousy: The Rivalrous Emotions in
Ancient Greece (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2003), 99-121.
27. Austerlitz, N., Aravot, I., and Ben-Ze'ev A.: “Emotional Phenomena and
the Student-Instructor Relationships,” Landscape and Urban Planning, 60
(2002), 105-115.
28. “Intentionality and Feelings in Theories of Emotion,” Consciousness &
Emotion, 3 (2002), 263-271.
29. “Emotions Are Not Feelings,” Consciousness & Emotion, 3 (2002), 81-89.
30. “Are Envy, Anger, and Resentment Moral Emotions? Philosophical
Explorations, 5 (2002), 148-153.
31. “Emotional Intelligence: The Conceptual Issue,” in N. Ashkanasy, Zerbe
& Harteland (Eds.), Emotions in the Workplace (New York: M.E. Sharpe,
2002), 164-183.
32. “Précis of The Subtlety of Emotions,” Pyscoloquy, 12 (2001).
33. “Describing the Emotions,” in G. Hon and S. S. Rakover (Eds.),
Explanation: Theoretical Approaches and Applications (Dordrecht:
Kluwer, 2001), 167-184.
34. “Is the Virtuous Person a Thinking Person or a Sensitive Person?,” in Y.
Iram, et al. (Eds.), Crossroads: Values and Education in Israeli Society
(Jerusalem: Ministry of Education, 2001), 156-189. (Hebrew)
35. “Are Emotions So Simple?” Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 23 (2000),
36. “I Only Have Eyes for You: The Partiality of Positive Emotions,” Journal
for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 30 (2000), 341-351.
37. “Review of Griffiths’ Book ‘What Emotions Really Are’” The European
Legacy, 5 (2000), 267-269.
38. “Reid on the Emotions,” Reid’s Studies, 3 (2000), 29-41.
39. “The Rationality and Functionality of Emotions,” The European Legacy, 5
(2000), 49-63.
40. “Emotions and Responsibility,” in T. van den Beld (Ed.), Moral
Responsibility and Ontology (Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2000), 219-231.
41. “Tolerance and Emotions,” in R. Cohen-Almagor (Ed.), Challenges to
Democracy (London: Ashgate, 2000), 79-88.
42. “Regret: The Past Is Not Dead,” Dvarim, 2 (1999), 72-81 (Hebrew).
43. "Emotions and Change: A Spinozistic Account," In Y. Yuval (Ed.), Desire
and Affect: Spinoza as Psychologist (New York: Little Room Press, 1999),
44. “The Meaning of Life: The Emotional Aspect,” in A. Kasher (Ed.), The
Meaning of Life (Tel-Aviv: Hakibbutz Hammeuhad, 1999), 278-289
45. “The Emotional Aspects of the Path to Peace,” in J. Ginat & O. Winckler
(Ed.), The Jordanian-Palestinian-Israeli Triangle: Smoothing the Path to
Peace (Brighton: Sussex Academic Press, 1998), 99-106.
46. “The Nature of Hatred,” in Av. Ben-Ze’ev (Ed.). Hatred (Tel-Aviv: ZemoraBitan, 1997), (Hebrew), 15-29.
47. “The Affective Realm,” New Ideas in Psychology, 15 (1997), 247-259.
48. “Emotions and Morality,” Journal for Value Inquiry, 31 (1997), 195-212.
49. "Romantic Love and Sexual Attraction," Philosophia, 25 (1997), 3-32.
50. "Appraisal Theories of Emotions," Journal of Philosophical Research, 22
(1997), 129-143.
51. Ben-Ze'ev, A. & Oatley, K. "The Intentional and Social Nature of Human
Emotions: Reconsideration of the Distinctions between Basic and NonBasic Emotions," Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 26, (1996),
52. "Emotional Intensity," Theory & Psychology, 6 (1996), 509-532. A
somewhat revised version, “Determinants of Emotional Intensity is
published in A. Kaszniak (Ed.), Emotions, Qualia, and Consciousness
(Singapore: World Scientific, 2001), 59-74.
53. Ben-Ze'ev, A. & Oatley, K. "The Development of Social Emotions and a
Constructor Agent," Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 19 (1996), 124-125.
54. "The Alternative to the Storehouse Metaphor," Behavioral and Brain
Sciences, 19, (1996), 192-193.
55. "Emotions and Argumentation," Informal Logic, 17 (1995), 1-11.
56. "Typical Emotions," in W. O'Donohue and R. Kitchener (Eds.), Philosophy
of Psychology (London: Sage, 1996), 228-243; A revised version, “The
Nature of Typical Emotions,” is published in A. Kaszniak (Ed.), Emotions,
Qualia, and Consciousness (Singapore: World Scientific, 2001), 42-58.
57. "Envy and Jealousy," Dictionnaire de Philosophie Morale (Paris: Presses
Universitaires de France, 1996), (French).
58. "Explaining Cognitive Progress," In R. F. Goodman and W. R. Fisher
(Eds.), Rethinking Knowledge: Reflections across the Disciplines (Albany:
SUNY, 1995), 41-56.
59. "Emotions and "Philosophy of Psychology," in Encyclopedia Hebraica,
(Tel-Aviv: Sifriat Poalim, 1995) (Hebrew).
60. "Pity and Compassion," In A. Kasher and A. Nemder (Eds.), Virtues and
Emotions (Ramat-Gan: Hoshen Lamishpat, 1995), 31-47, (Hebrew).
61. "Gossip, Emotions, and Morality," Iyyun, 43 (1994), 417-426, (Hebrew).
62. "Understanding Emotions: A review of Lazarus' Emotion and Adaptation,
and Oatley's Best Laid Schemes," History of European Ideas, 18 (1994),
63. "The Vindication of Gossip," in R. Goodman and A. Ben-Ze'ev (Eds.),
Good Gossip (Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1994), 11-24. A
somewhat revised version appears in J. Portmann (Ed.), In Defense of
Sin (New York: St. Martin’s, 2001), 199-220.
