5 JUNE 2004
The Citadel Board of Visitors met in the Multi-Media Room, Holliday Alumni Center, at 0830
hours on 5 June 2004.
The following members of the Board of Visitors were present: Colonel William E. Jenkinson,
III, Chairman; Colonel Douglas A. Snyder, Vice Chairman; Colonel Julian G. Frasier, III;
Colonel Harvey M. Dick; Colonel Dudley Saleeby, Jr.; Colonel W. Henry Johnson; Colonel
Allison D. Wright; Colonel Glenn D. Addison; Major General Arthur H. Baiden, III; Colonel
John R. Douglas; Colonel Harry B. Limehouse, Jr.; Major General Stanhope S. Spears, Adjutant
General of S.C.; Colonel James E. Jones, Jr., Member Emeritus; and Colonel Leonard C.
Fulghum, Jr., Member Emeritus. In attendance was Major General John S. Grinalds, President,
along with senior members of his staff. Also in attendance were Mr. William C. Mills,
President, The Citadel Alumni Association; Mr. Donald F. Dease, President, The Citadel
Brigadier Foundation, and Mr. L. William Krause, President, The Citadel Foundation, on speaker
phone. Mrs. Inez M. Tenenbaum, State Superintendent of Education, was absent.
Colonel Jenkinson, the Chairman, welcomed Dr. Donald Steven, the incoming Citadel Provost,
Lieutenant Colonel Warren Woolsey, the new Chairman, Faculty Council, and Mr. Dawes
Cooke, attorney for The Citadel. He remarked on the Friday night festivities and congratulated
Board member Allison Wright on her upcoming marriage.
The meeting was held in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act and followed the
agenda at ENCLOSURE 1. Chaplain David Golden gave the invocation. The minutes of the 24
April 2004 and 7 May 2004 meetings of the Board were approved.
General Grinalds gave the President’s report.
 Dr. Donald Steven will be on board 1 July 2004 and there will be a two-week transition
period with Brigadier General Carter. Dr. and Mrs. Steven have two sons and a daughter - the daughter about to embark on a second tour of duty in Iraq.
 He explained the projected costs and funding sources for a two-phase stadium project at the
Stoney Field site. See (ENCLOSURE 2). Phase One represents The Citadel’s needs and
Phase Two represents others’ needs for a joint-use stadium at Stoney Field. The total
stadium cost is $38.3M, plus $3.7M for a track and field facility at the Johnson Hagood site.
1. Projected costs for Phase One (Essentials) are $28.3M -- $6.5M for construction of
17,500 seats on the home side, $9M for construction of a multi-use tower, $1.5M for
construction of a new Altman Center, $1M for locker rooms, $0.6M for artificial field
turf, $1M for scoreboard and sound system, $0.35M for 5000 temporary visitor’s seats,
$1M for lighting, $1.9M for Architectural/Engineering (for 35,000 seats), $0.45M for
CPW usage fees, $2M for site work and parking, and $3M for contingency. The
President identified the funding sources to match the $28.3M for Phase One as $15M
(maximum commitment The Citadel will make) plus what he referred to as other people’s
money in the amount of $13.30M. The Citadel’s $15M is to be met as follows: current
donations and pledges-$4.45M, S.C. National Guard Joint Use-$4.5M, Citadel
fundraising-$4.55M, and Private Seat Licensing-$1.5M.
2. Projected costs for Phase Two to meet others’ needs total $10M and the funding source is
other people’s money. The Phase Two costs include $5M for construction of 17,500
seats, $3M for upgrade of tower, and $2M for parking/paving/landscaping upgrades.
3. The President stated that the current donations and pledges totaling $4.45M are for the
current site or Stoney Field and include a $2M matching requirement. Also, the S.C.
National Guard Joint Use funds come with a requirement that The Citadel provide 25% (a
maximum of $2.5M) in matching funds.
The President has discussed a scholastic program for promising cadets to help them compete
for prestigious scholarships such as the Rhodes and Marshall with Colonel Jack Rhodes,
Director of the Honors Program, who is preparing an action plan. The course of action
would be to develop the plan in the coming academic year and to implement it the following
year. The program would identify promising candidates in the sophomore year, help them
compete for a Truman scholarship in the fall of the junior year, and then begin a special
preparation of classes, seminars, off-campus experiences, practice interviews, and faculty
mentoring through the Rhodes, Marshall, etc., interviews in the fall of the senior year.
Winning these scholarships would assist greatly in attracting even brighter students to
compete for the Citadel scholarship.
College of Graduate and Professional Studies (CGPS) and Low Country Graduate Center
1. The Citadel CGPS has the potential for exponential growth as it meets the needs of
corporate and business students in the future. The Citadel has not explored Distance
Learning completely. Of state universities, 97% provide distance learning and about
1.6 million students are pursuing their education on line. There is a need to include
Distance Learning in The Citadel’s academic future.
