Berkeley & District Riding Club - Berkeley and District Riding Club

Berkeley & District Riding Club
AGM - Monday, January 13th, 2014, 7.30pm, Falfield Village Hall, Falfield
Present – Jayne Meehan; Celia Gobey; Karen Gobey; Sue Exell; Jean Simmons; Anne Brown;
Merran McLachlan; Celia C; Maggie Fisher; Julie Dickens; Sarah Couzens; Andrea Cox; Leanne
Conlon; Aimee Conlon; Katie Rogers; Helen German; Terri Sweet; Louise Powell; Anna Scott;
Emma Batt; Sarah Batt; Shanice Walton; Vicky Phillips; Bev Holmes; Amanda Hudson; Sarah
Webber; Kathleen Griffiths; Michelle Ritter; Emma Wherry; Jo Webley; Claire Miskelly; Liz Hill;
Jennie Hill; Kate Linwood-White; Mo Lewis; Hazel Weyman; Linda Bohin; Sandra Jenkins; Shelley
Armstrong; Melanie Tegg; Fran Cawley; Linda Eadie; Noolie Gregory; Helen Abraham; Nicky
Walker; Zillah Savage; Michelle Hopton; Sam Parsons; Kate Nichols; Sophie Williams & Sue
Apologies – Teresa Pritchard; Gill Lawry; Janet MacDonald; Jenny Allen; Jo Attwool; Rachel
Kuczaj; Teresa Ventimiglia; Sue & Sarah Meredith; Justine Jackman; Alex Mason; The
Wintertons; Nancy Harding; Joy Smart
Minutes from the last meeting – agreed and taken as read. Proposed by Jean Simmons,
seconded by Anne Brown
Chairman’s Report
Well I’m still here – I did try to find someone else to take on the job but people started to
make huge excuses and avoid me so I’m still B&D Chair but if anyone out there would like a
go please come and have a chat.
We have had another very successful year and you will hear all the reports from others
later on.
When I was thinking about what to report to all of you I started to analyse why B&D is such
a successful, busy club and eventually I worked it out! It’s because of you the members and
the words THANK YOU.
I can do the chairs job because I have the best committee there is, they work so hard to
make club run smoothly and then there are all the rest of you who manage teams, organise
rallies, just turn up and help - jobs too numerous to list. I know we ask for a commitment of
five hours help each year but many of you do far more and that’s what makes our club
worthwhile so THANK YOU. If any of you feel like doing a bit more don’t wait to be asked
just have a chat and give it a go.
I also feel that besides the equestrian part of club there is a network of friendship, care,
and kindness that holds us all together. Every year we have sadness – we lose much loved
animals and we cope with injuries and disappointment. This year we have tragically lost
instructor William Miflin and member Julie Hall Tomkin both leaving behind young families.
Others of you are dealing with horrific family sadness and life changing illness BUT with all
of this I know that you rally round helping and supporting each other when times get tough
and this is the part of our club that I am most proud of so again THANK YOU.
We also get plenty of good times, the personal achievements, a trip to national
championships, the ODE that runs without a hitch and puts money in our bank account and
this is when we can laugh, cheer and eat chocolate cake and I’m very proud of this too so
again THANK YOU.
B&DRC AGM 2014
I’m sure it might surprise some of you just how much needs to be done when running our
Please don’t forget how much work it is organising rallies and a big thank you to Karen
Gobey, Jackie Grose, Justine Jackman and Hazel Weyman who along with various committee
members make our rallies and clinics work. We do appreciate their help. And you can in turn
make their lives easier by sending your cheques to them in plenty of time, turning up at the
venue in plenty of time and leaving it as you find it. Let us know what sort of rallies and
events you want and don’t moan when we get it wrong – we do our best.
We have the privilege of working with inspiring Instructors so a special Thank you to Kate
Scott, Helen James, Di Sealey, Debbie Hill and Rachel Sheldon to name but a few.
We have a new website, please have a look at it and give us some feedback. We have
struggled with the best way to get information out to you all – some of you like face book,
some emails, and some texts and inevitably somewhere along the way we miss someone out.
So from now on our website is the place to go for everything that you need to know about
our club. If you have any news or photos that you would like us to use just send them to our
BDRC hotmail account. We have also had postage problems with our newsletter this year
even I didn’t receive one this quarter – so if yours doesn’t get through to you please
contact us so that we can sort it out.
And finally always remember that we are here to listen, help and support all of our members
– this is your club and it is easy to contact us if you have anything at all to say. We will
listen and we are always trying to improve.
So for the last time in the Chairs Report THANK YOU ALL.
Treasurers Report –
1. Subscriptions / Affiliation Fees – membership of 161 plus 17 honorary members.
2. Instruction – 110 rallies plus Pontispool and Leyland Court Camp, £888 profit.
3. Social Events / Members Competition – income from Pontispool auction; members SJ
& Olympia trip. £925 profit (£811 donated to charity from auction).
