24 APRIL 2004
The Citadel Board of Visitors met on campus at 0830 hours on 24 April 2004 in the Board
Room, Jenkins Hall.
The following members of the Board of Visitors were present: Colonel William E. Jenkinson,
III, Chairman; Colonel Douglas A. Snyder, Vice Chairman; Colonel Julian G. Frasier, III;
Colonel Harvey M. Dick; Colonel Dudley Saleeby, Jr.; Colonel W. Henry Johnson; Colonel
Allison D. Wright; Colonel Glenn D. Addison; Major General Arthur H. Baiden, III; Colonel
John R. Douglas; Colonel Harry B. Limehouse, Jr.; Major General Stanhope S. Spears, Adjutant
General of S.C.; and Colonel James E. Jones, Jr., Member Emeritus. In attendance was Major
General John S. Grinalds, President, along with senior members of his staff. Also in attendance was Mr. Donald F. Dease, President, The Citadel Brigadier Foundation.
The following members of the Board of Visitors were absent: Mrs. Inez M. Tenenbaum, State
Superintendent of Education, and Colonel Leonard C. Fulghum, Jr., Member Emeritus. Mr.
L.William Krause, President, The Citadel Foundation, and Mr. William C. Mills, President, The
Citadel Alumni Association, did not attend.
The meeting was held in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act and followed the agenda at ENCLOSURE 1. Chaplain David Golden gave the invocation. The minutes of the 7
February 2004 and 19 March 2004 meetings of the Board were approved.
Remarks of the Chairman, Colonel William E. Jenkinson, III:
He welcomed the newest member of the Board of Visitors, Colonel Harry B. Limehouse, Jr.
The Chairman expressed his pleasure in the selection of the new president of The Citadel
Foundation, Mr. L. William Krause.
He determined the unanimous support for a memorial gift from the members of the Board of
Visitors to The Citadel Foundation in honor of the Honorable John C. West, The Citadel
Class of 1942, who passed away in March 2004.
Major General Grinalds gave the President’s Report.
He presented a status report, with the assistance of the Provost, Brigadier General Harry
Carter, of the 10-year re-accreditation of The Citadel by the Southern Association of
Colleges and Schools (SACS). There was an on-site visit by SACS during the last three days of March 2004. Following the visit, there were only three items remaining to be addressed, versus 42 at the last re-accreditation. These items will be reviewed and responded to by 15 August, and it is fully expected that The Citadel will be re-accredited by
SACS in December of this year. In discussions with the SACS Accreditation Visit Team,
the title of the Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) has been changed to “Strengthening the
Academic, Character, and Leadership Development of First-Year Cadets,” while the focus remains “the dual transition to the demands of college academics and to cadet life.”
Two cadets lost their lives this school year to automobile accidents and one other, Cadet
Michael P. Cockrell, is on life support at this time, which gives cause to look at what is being done regarding safety. An enhanced safety program will be addressed for next school year.
The Citadel Scholar program at The Citadel pays most costs for scholarship students. An additional attraction might be to establish a preparation program for promising cadets to help them compete for such postgraduate scholarships as the Marshall, Herz, Gates, Rhodes and
Truman. The Citadel has never had one of these prestigious scholarships. The cost would be about $200,000 per year and could be very appealing to Citadel benefactors.
Quality Enhancement Plan – The strategic planning that the Board of Visitors has done has been significant. The QEP helps provide a basis to prepare cadets for leadership in the 21 st century. We now need to extend the strategic planning to the level of defining the successful graduate. We know a successful Citadel graduate when we see one – the challenge is defining the attitudes, skills and behavior that typify such success.
The Commandant of Cadets introduced the cadets composing the top six leadership positions for next school year. Their names, positions and hometowns are: Philip R. Meador –
Regimental Commander – Mobile, Alabama; William J. Pomeroy – Regimental Executive
Officer – Plymouth, Massachusetts; William T. Messmer – 1 st
Battalion Commander –
Baintree, Massachusetts; Courtney W. Carnegie, Jr. – 2 nd
Battalion Commander – Marlboro,
Maryland; Olivia Lynn Perry-Smith – 3 rd
Battalion Commander – Littleton, Colorado; Kyle
D. Packard – 4 th
Battalion Commander – Windsor, Connecticut.
Colonel Douglas A. Snyder, Vice Chairman, and Chairman, Finance Committee, reported for the
Finance Committee.
He made a motion to reappoint Mr. Bill Sansom to a 6-year term as a Director of The Citadel
Trust. The motion carried unanimously.
The Finance Committee directed Colonel Curt Holland, Vice President for Finance and
Business Affairs, to present at the June 2004 meeting of the Board,
A comprehensive analysis of several budget scenarios that cover not only next year’s operating budget but also address critical issues represented in the Triad of Excellence.
The 2004-2005 budget should include recommendations from the recent Palmer and Cay pay and compensation analysis.
