9:00 Kevin Smith absent- late 9:03 Approval of agenda

Kevin Smith absent- late 9:03
Approval of agenda- Mary Katherine McKinely and Shawn Patrick seconds
Approval of previous minutes- same Mary Katherine McKinely and Shawn Patrick seconds
Shared Governance
Gabriel Wagner: This is week I went through a list of names to choose. (on projector) This is open to
the floor for discussion. If you need an overview of what committees entail, I can do that.
Payton Tanner: Do you have questions- statements
Hans Aquistapace Do you know when we're meeting?
Gabriel Wagner: No, but we need to get this as fast as possible.
Payton Tanner: I was talking to Dr. Orange. Students are put on these committees.
Gabriel Wagner: Tomorrow I will send the names to Father Salami
Mac: We vote on this to approve- Motion to vote
Payton Tanner:All approve
No oppose
Gabriel Wagner: Since you guys are here, introduce yourself.
Mattie Kengis
Taylor Donze
Carolina Dominguez
Gabriel Wagner: They were uniquely qualified for these positions.
Payton Tanner: Next, we are going to move to freshman senate inductions
Ricardo Pita: If you please would stand in front of your chairs. I would ask you four to please raise
your right hand ( oath taken)
Payton Tanner: We're going to continue. Jeff Hilperts is back
Jeff Hilperts: Thank you, thanks again for having me. For those of you who don't know me, I'm Jeff
Hilpert I'm the VP for advancement for the college. Last time I was here I asked the group to describe
in one word what SHC means. What do you love most about SHC?
Mary Katherine McKinely: Community
Payton Tanner: I like that it's a nurturing environment. It gives you many opportunities to grow.
Connor Beuche: Exceed full potential
Amelie St. Romain: I feel like its a new experience like no other.
Taylor Hardenstein: Tradition
Katelynn Jones: Service
Konstantin Wertelecki: The beauty of the campus.
Jeff Hilperts: I think it's one of the things I like too. When I graduated in 90 something. The other
question is- Who here received scholarships or grant s?
(All raise hands )
I think that's impressive. Philanthropy impacts every student on campus. My job is to help the college
think bout who we are, how do we communicate. Potential students current students. To help raise
awareness for college ad money to keep people engaged when they leave. Philanthropy has had a
significant impact. I don’t think many people understand. So, one of the challenges I have is to build
community and philanthropy. We’re changing that. With alumni and working thought the faculty and
staff. One of the areas important to me is the student population. There are a few selfish reasons for
that. When you graduate ,I want you toa have an understand of philanthropy in your role at SHC. It's
one of the things you look at Harvard and Yale etc. When the students walk across the stage- they know
there is an expectation that they will stay involved. So, that’s one of the reason that I want to spend
time thinking about. So, I think one of the things that this group can be helpful with is giving me entry
to student organ. Ways that we can use current students to further the mission of college. Gabriel
helped me get a list of student organizations. I want to speak to fraternities, sororities and other
organizations. Please feel free to contact me. Talk to fellow students. We're all receive scholarships.
People you never have met have invested on us. You know when the right time to be for those
conversations would be There a number of you who have been involved in my group. Payton is in the
office next to me. Anyway, So that’s it Questions about where we are ,what we're doing ?
Gabriel Wagner: No to questions but I want to catch up to speed. I have Jeff in here so he could speak
to you guys (Freshman). This is really what is something important here. Is to establish this culture of
philanthropy .It's important that he is helping us with senior and instilling in you freshman. You are the
future of SHC. I would like the 6 of us to meet and brainstorm. See how you guys could benefit in the
future. It will help keep the ball rolling with great momentum in the future.
Jeff Hilpert: If anyone has any questions. Gabriel can get you in touch with me.
Gabriel Wagner: Thank you
Payton Tanner: Next is cabinet reports.
Gabriel Wagner: So, one very important thing to present with you guys is earlier I had a meting with
Dr. Davis and revaluation of core curriculum Dr. Davis and the committee are very open to having a 3
representatives in the conversation. She shared with me statistics of a survey that was take n of Juniors
and Seniors regarding the number of what student found fair and what they saw as room for
improvement, interesting numbers. What is unique is that students want more choices. The faculty and
committee have taken that in to consideration. I'll update you on committee ideas. So, very fortunate in
that she was able to share with us. So what the notes show is that this is a hot topic among the student
body. She asked me do studetns want a voice in this. What we can expect is that she is going to bring
forth more later this year. Six different topics. One is learning outcome. Creative expression, moral
growth, science, individuality in society, and American pluralism. 60 core would be stable. It would be
a curriculum that hasn't changed in 20 years. With that for intensive majors- nursing, education, premed- there would be a possible of a reduction. Decrease in 15 hrs. Someone could bring up the case
and reduce it to 45. Core capstone. Interdisciplinary crossover. If possible have one political science
professor- another have theology professor. It show that they have good ideas on how to tackle the core
and how to go through this. There's no right or wrong way, to agree .At this point the the fact is how it
should go. Endless possibilities. It's interesting to see that. She's happy students are taking initiative.
