CHINO BASIN WATERMASTER 8632 Archibald Avenue, Suite 109, Rancho Cucamonga, Ca 91730 Tel: 909.484.3888 Fax: 909.484.3890 TRACI STEWART Chief of Watermaster Services JOHN V. ROSSI Chief Executive Officer STAFF REPORT DATE: December 11 & 12, 2002 TO: Watermaster Committee Members Watermaster Board Members SUBJECT: Agreement for Operation and Maintenance of Facilities to Implement the Chino Basin Recharge Master Plan (“Recharge Operation Agreement”) SUMMARY Issue – Required approval and execution of the Recharge Operations Agreement. Recommendation – It is recommended the Committees and the Board approve, authorize staff and legal counsel to make minor non-substantive edits as necessary, and authorize the CEO to execute the Recharge Operations Agreement. Fiscal Impact – The execution of the agreement does not in and of itself cause financial impact. The related operating budgets will be brought back to the Watermaster process for consideration and approval as the facilities are completed and ready to be operated. BACKGROUND The Recharge Operations Agreement is intended to provide detail to the basic agreement reached by the San Bernardino County Flood Control District, the Chino Basin Water Conservation District, the Inland Empire Utilities Agency and the Chino Basin Watermaster in December of 2001. This agreement was memorialized in a Memorandum of Agreement signed by all four of the parties and is included as Attachment 1 to the Recharge Operations Agreement. Draft copies of the Recharge Operations Agreement were provided for review and comment at the November 2002 Committee and Board meetings. DISCUSSION The basic premise of the Recharge Operations Agreement is that the Chino Basin Water Conservation District (“CBWCD”) and the San Bernardino Flood Control District (“SBCFCD”) will allow Watermaster and the Inland Empire Utilities Agency (“IEUA”) to construct improvements to basins owned by CBWCD and SBCFCD for the purpose of using these basins to recharge imported water, recycled water and greater quantities of stormwater. Watermaster and IEUA will pay for the improvements and will pay additional operations and maintenance costs that result from the use of the basins for the additional recharge. For the sake of public safety, the flood control purpose of the basins is retained as the highest priority. The Recharge Operations Agreement creates a Groundwater Recharge Coordinating Committee to serve as a forum in which the four parties to the Agreement can meet to coordinate operational issues and resolve disagreements. The Recharge Operations Agreement advances the goal of using the valuable resources of existing flood control and water conservation basins for the greatest possible public benefit.