Language learning activities From Medway Y4 SoW Wildfire Sit the children in a circle of chairs with the teacher as part of the circle. The teacher makes a statement and asks a question to the child to the left e.g “Je m’appelle Mme/monsieur x. Et toi?” They have to answer the teacher and then pass on the question and elicit an answer from the child next to them who has to pass it on until it gets back to the teacher. See how quickly the class can do this and still manage to make out the words. Passing a soft ball or even a screwed up piece of paper helps concentration. #Pass the Quoit is a variation of this game. Wildfire- Extension When they are confident with this, divide them into 2 equal teams still in the circle. The teams start with the two children nearest the teacher and will finish opposite the teacher. The teacher asks a question e.g “Je m’appelle m/mme. X Et toi?” and the class pass it round. The child at the end answers by standing up and saying their answer e.g “Je m’appelle…” and their name. Standard repetion strategies Teacher says words – pupils listen Teacher says – pupils repeat Teacher/pupils say the words fast, slow, loud, soft Teacher/pupils say the words with varying emotions - use mood dice or emotion puppets Pupils say as a group and then in smaller groups and eventually alone Graded questions Differentiate the same vocabulary set to 3 levels. Yes/No question - c’est bleu? Oui ou non? Option question - c’est bleu ou rouge? Open question – c’est de quelle couleur? 007 Place the cards around the room at a height they can be seen by all pupils. The pupils stand and familiarise themselves with the position of each item. The caller (teacher or able pupil) says a word and the class point to the card. Those who point to the correct card remain standing, those who do not sit down. Last person to remain standing is the winner. Depending on the ability of your class, you may wish to invent your own rules towards the end of the game to speed things up: time limits, standing on one leg, etc FLASHCARDS Slow-reveal – reveal picture slowly Kim’s game – display pictures, close eyes, remove one, guess which one. Wiz-wizz – flash it quickly True or false - Pupils repeat word/phrase ONLY if it matches the flashcard. 1 Fruit salad Pupils seated in a circle, choose a set or vocab and give each pupil one word/phrase. Repeat the sequence until all pupils have a word (there should be at least two of each word). Teacher in the middle initially, when pupils are more confident with the vocabulary use a volunteer). Call one or two words and pupils must change places, not allowed to sit back in own seat. Caller must try to sit down. NOUGHTS AND CROSSES (TIC TAC TOE) Start with whole class – divided in two, teacher draws frame on board and fills it with flashcards or words, pupils must ask for the words in French in order to gain the square. When confident that pupils will not work too often in English, let them work in pairs. Much eagle eared invigilation needed here! EXTENSION VERSIONS OF Os Xs (similar to battleships) Put coloured flashcards over the squares so pupils can identify their chosen square. Have numbers/vocabulary listed on board for pupils to ‘find’. Teacher has a grid marked with numbers/vocabulary, pupils guess which number/item of vocabulary is under the coloured square. If correct number marked O or X and crossed off list. Great as a memory activity and for getting them to use all the numbers. GUESS WHAT A child or the teacher chooses a flashcard or object and hides it. The class have to guess what they have chosen by going through the vocabulary. The person answers yes or no until someone guesses correctly and then they get to go up and have a turn. SLAP divide the class into 2 teams, display flashcards on a wall or board. Call out a word and 2 people have to slap the word (use fly swatters for great effect) whoever wins get a point for their team. LOTTO Get the pupils to draw bingo grids onto whiteboards or scrap paper. Fill with numbers. Teacher has a filled in ‘master’ card and pupils call out to guess what is on it. Alternatively play it as straightforward lotto and call out random numbers or pick out from digit cards. TALK WALL A talk wall is a sequence of pictures (stickmen style) to prompt sentences. e.g name written, 3 dogs, 1 cat, fish with cross through it, 1 boy, 3 girls prompts> Je m’appelle …, j’ai trois chiens et un chat, je n’ai pas de poisson. J’ai un frère et trois sœurs. 2 Storylists to reinforce gender Tell a story in English using the vocabulary from a particular topic e.g a little girl visited a bakery and a cakeshop…. Choose only words of one gender and use a boy or girl in the story accordingly. Stories for the Y4 vocabulary are available to download from the Medway website. I went to the shops…. The children sit in a circle. You begin by saying, e.g. ‘A Calais il y a un supermarche’. The child next to you repeats ‘A Calais il y a un supermarché et un marché’. The aim of the game is to remember what the previous people have said and be able to think of a new place to add to the town description. Mad dash Hand out cards call out vocab and time how long it takes 1 person to collect them Pass the word parcel Pass round a bag containing text cards/flashcards when music stops the child had to choose one and read it aloud, teacher models back correctly if necessary and whole class can repeat if they wish. Graffti board Provide a space for pupils to write up any French words they know. Explain about how you will mark on corrections and that this is a positive thing. You want to encourage any writing. Echoing Throw a soft item to a child saying the vocabulary. They repeat as they throw it back. Confident pupils can pass it on saying a different word. TPR (total physical response) In 2 teams –hand out flashcards. Call out the vocabulary and whoever has it has to jump up and scores a point for their team. In pairs – using mini flashcards they hold up the card then they hear the word. Robot Give directions to a pupil who has to move around the room. 3