Recognize letters of the alphabet in both upper and lower cases
Separate words, see words as distinct entities with meaning
Beginning to understand how combinations of words create thoughts and expressions
Recognize some sight words and their abbreviations
Can decipher some basic diagrams. Can find basic info on diagrams such as simple schedules.
Deciphers basic 2-D drawings. Has basic sequencing skills
Comfortable with the alphabet, but might not know it in English
Sound out some single syllable words and some common multi-syllabic words
Comfortable with the alphabet, but might trip up on many vowels
Sound out many single and some multi-syllabic words
Comfortable with the alphabet, but may trip up on many vowels
Sound out many words, but not aware of some more exotic sounds
Able to decipher simple paragraphs using common verbs and adjectives
Able to decipher simple paragraphs using common verbs and adjectives
Able to decipher strings of sentences and sets of paragraphs. Able to mine these structures for information and draw basic inferences. Know many formal names and synonyms
Recognize hundreds of words by sight
Usually has the alphabet down
Sounds out most words with common roots. Can quickly learn other roots
Able to decipher multiple paragraphs and draw inferences. Names and synonyms are not a problem
Recognize most words by sight
Recognize a few dozen sight words including written numbers
Able to decipher basic diagrams (basic schedules, knob settings, maps). Can decipher 2-D images well.
Recognize a couple hundred or more words by sight
Able to decipher more detailed diagrams, compare simple ones.
Recognizes, deciphers text based signage. Can navigate some multitiered diagrams or structures
Abe to decipher detailed diagrams draw some inference, compare diagrams. Multi-tiered diagrams pose little difficulty.
Able to decipher complex diagrams, draw inference, compare diagrams. Graphs of all sorts are understood.