4. Events – ODE - £1,405 profit
5. Team entries – qualifiers, horse trials champs, Lincoln, eventers challenge champs
etc. – cost £1,917.
6. Donations were made during the year to various charities totalling £1,321.50
including William Miflin Trust, Avon Riding Centre, MacMillan Cancer, GW Air
Ambulance and a donation in memory of Lionel Simmons.
7. Administration – includes printing, postage, envelopes, website hosting etc.
8. Purchase of Equipment – BDRC banner
9. Other – ad hoc expenses, flowers and gifts.
The accounts were agreed, proposed by Sue Exell and seconded by Jayne Meehan
Sophie is standing down from her role as Treasurer and resigning from our committee.
I have known her now nearly 10 years and in that time she has given B&D exceptional
continuous support. She took over as Treasurer in 2006 and our accounts have been in
perfect order from that point on. One of my first lovely moments with her and there have
been many was when I was checking the stables at Pontispool camp and I didn’t know Sophie
very well. In the darkness I heard a little snivelling noise coming from the back of Busby’s
stable and there was Sophie sat in the straw having a little weep as we all do from time to
time – her day had not gone as well as she hoped. I sat with her had a cuddle and chat and
soon she was up and back to the cheerful smiling Sophie we know and love.
Thank you Sophie for being one of the nicest kindness most gentle people I have the
B&DRC AGM 2014
pleasure to know and work with. We have seen you marry Ian and watched your family grow
with the arrival of Thomas. At all our meetings and events you never say anything untoward
or nasty about anyone or anything – well may be once but I’m not divulging that here. The
books always balance and you never complain when someone thrusts an envelope of scribbled
names, screwed up cheques and lose change in to your hand just as you are about to get on
your horse for a rally.
We will miss you; we wish you well for the future. Thank you so very much for everything
(presentation made).
The good news is Michelle Hopton has taken on the job as our new Treasurer – so all
envelopes of damp cheques and blotchy names to go her way from now on. Thank you
Team Reports / Intro Club Report:
Another good year for our riding club team competitions and a big THANK YOU to our
Managers and riders, we don’t under estimate the time and energy that you all put into this
part of club life.
Badges were presented to new team members this year
Indoor and Outdoor Show Jumping (Michelle Hopton)
 Outdoor SJ – 2 Novice, 2 intermediate teams, Emma Turner qualified for Lincoln.
 Indoor SJ – 2 Novice teams – Kath Griffiths was in the rosettes (Fran Cawley &
Leanne Conlon also on the same team) plus Sarah Webber, Leanne and Sue Exell on
the second team.
Horse Trials and XC Challenge (Kate Nichols)
 March 2013 – Swalcliffe XC Challenge – Sarah Colwill and Kath Griffiths pairs (2nd);
Michelle Hopton, Emma Turner (7th) and Linda Eadie.
 March 2014 – Larkhill XC Challenge
 Horse Trials at West Wilts – 80cm – Sarah Raymond and Sam Gibbs; 90 – Linda
Eadie, Sam Parsons, Nicky Caldicoat, Noolie Gregory, Emma Turner, Elaine Gibbs,
Kath Griffiths, Fran Cawley (5th); 100 – Leanne Webber (1st) and 100 open – Sean
Gibbs and Rosie Meehan (1st). Many thanks to all helpers – Ros, Ann Marshall, Alison
Odle and Sarah Webber.
Dressage (Joy Smart) – another busy successful year with 30 riders representing the club
at different times.
 April – National Championships at Hartpury – Helen James (2nd); Kath Griffiths (6th);
Leanne Webber and Aimee Conlon.
 May – DTM at West Wilts – Teresa Ventimiglia (2nd) and qualified for the national
championships in October where she finished 7 th out of 30 riders with 68%. Annie,
Sarah and Joy also rode but were just outside the placings.
 June – Senior Area qualifier at Rabson Manor – 4 teams and a team of 6. Anne
Johnstrupp, Karen Gobey, Kath Griffiths and Jackie Grose won the Senior Riding
Test and qualified for Lincoln. Karen was 1 st in her arena so qualified individually as
did Aimee Conlon and Sarah Couzens. Noolie, Sam Parsons, Nicky Caldicoat and
Aimee Conlon were 3rd and Sam Parsons, Anne Johnstrupp, Jackie Grose and Joy
were 7th in the senior dressage teams.
 September – a great time was had in Lincoln entering the team of 6 and the team of
4 classes. Karen was 6th in her arena and Sarah was 9th.