Kevin Smith: Does she have indication how so?
Gabriel Wagner: End of the semester for next. Two year model . Hard work pays off. She could go
interdepartmental. Former statistics verify something students could take. This would affect future
students. No effect for us. Because it's a whole new ball game. Something to consider. Questions? So, I
didn't have any other thing to show off. Lori and other off have printed some coupons to bring to the
restaurant I mention before. Public Safety wants to help RAD When you go to a restaurant you pay for
them and a percentage goes to RAD kids. You could get that deal.
(Show on projector)
What I'm going to do, I'm putting an album on the FB page so that people can pull it up and show the
waiter. So it is going to show we are going to be in full support of RAD kids. In addition to supporting
Public Safety. They were talking to me about fund raising events. Wondering about your opinion- Lori
has connections with Sonic. With this, it would be November 8th Thursday 5-10p with that, we would
have the ability to be the rollers. We'd be able to serve people. Rad would get 100% tips and 15% total
sales. I think it would be fun way to get competition going. Fraternities vs Sororities? I'm wondering if
we should sponsor. She has connection with RAD station. Maybe a RAD broadcast at the radio station.
Just so we could get many people to go. I'll pass around a sign up sheet to see if you're interested. Also,
they are having a raffle and they want to have proceeds to go to RAD kids. Family weekend? Dean Joe
I was going to ask you . Casino night- Leblanc Room?
They were thinking of having this in the Lobby. People would pay with the prizes lined up.
Dean Joe: Sound great
Gabriel Wagner: So, that's something we would have our names attached to. This year has been our
adoption cause. I'm excited about it and yeah, it will be good. Can't wait to roller skate! Questions?
Connor Beuche: Would you email coupons ?
Stephany Carty.: Put it in campus update?
Gabriel Wagner: We could put in campus update and online on the SGA page. Before I'm finishedCongrats to you guys (freshmen) Really good job with campaigning.
Dean Joe: You should see if you could be outside the restaurant. I've sure it would help. If you had
someone handing out the coupons, you'd get a lot more.
Gabriel Wagner: Some will, some won't. The majority allow it.
Dean Joe: Most people are willing to do that.
Gabriel Wagner: Sign up sheet for that.
Astrid Tores: Scanning with card?
Gabriel Wagner: That's all I have. Questions?
Gabriel Wagner: One more thing ,I might have to mention: I want to have a Mobile outreach program.
SHC would be a leader- it would help with admissions. It would be a High school visit day-leadership
conference led by us. Who would lead us. It would be a good always to invite local High schools and
student organizations. Then we showcase SHC. So, there's the idea. It gives us a change to outreach to
the Mobile community. I'll update soon.
Payton Tanner: So, some things Gabriel asked me is Family Weekend. SGA events. Name attached, So
it might be difficult to do something alone. My thought was doing something during the rugby game.
Passing out water or something with our name on it. That week- attendance will have a lot of Rugby
fans. If you guys want to be thinking....DG is doing anchor slam next Saturday. We want to have SGA
teams. I'm going to pass around a sign up sheet. It's Saturday 1-4 at 5pm. It's going to a good cause. It's
fun and it would be cool to see SGA doing something on a basketball court. You guys, there are 5-7
people on a team. We need one team. Co-ed team
Katelynn Jones: So, does this mean we're planning for other philanthropy events?
Stephany Carty: T Shirts?
Amelie St. Romain: Can I make them!? If you buy a shirt I’ll make one.
Katelynn Jones: Don't we get SGA shirts?
Gabriel Wagner: I've spoken to Mary Tilson. OSI can get SGA polos with logos. We can't spend budget
on that. That's against SAFAB regulations. It would be a great thing to have. We will have those as
soon as possible.
Payton Tanner: I was thinking about retreat date, location- next week I'll set a date. I will tell you guys
what the date is to see if you have conflicts. Then, we also are trying to come up with small events. We
thought karaoke night or trivia nights every two weeks. So just little stuff. We want our name out there.
We want our face and logo. Not just little things, we're doing stuff for students as well. Katelynn will
expand on this. Think about what events you want. Do something fun and uniqe. Meet, meet, meet!
That's all. Questions?
Nxt att gen
Ricardo Pita: One, congratulations to the Freshman. Great campaigning- You had a great run. Your
committee assignments are (lists). Article 13 update on ratification: They got high turnouts. Online
voting- 192 people with an 88.5% approval. We met the deadline. We got three abstentions.
