September 28, 2010 RESAA Minutes – page 1 Rutgers EnviroStewards Alumni Association (RESAA) Executive Board Meeting Minutes Tuesday, September 28, 2010 ATTENDANCE: Bill Curzie, Bob Tallon, Will Sigle, Jim May, Marlene Robinson, Deb Kolar, Bob Becker, Irene Sabin, Bruce Barbour The meeting was called to order at 10:15 a.m. Deb Kolar (Duke’10) and Bob Becker (Duke’08) were welcomed to their first meeting of the RESAA Executive Board. Bob Tallon will do his slide presentation at the next meeting in a room with a screen. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The July 27, 2010 minutes were approved as written on a motion made by Bob Tallon and seconded by Marlene Robinson. CORRESPONDENCE Linda Cody (Duke’10) sent an article entitled “Is NJ Running out of Space?” as a topic for discussion. It can be accessed at: Dionne Polk e-mailed to say that she was unable to attend the meeting but would present a proposal for a database at the next meeting. RES PROGRAM COORDINATOR’S REPORT The 2010 RES Class Graduation and Certification Luncheon will take place on Wednesday, October 20 at Duke Farms. Fifty-one graduates will receive certificates of completion for the course and 20 alumni will be certified. Members of the RESAA Board are invited to talk about the alumni association and set up a RESAA display table. The event will be sponsored by Organic Diversions. After cooperating with Rutgers Environmental Stewards on a certification project, the company is composting food waste from kitchens in large organizations for resale in the landscape market. RES volunteers continue to act as coaches for new clients that use the company. The 2011 classes will be offered at 3 locations statewide: the ACUA in Egg Harbor, Duke Farms in Hillsborough, and a new site, Warren County Extension Office in Belvidere. Class begins in January. Venues are being rotated this year to give speakers a rest from traveling to four locations. Bill and Jim stated that the RES course should be promoted by word of mouth in RES volunteer communities as well as by brochures at Extension offices and display tables ANJEC will hold the 37th Annual Environmental Congress on Friday, October 15 at Brookdale Community College in Lincroft. Irene will set up a RES/RESAA display table at the event. The theme is “Local Environmental Action in Challenging Times.” Details are on the alumni website. Bruce announced that Duke Farms would like to offer continuing education courses for RES alumni as the core audience but open to the public, as well. He would like RESAA to cooperate with Duke in developing the format, content and schedules. Members who have expressed interest in working on the committee are Deb Kolar, Bob Becker, Marlene Robinson and Irene Sabin. September 28, 2010 RESAA Minutes – page 2 COMMITTEE REPORTS Education/General Meeting Committee Bill suggested that we should contact the DEP and start planning for our second annual Forum and General Meeting in 2011. Bob Tallon made a motion, seconded by Jim, that we set a date in June for this event. Motion carried. Bruce will talk to Tanya Oznowich about prospective dates and ask what information she needs from RESAA to start the planning stage. Computer Communications/ RESAA website update 1. A new page, Alumni Communication and Resource Materials for Alumni Use, has been added to the website. Irene posted an Extension Master Gardener Blog Widget to this page which would provide information on consumer horticulture in North America as well as communication with Master Gardeners and Extension staff. There are currently about 100, 000 volunteers who have gone through the Master Gardener program in the U.S. and Canada. 2. A suggestion was made to add a “contact us” blind email address to the website. It was decided that the at the bottom of each page is sufficient for inquiries and other communication about the website. 3. Irene would like to use a “flipping page” format on part of the website, either for a “yearbook” of individual project pages, a photo gallery or a “scrapbook” of RES activities. Members were in favor of trying this format. OLD BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS Continued Recognition of Certified alumni: Many alumni are continuing to volunteer in significant projects after initial certification. One way to recognize them would be to feature them on the website with an individual page, if they agree to be published. We will begin doing this soon. Continuing Education for Alumni provides not only up-to-date knowledge in one’s chosen environmental area but also a chance for networking with colleagues and experts in the field. A system for requiring continuing education hours for alumni is under discussion. Three necessary aspects have been identified: 1. Courses have to be conveniently available statewide – one way this can be done is by indicating on the website calendar which lectures or presentations would count. Webinars might be another option. 2. If high cost is involved for some courses, volunteers should be given choices that include free or low cost options. 3. If there is a requirement for a certain number of hours per year, a system for reporting the hours as well as maintaining the records is necessary. Project Summary Handouts – A suggestion was made by Tom Latza (EcoComplex’09), after he sat a display table, to have a handout of representative RES projects for the public. Irene condensed the projects completed through 2009, eliminating volunteer names and grouping some under various categories. She will format the handout for legal size paper and send to Bruce so that he can have it reproduced on both sides of two legal sized sheets of paper. The handouts will be available for display tables at the various locations where the materials are stored. September 28, 2010 RESAA Minutes – page 3 ANNOUNCEMENTS Bill brought an article from which featured Barry Draycott from the EcoComplex’07RES class: 10/september/14/green-jobs-grow.html Bob Tallon went to a meeting at Stony Brook on September 12 where creating and maintaining a social networking site was discussed. He reported that a lot of maintenance is needed (about one week per month) in order to have a successful site. He also announced that there will be an event at the end of October where all the Burlington County Health Department committees will gather, including the environmental health committee. He would like to promote the RES program at this event. He will send details for our website calendar when the date is finalized. Marlene has created a model for her environmental classes to help illustrate how pollutants arrive in rivers. She also has a three part poster for use in class. She announced that she is working with the NJ Alliance of Native Americans to build an Indian village, based on Lenape culture, on Burlington Island. This will benefit the environment because there will be a clean-up of the island with continuing maintenance which will benefit the Delaware River. She is looking for materials on the Lenape Indians. The Next RESAA Meeting date will be Thursday, November 4, 2010. 9:30 – 10:00 idea exchange; 10:00 to Noon – business meeting. Marlene made a motion, seconded by Will, to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 12:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Irene O. Sabin 908-806-8895