2. LCGC is an initiative of Senator Arthur Ravenel and is a consortium of MUSC,
College of Charleston and The Citadel. Students now coming to the site to take
courses total 150, 120 of them are taking Citadel courses.
The President thanked The Citadel Alumni Association, The Citadel Foundation and The
Citadel Brigadier Foundation for the tremendous support being received from all three. He
highlighted that The Citadel Foundation has raised over $46M toward a $100M goal and
provides $750,000 per month to support The Citadel. He commended Major General
Stanhope S. Spears, Adjutant General of S.C., for his leadership and the S.C. National Guard
for splendid service to the nation.
Krause Initiative: He related the story as told by a reporter embedded with U.S. Forces in
Iraq of an officer who denied the truth as he yielded to the fear of criticism. He used the
story to emphasize the importance of the Krause Initiative in the development of The Citadel
Strategic Initiatives.
Work Force: It is important to think about how the work force is viewed at The Citadel. The
compensation study sets a target for establishing equity and the next step is to establish a
continuing program that (1) educates the work force, (2) provides skills training and (3)
develops leadership skills.
Admissions: Admissions is doing a great job and all indicators are that The Citadel is a
“hot” college. The number of new deposits, the number of female applicants, the number of
minority applicants, and the number of S.C. applicants are all up. Average SAT and GPA
scores are about the same as last year. The Corps of Cadets will number over 2000 in
September if the numbers hold up.
The President is most pleased with the work and support of all of the Vice Presidents, the
faculty, Citadel constituents and the Board of Visitors.
Colonel Snyder, Chairman, Finance Committee, reported for the Finance Committee.
1. Colonel Snyder made a motion to approve an annual operating budget of $66,735,235 for FY
2004-2005. Major General Arthur H. Baiden, III seconded, and the motion carried with one
no vote. Athletic Operations will be supported with a supplement from Auxiliaries, and
Athletic Grants-in-Aid will be supported with supplements from Auxiliaries, and The Citadel
Trust. New fees are:
In-State College
Out-of-State College
Athletic Facility Fee
Athletic Operations
$ 4,290
$ 166
$ 1,294
$ 150
$ 2,480
$ 2,204
$ 498
$ 430
Freshman Quartermaster
Upperclassman Quartermaster
$ 5,220
$ 1,630
All-inclusive fees:
In-State $16,712
In-State $13,142
In-State Mandatory Fees will increase 18% and Out-of-State Mandatory Fees will
increase 8.3%.
2. Colonel Snyder, Chairman, Trustees Committee, made a motion to approve a Daniel Fund
Budget of $244,000 for FY 2004-2005. The motion was approved unanimously.
Colonel Allison D. Wright, Chairman, Education Committee reported no meeting and no report.
She welcomed the new Provost, Dr. Donald Steven.
Colonel Harvey M. Dick, Chairman, Buildings and Grounds Committee, moved that the Board
approve The Citadel Class of 1957 renovation of the Howie Bell Tower. The motion was
approved unanimously. Colonel Dick gave a status report on various campus construction and
maintenance projects.
 P-T Barracks remains on track and it is expected that the project completion date will be met.
 Stadium East Side Stands repairs should be completed well before the project completion
date of 20 July 2004.
 Contract solicitation for the Marksmanship Center is out for bid. The pre-construction
conference is scheduled for 17 June 2004, with bid opening on 1 July 2004.
 Design of the replacement structure for Law Barracks is nearly complete. The project has
been approved by the Commission on Higher Education and the Joint Review Committee.
 Other projects include: (1) work is complete to replace five air handlers in Mark Clark Hall,
(2) design is underway to correct flooring deficiencies at Beach House, (3) work on the
emergency generator project for P-T Barracks is scheduled for June 2004, (4) classroom and
auditorium multimedia upgrades (approximately $500K) are in various stages of completion,
(5) reconditioning of rooms in Murray Barracks is under way and (6) project is under way to
repair and seal stained glass windows in Summerall Chapel.
Colonel Julian G. Frasier III, Chairman, Athletic Committee, and Chairman, The Citadel Board
of Visitors Football Stadium Ad Hoc Committee, presented the following recommendation on
behalf of the ad hoc committee:
Football Stadium Ad Hoc Committee Recommendation
It is recommended that the Board of Visitors approve the following strategy related to the
football stadium rebuilding project:
Place an immediate hold on engineering and construction activities for Johnson Hagood
Stadium while Stoney Field option is being reviewed.
Approve a 2-year construction timeline for the stadium project. (Athletic Department will
document a financial operating strategy for the 2004 & 2005 football seasons. The financial
activities will be included in the approved College Budget.)
