BADGE BUSTERS CHALLENGE - small-changes-big

BADGE BUSTERS CHALLENGE!!! Ok guys, here is the challenge....For everyone in your class to earn 5
Edmodo Badges before the end of this week!!!! You can do it!! Many of you already have 5 or more.
Everyone has earned the Edmodo startup badge. Some badges are easy to earn (many of you already
have the one for bringing your class supplies, completing your profile and adding a profile picture).
Some have earned badges by posting helpful answers for their classmates. Someone earned a badge
today because I noticed them helping clean up at the end of class. If you haven’t checked your profile
lately to see how many you have, do so and encourage your classmates to earn 5 by Friday!!
What's in it for you? If your class rises to the challenge, you will each receive one BioBuck to spend.
What can you purchase? I will have a list of "items" in class tomorrow!!
ULTIMATE CHALLENGE- if 1st period accumulates 150 badges and 2nd period accumulates 275 by the
start of class next Thursday…there’s another BioBuck for all!
AND…Booyah- if you are in the top three Badge earners in your class, you will receive an additional
Whoo hoo, you lucky dogs!! And yes, I love you this much that I will probably go absolutely nuts
keeping this all straight!!
You may cash in your BioBuck for any of the following:
CALLBACK- Mrs. Case will forgive a used hall pass
THE FUMBLE- Mrs. Case “drops” your lowest daily assignment grade (must be less than 25 point grade)
The 789- Mrs. Case allows you to use your notes or textbook for 7 minutes and 8 seconds on your 9
weeks exam
MPFREE DAY- Mrs. Case allows you to listen to your Ipod or MP3 while working on an assignment (good
for 2 uses and not while she is instructing)
BOOST- Entire class agrees to use their BioBucks collectively to purchase…5 points added to 9 weeks
ULTIMATE BEAST- Mrs. Case will assign an additional grade for you to complete that will be entered into
your Major Grades category. You will DM it to Mrs. Case on Edmodo by the Sunday after your 9 weeks
Here are a few of the badges you may earn:
Help- caught helping another student in class
Citizenship- I see you demonstrate good citizenship inside or outside of our classroom
Do Unto Others- showing a random act of kindness to someone
No Tardies for the Grading period- (how easy is that one!)
Resource Diva (or Dude)- you research and find a resource worthy of being added to our class folder
Upgrade- you help the teacher by introducing a shortcut or a better way to do something with
Good thinking- demonstrate excellent thinking
Hot Topic- you post a current appropriate science topic so interesting that 10 meaningful comments are
made about it
Online Help- You go out of your way to post a comment to help a fellow student that needs help
Cleanup- offer to help clean up the classroom or lab without being asked
Earlybird- you post a meaningful and positive comment between the hours of 5 and 6 am….you are up
way too early kid!!
Everyone should already have these…so if you don’t, shame on you…get in the game!!
Super supplies- Bring your supplies to school already!
Edmodo profile- complete your edmodo profile information
Avitar Maker- you have changed your profile picture