Appendix I) Social Science Citation Index Search Query The Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) search query used for the data collection was the following: Topic=(‘failed state’) OR Topic=(‘failed states’) OR Topic=(‘state failure’); Refined by: Document Type=( ARTICLE OR PROCEEDINGS PAPER ); Databases=SSCI, CPCI-SSH. For the results of Figure 1 and Table 1 the timespan was set to 1990-2008. For the results of Figure 2 the timespan was set to 1990-2010. The data was retrieved May 2011. ‘Topic’ refers to searches for terms in the following field within each record: Title, Abstract and Keywords. II) Manually Deleted Articles from the Initial SSCI-Sample In additional data cleaning we manually excluded articles from behavioural and computer science that referred to failures of certain models or algorithms and those articles that analysed federal states and/or welfare state policy in OECD countries and point to the failure of the government to conduct some kind of policy. The following articles were excluded from the sample due to this procedure. Aretz, H. J. (2005) ‘The Relevance of Value Commitments in the Supply of Public Goods’, Zeitschrift Fur Soziologie 34: 326-43. Atkinson, J. B. (2000) ‘Some Related Paradoxes of Queuing Theory: New Cases and a Unifying Explanation’, Journal of the Operational Research Society 51: 921-35. Buttigieg, M. A., and P. M. Sanderson. (1991) ‘Emergent Features in Visual-Display Design for 2 Types of Failure-Detection Tasks’, Human Factors 33: 631-51. Charlton, R., R. McKinnon, and H. T. Munro. (1997) ‘Exploring the Future for Pensions Pillarisation’, Futures 29: 159-76. Christopher, A. J. (1994) ‘South-Africa - the Case of a Failed State Partition’, Political Geography 13: 123-36. Colburn, F. D. (1997) ‘Shrimp or Bananas’, Journal of Business Research 38: 97-103. Damasio, A. R., D. Tranel, and H. 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Jones (2007) ‘Forecasting Corporate Bankruptcy: Optimizing the Performance of the Mixed Logit Model’, Abacus: A Journal of Accounting Finance and Business Studies 43: 241-64. Hensher, D. A., S. Jones, and W. H. Greene (2007) ‘An Error Component Logit Analysis of Corporate Bankruptcy and Insolvency Risk in Australia’, Economic Record 83: 86103. Jia, X. J., L. R. Cui, and Q. Chen (2008) ‘Safety and Reliability of 2-Component Series System with Geometric Process Repairs’, in Proceedings of 2008 International Conference on Risk and Reliability Management, Vols I and Ii, 778-81, Toronto: Universe Academic Press Toronto. Judis, J. B. (2005) ‘Failed State - California Fells Another Governor’, New Republic 233: 1923. Kitschelt, H. (2000) ‘Citizens, Politicians, and Party Cartellization: Political Representation and State Failure in Post-Industrial Democracies’, European Journal of Political Research 37: 149-79. Korczak, E. 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J. (2003) ‘Joint Environmental Policymaking in Europe: Between Deregulation and Political Modernization’, Society & Natural Resources 16: 335-48. Moreteau, O. (2010) ‘Catastrophic Harm in United States Law: Liability and Insurance’, American Journal of Comparative Law 58: 69-95. Never, B. (2010) ‘Framing Third-Sector Contributions to Service Provision the Case of the Holy Cross Dispute’, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 39: 460-77. Okumura, S., A. K. S. Jardine, and H. Yamashina (1996) ‘An Inspection Policy for a Deteriorating Single-Unit System Characterized by a Delay-Time Model’, International Journal of Production Research 34: 2441-60. Oliver, T. R. (1999) ‘The Dilemmas of Incrementalism: Logical and Political Constraints in the Design of Health Insurance Reforms’, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 18: 652-83. Pryce, G. (2003) ‘Greening by the Market? Distortions Caused by Fiscal Incentives to Build on Brownfield Land’, Housing Studies 18: 563-85. Szalavetz, A. (2010) ‘Transformation and Catching-up Issues in Hungary - from a Network Alignment Perspective’, Acta Oeconomica 60: 197-216. Tenenbaum, G., C. M. Jones, A. Kitsantas, D. N. Sacks, and J. P. Berwick (2003) ‘Failure Adaptation: An Investigation of the Stress Response Process in Sport’, International Journal of Sport Psychology 34: 27-62. Wang, L. (2008) ‘The Marginality of Migrant Children in the Urban Chinese Educational System’, British Journal of Sociology of Education 29: 691-703. III) Remaining Articles in the Sample Abbott, K. W., and D. Snidal (2010) ‘International Regulation without International Government: Improving Io Performance through Orchestration’, Review of International Organizations 5: 315-44. Agnew, R. (2010) ‘A General Strain Theory of Terrorism’, Theoretical Criminology 14: 13153. Akca, B. S. (2009) ‘Supporting Non-State Armed Groups: A Resort to Illegality?’ Journal of Strategic Studies 32: 589-613. Alao, C. A. 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