64. "Emotions, Morality, and Religion," in D. Statman and A. Sagi (Eds.),
Studies in Ethics and Religion (Ramat Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press,
1993), 11-22, (Hebrew).
65. "The Virtue of Modesty," American Philosophical Quarterly, 30 (1993),
66. "Envy and Pity," International Philosophical Quarterly, 33, (1993), 3-19.
67. "You Always Hurt the One You Love," Journal of Value Inquiry, 27 (1993),
68. "Another Look at Pleasure-in-Others'-Misfortune," Iyyun, 42 (1993), 431440.
69. "Envy and Inequality," Journal of Philosophy, 89 (1992), 551-581.
70. "Problems with Explaining the Perceptual Environment," The Behavioral
and Brain Sciences, 15 (1992), 30-31.
71. "Anger and Hate," Journal of Social Philosophy, 23 (1992), 85-110.
72. "Emotional and Moral Evaluations," Metaphilosophy, 23 (1992), 214-229.
73. "Pleasure-in-Others'-Misfortune," Iyyun, 41 (1992), 41-61.
74. "Cognitive Development: Two Paradigms," in H. G. Geissler, S. W. Link,
and J. T. Townsend (Eds.) Cognition, Information Processing and
Psychophysics: Basic Issues (Hillsdale: Erlbaum, 1992), 67-90.
75. "Seeing our Seeing and Knowing our Knowing," Man and World, 24
(1991), 89-92.
76. "The Nature of Prejudices," in Av. Ben-Ze'ev et al (Eds.) Prejudices (TelAviv: Hakibbutz Hammeuhad, 1991), 16-32 (Hebrew).
77. "Envy and Jealousy," Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 20 (1990), 487516.
78. "Describing the Emotions," Philosophical Psychology, 3 (1990), 305-317.
79. "Conscious and Unconscious States," Philosophical Studies, 32 (Ireland),
(1990), 44-62.
80. "Why Did Psammenitus not Pity his Son?," Analysis, 50 (1990), 118-126.
81. "Reid and the Cartesian Framework," Journal of the History of the
Behavioral Sciences, 26 (1990), 38-47.
82. "Explaining the Subject-Object Relation in Perception," Social Research,
56 (1989), 511-543.
83. "Reexamining Berkeley's Notion of Suggestion," Conceptus, 23 (1989),
84. "The Relational Nature of Cognition," International Studies in Philosophy,
21 (1989), 1-12.
85. "Reid's Opposition to the Theory of Ideas," in M. Dalgarno and E.
Matthews (Eds.), The Philosophy of Thomas Reid (Dordrecht: Kluwer,
1989), 91-101.
86. "The Schema Paradigm in Perception," Journal of Mind and Behavior, 9
(1988), 487-513.
87. "Can Nonpure Perception be Direct?" Philosophical Quarterly, 38 (1988),
88. "Values and Reality in the Kibbutz," in D. Zait (ed.), Together: The Kibbutz
Today (Jerusalem: Ma`alot, 1988), 23-47, (Hebrew).
89. "The Nature of Emotions," Philosophical Studies, 52 (1987), 393-409.
90. "A Critique of the Inferential Paradigm in Perception," Journal for the
Theory of Social Behaviour, 17 (1987), 243-263.
91. "Making Mental Properties More Natural," The Monist, 69 (1986), 434446.
92. "Two Approaches to Memory," Philosophical Investigations, 9 (1986),
93. "Lewis Predicament Regarding the Given," The New Scholasticism, 60
(1986), 366-374.
94. "Reid's Direct Approach to Perception," Studies in History and Philosophy
of Science, 17 (1986), 99-114.
95. "Aristotle, Final Cause, and the Intentional Stance," Behavioral and Brain
Sciences, 8 (1985), 758-759.
96. "From 'Camp' to 'Home': The Development of the Kibbutz," The Kibbutz,
11 (1985), 101-115, (Hebrew).
97. "The Description of Mental States," in R.M. Chisholm et al. (Eds.),
Philosophy of Mind: Proceedings of the 9th International WittgensteinSymposium (Wien: HPT, 1985), 281-284.
98. "The Passivity Assumption of the Sensation-Perception Distinction,"
British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 35 (1984), 327-343.
99. "What is a Perceptual Mistake?" Journal of Mind and Behavior, 5 (1984),
100. "Two Concepts of the Given," Dialogos, 19 (1984), 159-164.
101. "Aristotle on Perceptual Truth and Falsity," Apeiron, 18 (1984), 118-125.
102. "The Moral Subject and Object," Iyyun, 33 (1984), 480-497, (Hebrew).
103. Ben-Ze'ev, A. & Strauss, M. "The Dualistic Approach to Perception," Man
and World, 17 (1984), 3-18.
104. "The Kantian Revolution in Perception," Journal for the Theory of Social
Behaviour, 14 (1984), 69-84.
105. "Psychological Categorization," Methodology and Science, 16 (1983),
106. "Toward a Different Approach to Perception," International Philosophical
Quarterly, 23 (1983), 45-64.
107. "Perceptual Mistakes," Philosophical Inquiry, 5 (1983), 145-153.
108. "Who is a Rational Agent?," Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 12 (1982),
109. "J.J. Gibson and the Ecological Approach to Perception," Studies in
History and Philosophy of Science, 12 (1981), 107-139.
110. G.E. Moore and the Relation between Intrinsic Value and Human
Activity," Journal of Value Inquiry, 15 (1981), 69-78.
"The Analytic, Synthetic and A Priori," Scientia, 144 (1979), 481-493.