I want to go right to board deliberation. We applied commitment to progress. We’ve had a great start to
the year. Thank you to that. Thank you regualations board for all the times we’ve met. Thanks for that
commitment. Next time we meet, we’ll have the copies of new election codes in Article 13. Our next
project will be attacking the constitution article by article. We’ve spoken to polisci club- we’re trying to
get a mock election. So, like a small RNC and DNC. Then at the end- it’s a big thing. We’re excited
about this. Questions?
Payton Tanner: VP of Finance
Katelynn Jones: Hi, welcome Few things. You will have $100 to spend. I want for you to you’re your
freshman class love. When I was a freshman at Spring Hill, we did a Cold Snap night. You want to get
acknowledged and work hard. All of you other classes: I want you to have a proposal next week with at
least two planned ideas-mock timeline, how much you’re willing to spend. I will not condone piggy
backing on other events. I want events tailored to that class. I want to see you afterward that meeting. I
have ideas if you need those too. Questions?
Payton Tanner: Campus Life
Matthew Connor: First, we’re bringing back student concerns table. It’s going to be a table in the back
of the caf. Wednesday 5-7. Sign up in the time slots- I’m sending that around. I talked to a couple
students. They complained about the back gate. I talked to Todd Warren about that. I’m going to talk to
Todd about moving to a glass-less campus- What that would mean. Forward your opinions to me. Then,
lighting on campus is an issue. They are going to redo this section (*points) and other sections. Also,
food committee. That will be addressing concerns. That’s all.
And welcome Fr.
Payton Tanner: Any Questions?
Valentina Lara: I was walking and I saw this group of 30 people working out by the apartments. I've
never seen that. Are they form here?
Hans Aquistapace: It’s a workout class. They have it at some gym.
Matthew Connor: It’s not like we can throw them off…
Payton Tanner: Questions? Secretary of Press
Taylor Hardenstein: Freshman welcome. I’;ve put together a presentation about badger brawl. We’re
going to make it an event for the ages. Last Year, Badger Brawl was on a Thursday. Not many events
went on Wednesday. The concert seemed popular, but not enough events. The t-shirt printings were fun
but not practical- Not enough on game day. This year it’s on a Saturday- February 23rd. The week after
Mardi Gras Break. I thought we’d have it Saturday to Saturday. So, color run. You run and people
throw paint or chalk on you. So Iwas wanting to go from the baseball field to Avenue of Oaks and
Rydex Commons. That could be fun. Then- badger hunger games- no death. But, we could do it by hall
or major. Badgertastic challenges- I don’t know any challenges yet. Ideas? We could do that. Night
golf? That could be cool It would be hard to do 18 or even 9 holes. That’s a long time plus liability.
Don’t go on a golf course at night. I’m thinking driving range or putting tournament. Then, scavenger
hunt. The campus is really pretty. There are plenty of places to hide treasure. Enough history to
incorporate riddles. Prizes? iPad, Book scholarship? Then HVZ. Humans vs Zombies. It would take the
entire day. Complimentary one shot dart gun. Zombies. And the zombie attack would go throughout the
day. Then, all the students alive would meet in the student center at 8- a safe place. Then at 8:30- the
student center wouldn’t be considered safe anymore and it would be a giant war. We would have a
makeup artist who could do facepaint and scars and stuff. This is a big thing on other campuses. There
are lots of people at SHC with nerf guns. I sent an e-mail from the cheer leading coach. The Badger has
not name. It’s just an idea. We have a stuffed badger. My thought was we get a real badger at the gamelook how adorable that is! I don’t know if it’s possible.
Dean Joe: Badgers are ferocious!
Amelie: Do they rent them out?
Taylor Hardenstein: I don’t know if they’re an endangered species. Pep rally went really well in the
past. Before or after or the Thursday before? And then, Rydex, student center? Do we want to hand out
t-shirts before? Free stuff: Comfort color for t-shirs. Those are the t-shirts that the sororities and
fraternities get. Vuvuzelas. Gabriel’s idea. Possibility for soccer games.Do we want something apart
from the t-shirts? Phone cases. Where we would get the money: My thoughts was for campus
organizations to co-sposor. CPB, RHA. CPB is willing to help. And then my thought is sororities and
fraternities and pan helllenic. We put their logo on the bottom of the shirt and that gets their name out
too. This is an SGA event, be we’d make it a community event. That’s all.
Gabriel Wagner: That was tear jerker. Questions for Taylor?
Leah McDonald: 50 -50 slip in the pot raffle. I know you don't want to do T-shirts. But, a lot of people
like them.
