Rutgers EnviroStewards Alumni Association

December 8, 2011 RESAA Minutes – Page 1
Rutgers EnviroStewards Alumni Association
(RESAA) Executive Board Meeting Minutes
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Bill Curzie, Marlene Robinson, Pat Hudson, Will Sigle, Jim May, Irene Sabin, Michele Bakacs, Bill
Hlubik, Bruce Barbour
Bill Curzie called the meeting to order at 10:20 a.m.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The October 20, 2011 minutes were approved as written.
Barry Draycott (EcoComplex '07) sponsors and organizes classes for professionals, sometimes
with a colleague from out of state, for best environmental practices on community land. He is
sponsoring a class that will be held at the EcoComplex on Dec 14. The speakers for the class are
among the best in the field. Distributed event notice and posted it on the website. This is the entry
from our website calendar page:
December 14, 2011 (Wednesday) 8am - 4pm: Successfully Implement IPM Programs
sponsored by Tech Terra Environment. Location - Rutgers EcoComplex; Fee $75,
includes lunch. Purpose - educate professional landscapers, lawn care providers, schools
and municipalities on how to successfully implement IPM programs. Keynote - Kevin
Trotta. Speakers - Pat Hastings, Bill Hlubik, Barry Draycott, Mike Kolenut, Judy Snell,
Eric Maurer. Call: 609-468-1905 or Email:
The following dates for another course will appear on our January calendar: January 17,
2012 (NJLCA) or January 18, 2012 (Rutgers EcoComplex): A Systems Approach to Natural
Turf Management PDF Page 2.
Bob Becker (Duke’08) sent an email suggesting that we organize by county. Will continue to
send him contact information for Hunterdon alumni from each class so that he can form a group.
Received Plumsted Township Environmental Commission e-newsletter and posted an event
for Dec 10 on alumni calendar. William Lewis (EcoComplex‘09) is a member of the Plumsted
Township EC.
Received BoroGreen e-newsletter sent by Secretary Clare Liptak (Duke’07). Their next meeting
is at Petrock’s in Hillsborough.
Sent Susann Joski (Duke’09) contact information for her class. She agreed to send updates of
address changes.
Bruce introduced Middlesex County Agents Bill Hlubik and Michele Bakacs who
proposed holding a RES class at the Earth Center in South Brunswick in the fall of 2012.
The class may be open to undergraduates for credit in addition to volunteers. It would be
considered a Central Jersey location.
2012 classes will be held in Warren County, Atlantic County, and Duke Farms starting in
January. A class at the EcoComplex will not be held this January but may be a possibility
in the future.
December 8, 2011 RESAA Minutes – Page 2
Bruce is recruiting students for classes at the three locations that will be held in January.
He asked alumni to help by talking to people they know and by distributing brochures.
Press releases will be used, if possible.
Educational Forum/General Meeting – no report at this time
Continuing Education – Irene will prepare an outline of curriculum categories for continuing
education and requested that everyone help by expanding the categories and suggesting topics
and speakers.
RESAA Website – Irene made a summary of the 2011 certification projects and posted it on the
Summary of Projects page. She asked Bruce to post the full “Intern Projects and Impacts”
document, when possible, so that she can link the alumni to their projects.
Program promotion
 Will and Irene set up a RES/RESAA table at the Best Practices Conference held at Duke
Farms on November 5, 2011
 Irene set up a display table at the Graduation/ Certification event at Duke Farms on
November 16, 2011.
Community Education
Marlene is organizing information on porous surfaces for paved areas, the new fertilizer law and
other topics to use in presentations or handouts to communities. Marlene is willing to share this
information with RES alumni. Her email, , is also on the Alumni
Communications/ Resource Materials page of the website.
2012 goals postponed until February.
Will brought a schedule for the Environmental Film Festival held at Princeton Public
Library. The Festival can also be accessed at:
Irene brought a perpetual bee calendar recommended by the Xerces Society which can
be purchased at:
Jim, , brought in a copy of the film “Gasland” which he is willing to
ACTION LIST (everyone)
1. Recruit students for classes
2. Continuing Education List
3. Prepare goals for 2012
4. Evaluate actions in 2010-11
December 8, 2011 RESAA Minutes – Page 3
The Next RESAA Meeting will be on Wednesday, February 1, 2012 at the EcoComplex
9:30 – 10:00 idea exchange; 10:00 to Noon – business meeting.
Marlene made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Pat. The meeting was adjourned at 12:30pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Irene O. Sabin