Commit The Citadel to spend only $15M (includes National Guard funds) for the Stoney
Field option. (These funds are for “The Citadel Section” of the stadium.)
By 30 September 2004, the following items must be obtained for the Stoney Field option to
1. Administrative
 Formal approval of Stoney Field option from City of Charleston Council.
 Formal agreement with the City of Charleston specifying land and construction
2. Financing/Fundraising
 Secure matching funds required by the National Guard appropriations.
 Secure commitments to match the $2M fund of a current donor.
 Memorandum of Understanding with third parties specifying fundraising
responsibilities of each participant for the Stoney Field option.
3. Construction Activities and Related Costs
Estimates/proposals for completing “The Citadel Section” of the stadium at
Stoney Field (17,500 permanent seats, 5,000 temporary seats).
Estimates and costs for constructing a track at Johnson Hagood and Stoney Field.
Colonel Snyder, seconded the recommendation of the Football Stadium Ad Hoc Committee and
it was approved unanimously.
Colonel Jenkinson requested that The Citadel Foundation and The Citadel Brigadier Foundation
circulate the above approved recommendation to their respective Boards of Directors.
Colonel Glenn D. Addison, Chairman, Honorary Degrees, Palmetto Medal and Special
Recognition Committee:
 Recommended that the Board of Visitors approve the design, cost estimation and
placement of a plaque reflecting the names of all previous regimental commanders in
the Regimental Commander’s Room in PT Barracks and that former regimental
commanders be afforded the opportunity for a $1000 voluntary contribution. The
recommendation was approved with one no vote.
 Recommended that the Board approve The Citadel Class of 1957 to go forward with
the placement of a Citadel Seal in the floor of the Carillon Tower and placement of a
plaque recognizing the tower renovation support provided by the Class of 1957. The
recommendation was approved unanimously.
Colonel Dudley Saleeby, Jr., reported that the Customs, Regulations and Cadet Liaison
Committee had no report.
Colonel W. Henry Johnson reported that the External Affairs Committee had no report.
Colonel Dudley Saleeby, Jr., Chairman, Strategic Planning Committee, moved that the members
of the Board of Visitors recommit to the principles of duty, honesty, loyalty, integrity and
accountability by signing the document dated 5 June 2004 (ENCLOSURE 3) entitled
“Commitment to Excellence and Ethics.” The motion carried unanimously and all members
The Chairman recognized Mr. William C. Mills, President, The Citadel Alumni Association, for
remarks and comments. Mr. Mills expressed, on behalf of the Alumni Association, his gratitude
to the President for his remarks regarding Alumni Association support for the college. He
maintained that, as President of the Alumni Association, his main focus is on membership and
communication. He shared future plans for the Alumni Association including a strategic
planning process which will include a survey of alumni and a revision of the constitution which
will include redistricting and a plan to have officers and committee members assume their offices
in November.
The Chairman recognized Mr. Donald F. Dease, President, The Citadel Brigadier Foundation, for
remarks and comments. Mr. Dease reported that The Brigadier Foundation has received a new
Memorial Fund Scholarship from Marion Latto, The Citadel Class of 1950, in the amount of
$240,000. He stated that The Brigadier Foundation is working with The Citadel Foundation and
will be converting to the same computer system in order to facilitate the sharing of information.
The Chairman recognized Mr. L. William Krause, President, The Citadel Foundation, for
remarks and comments. The Citadel Foundation will be conducting its first off-site strategic
planning session at Andy Warlick’s home in late July – early August. Invited to attend will be
$1M donors. The focus of the off-site meeting will be a “page out of” The Citadel Vision and
Mission Statements and the Strategic Initiatives as developed by the Board of Visitors. The
Foundation has $145M in total assets and has raised $46M toward a goal of $100M for The
Citadel Campaign.
On motion, the Board of Visitors entered into executive session in order to receive a briefing by
The Citadel’s attorney, Mr. Dawes Cooke, to consider the matter of evaluation of the President
and to consider candidates for a position on The Citadel Trust.
Upon returning to open session the Board of Visitors voted (1) to elect Mr. Gene Brooker to fill a
vacancy on The Citadel Trust, Incorporated; (2) to name Mr. W. Burke Watson, Sr., as the first
Member Emeritus of The Citadel Trust, Incorporated; (3) to award to Brigadier General Carter
an emolument in the amount of $15,000 to use during his sabbatical; and (4) to establish a
Subcommittee -- Annual Executive (President) Assessment comprised of Colonel W. Henry
Johnson (Chair), Major General Arthur H. Baiden, III, Colonel Douglas A. Snyder, Colonel
Dudley Saleeby, Jr., and Colonel William E. Jenkinson, III.
The meeting adjourned at 1105 hours.
Joseph P. Goodson
Colonel, USMC Retired