Taylor Hardenstein: Last year they did print shirts, it took 3 hours to dry.
Payton Tanner: Anything else? Okay. Class reports
Shawn Patrick: So we've been working to get earth ball day for senior class or the rest of the college.
And then the 5k run for water for Africa.
Amelie St. Romain: A color run during family weekend. Everyone is going to get a white shirt and
purple paint will be thrown on them- they’ll be a charge for admission. And the cost will include the tshirt. That money will go to the senior class gift.
Payton Tanner: And, I think that’s it.
Gabriel Wagner: What is the earth ball?
Hans Aquistapace: It’s what we’ve been discussing.
Payton Tanner: SGA wants a team for Earth Ball.
Katelynn Jones: Maybe it might help to get other members to participate with events.
Amelie St. Romain: We wanted to ask senior class something. We wanted to know if you could staff
our event. And we’d help you with yours. Welcome freshman class and good luck.
Kemin Smith: So, we're still working on ideas. We have our meeting after the meeting tonight. We’re
thinking about teaming up with the senior class.
Gabriel Wagner: Why don’t you talk about your earlier idea?
Kevin Smith: We wanted to get involved with habitat for humanity. I set up a date for October 20th. I
said to Gabriel it’s something the SGA could do one afternoon. It’s something to discuss.
Payton Tanner: Oct 20th?
Kevin Smith: They’re always in need of more college students.
Katelynn Jones: Maybe if you wanted to ask if Junior class could be a part of that…
Payton Tanner: Sophmores?
Mary Katherine McKinely: We have not had the chance to decide between snow cones or Cold Snap.
Payton Tanner: Freshman class?
Patrick Lameka: On behalf of all of us, we would like to thank you for the warm welcome and will
contribute as much as possible.
Gabriel Wagner: I want to emphasize how important your position is. Start getting things together.
Make an event in the next month. You have been inducted a whole moth earlier than ever before. From
what you’ve seen, we’re doing a lot of things and we expect great things. Welcome aboard.
Payton Tanner: Awesome. Dean Joe
Dean Joe : I forgot to say last week, I went over the WOW schedule. You had four or five events. It
went really well and for that, I want to thank you. I want to thank Ricardo and the Regulations board
for all the hard work that went into elections. And for the work on shared governance- people on the
committee. It would be an embarrassment if you didn’t show up. This is how you change things- these
are big issues. Be committed. Congratulations Freshman senators. I’m happy to talk to you anytime.
Maybe we can get together. Board meeting next week for your information. You might see some of
them around. Feel free to go up and talk to them. Itroduce yourself. That’s what all the noise will be
next week. A side note: Calvin, our housekeeper- his mother passed away. So, when he returns, feel
free to pass on condolences. We’ve sent him a card. He’s a good guy. On September 23rd there’s a
chaplain from US Congress coming. I don’t have that schedule but there are events for students to
come. Try to stop in on those. SGA has a role in Family Weekend. It’s with the tailgate and other events
as well. There’s a habitat for humanity building that week too. That’s Saturday.
Kevin Smith : Would you be opposed it SGA did that?
Dean Joe: No, if that weekend works out.
Gabriel Wagner: Fr. Conroy is coming by. He’s presiding over the 9:00 mass. He’ll have a table talk
Monday the 24th in LeBlanc. On the 24th He’ll have a public lecture.
Payton Tanner: Announcements?
Kevin Macar: Reminder, notice the amount of ugly glances has increase sharply. I’m sure we’re not on
the verge of revolution but we need to keep quiet in the library. There are people studying for exams.
There’s about 20 of us leaving, that can be a lot of volume. Keep it down.
Payton Tanner: The history club is starting back up -meeting tomorrow at 12:15 common hour QH 325
Amelie St Romain: Student Art League is sponsoring SHC tomorrow where you can get free permanent
marker tattoos.
Gabriel Wagner: Also, I'm student rep for Friends of the Library. They are the organizations that make
the library what it is. We had a meeting-they wanted me to ask, it the library had unlimited money, what
would you do to improve the library. Focus on resources?
Amelie St. Romain: 24 hoursStephany Carty: Work study could use that.
Katelynn Jones: CPB will have agenda board meeting at 5pm Come out and support campus Saturday
Watermelon Bust. 11-3
Matthew Connor: With the table, Remember you signed up for it. Whatever concerns you have, hand to
me at the table.
Kevin Smith: Would you send that out in e-mail?
Visitor remarks (Milton Nixon): Fist I though the Zombie campus was clever and innovative. Second of
I think the color run is an awesome suggestion. I know that there was mention twice. Do it both times.
Also, the unlimited about of money for the library- stable Wifi.
Payton Tanner: That's all folk. Motion to adjourn 10:14