 November – four teams entered into the winter qualifier at Summerhouse. Great to
see lots of new riders including Katie Rogers, Justine Jackman, Caroline CampbellHill and Terri Sweet. The team of Karen Gobey, Claire Moreton, Nicci Phelps and
B&DRC AGM 2014
Leanne Webber were 4th in tough competition.
Thank you to all of the judges and writers and especially the volunteers without whom we
would be unable to compete. Thank you also to Justine Jackman and Hazel Weyman for
taking on the dressage clinics and brining to them a new and very valuable approach. Thank
you to all those who are willing to be reserves for the teams.
Finally Joy would like to encourage everybody who is likely to compete for the club in the
next year to send your passport flu vac details as soon as they are available.
Intro Club - I spoke to Jayne Meehan on the phone this morning and we were reminiscing
about 10 years of Intro. In the early days at Buckover with Debbie Hill when I was
terrified of driving there let alone getting on my horse and doing something. I am so very
proud that it is still going strong today and this is mostly due to Jayne her tireless
organising and hospitality.
Thanks to Di Sealey for her continued support. New horses, old horses, anyone who fancies
it, everything and anything you want to do!
Special thanks to Jayne for her continued hard work with Intro.
Election of Committee
I have already said what a dynamic committee we have but I would like to thank them all
again Nicky, Sophie, Noolie, Sam, Kate, Helen, Sue, Michelle, Liz, Jo and Jayne. Thank you
If you the members are happy with us as we stand could I have someone to propose that we
are re-elected and we will sort the jobs out at the next committee meeting?
Proposed by Sue Exell and seconded by Karen Gobey
Membership – 1st Jan renewal, 142 members have renewed to date including 17 new
members and 19 confirmed non renewals. Email help hours to Helen please.
Item 8 Events for 2014
 Pontispool camp (Kate Nichols) – now full with reserve list. Please confirm if you are
unable to attend ASAP. Balance due by the 15th Feb. Thanks to Sue & Kate for
 Non Residential camp and competition (Liz Hill) – new venue for 2013, Manor Farm,
was a success with optional attendance at sessions. Plan for 2014 (end June / early
July) will be similar plus a dressage and SJ members show on the Sunday open to all
 ODE June 7th – thanks to Sue Exell for once again agreeing to let us hold the ODE
at West Littleton. Lots of helpers will be required, please email Helen if you are
able to help. NB. We need to contact the Pony Club (Lucinda Rose) to align our entry
fee’s with them this year.
Item 9 Club Awards 2014
We have bought some new awards this year as some of the old ones were beginning to show
their age.
1 Club all-rounder
This goes to a lady who has been on many of last year’s teams. She is always quiet and
nervous, and always says she will never do it again, she has the loveliest horse and between
them they always do a super job - Fran Crawley
2 The Anne Stevenson Memorial Trophy for eventing perseverance is going to a lady who
B&DRC AGM 2014
represented B&D at BE 80 (T) Championships. She is not a seasoned event rider but with
her families encouragement she had a brilliant time last year. Elaine Gibbs
3 The Southfield Dressage Glass is going to two of our most supportive dressage divas!
These ladies are always ready to ride for us – pairs, riding test, team of six, quadrille
helping at the ODE – you name it they do it Nominated by Joy -Annie Cox and Sarah
Couzens. Thank You
4 The Ann Brown Bursary – an amount of money kindly donated by Ann for training and much
appreciated by B&D. Thank you Ann. This year goes to a member who has kept going
through adversity and naughty horses until finally she met Cobby, went to Intro gained
confidence and is now out competing and ended up a Summer Regional British Dressage
Competion Wendy Fielden
5 An Intro Award of a free rally is going to a lady who has been doing Intro for 10 years –
and doesn’t look a day older. She is always reliable and supportive and we have had many
laughs together over those 10 years – Nancy Harding.
6 Best Newcomer – This lady really is a newcomer she joined B&D last year and very
foolishly sent us an email saying that her husband was a website designer and was there
anything she could do to help us with our website!! Well a few messages later she was not
only designing our new website, she was going to maintain it and liaise with face book and
our email system. And if this wasn’t enough we felt the job so important that we asked her
to join our committee. Well that will teach her. I’m sure she is a super rider but this award
is to show how grateful we are for the offer of help and the hard work that follows Jo
Sue Exell – teams – please can we have team tack rules circulated and/or on the
B&D website?
Karen Gobey - New rule for SJ – penalties if horse doesn’t go forward.
Membership cards will be on their way soon.
Sue Exell – Big thanks to Zillah for agreeing to stay on for another year and do
another great job of chairing the club.
Thank you everyone for coming this evening I’m always amazed at how many of you take the
time to turn out on a Winters evening – there’s no hurry to leave, stay and chat
Thank you Sam for our supper if anyone would like to leave a small donation for their food
there will be a dish on the table.
B&DRC AGM 2014