Colonel Snyder moved, seconded by Colonel Johnson, that the Board of Visitors approve the
Bond Resolution authorizing the issuance of $6M of Athletic Facility Revenue Bonds. These
bonds will support plans to rebuild Johnson Hagood Stadium. The motion was approved unanimously.
Colonel Snyder made a motion, seconded by Major General Baiden, to form an Audit
Committee, as a subcommittee of the Finance Committee, with the Chairman, Finance
Committee as chair. The motion was approved unanimously.
Colonel Allison D. Wright, Chairman, Education Committee, reported that the Education
Committee did not meet.
Colonel Harvey M. Dick, Chairman, Buildings and Grounds Committee made two motions:
He moved that the Board of Visitors approve the award of a contract to M&M Electric
Conpany, Inc., to install a two-megawatt backup generator for Padgett-Thomas Barracks.
The generator will also provide backup electrical power for Coward Hall and Seignious
Hall. The contract bid price submitted was $1,030, 425. The motion was approved unanimously.
He moved that the Board of Visitors approve the selection of Liollio Architecture, Inc., to provide architectural and engineering services for expansion and improvements to Daniel
Library. A contract with Liollio to provide these services will be negotiated when funds for the initiative are identified. The motion was approved unanimously.
Colonel Julian G. Frasier, III, Chairman, Athletic Committee, reported that the Athletic
Committee met longer than usual, during which time the Director of Athletics, Mr. Les
Robinson, presented a well-stated assessment of athletics at The Citadel and a projection of athletic budgets over the next few years. Mr. Tommy McQueeny, chairman of the Charleston
Metro Sports Council’s bowl committee, briefed the committee on the status of the proposal for a new 35,000-seat, joint-use stadium at Stoney Field.
The Chairman led a discussion regarding the two parallel track stadium initiatives; (1) The
Citadel’s planned renovation of Johnson Hagood Stadium and (2) a proposed joint-use stadium at Stoney Field. Due to rapidly developing elements of the second initiative and the critical time sensitive nature of both ventures, the Board voted unanimously to establish an ad-hoc committee of the Board of Visitors, with the following mission:
An ad-hoc committee is established to monitor the progress of the Johnson Hagood
Stadium project and to represent the interests of The Citadel Board of Visitors. The committee will coordinate with designated members of the administration to clearly articulate the college’s plans for rebuilding the stadium, which includes but is not limited to construction details, financial options, deadlines and timetables. In addition to overseeing the implementation of the existing plan of action, which calls for the reconstruction of the stadium on the existing site, the committee will also monitor any and all options which may affect the scope of the project, financing and/or its physical location. The committee will keep the Board of Visitors informed of developments on a regular basis as needed.
Without objection, the Chairman appointed Colonel Julian G. Frasier, III, Colonel Douglas A.
Snyder, Major General Arthur H. Baiden III, and Colonel W. Henry Johnson as members of the ad-hoc committee. The committee is to choose its chairman.
Colonel Glenn D. Addison, Chairman, Honorary Degrees and Special Recognition Committee, made the following motion: “Based on the recommendation of the College from the President, the committee recommends that the Band Rehearsal Room in Coward Hall be named for Major
Herb Day. The recommendation from the committee is unanimous.” The motion was approved unanimously.
Colonel Dudley Saleeby, Jr., Chairman, Customs, Regulations and Cadet Liaison Committee stated his committee had no report.
Colonel W. Henry Johnson, Chairman, External Affairs Committee, made the following motion:
“The External Affairs Committee unanimously recommends that the Board of Visitors adopt the revised case statement for the Campaign for The Citadel prepared by The Citadel Foundation that presents academic fundraising in terms of The Citadel’s five schools.” The motion was approved unanimously. ENCLOSURE 3 is a copy, A case for the generous support of the
Campaign for The Citadel: Leadership Through Education.
Colonel Dudley Saleeby, Jr., Chairman, Strategic Planning Committee, reported that the committee did not meet. He thanked the Provost, Brigadier General Carter, for a tremendous job in bringing The Citadel through a long, successful SACS accreditation process.
The Chairman recognized Mr. Donald F. Dease, President, The Citadel Brigadier Foundation, for remarks and comments. Mr. Dease stated that two new scholarships (one football and one baseball) have been established since the last meeting of the Board of Visitors. The 2004 Trident
Drive was a record breaker, with this year’s team raising $441,050 in pledges. The Brigadier
Foundation and The Citadel Foundation reached an agreement to convert The Citadel
Foundation’s software (Donor Perfect) to Raiser’s Edge, enabling both Foundations to have complete and accurate information on all donors to the institution.
Major General Arthur H. Baiden III, proposed that the Board of Visitors adopt a policy statement regarding Board members’ participation in elections held for membership on the Board of
Visitors. The proposed policy statement precludes current Board members openly campaigning for those seeking a seat on the Board, but does not preclude one-on-one discussion regarding a candidate. Following deliberation, the Board voted to adopt the proposed policy statement.
The Board went into executive session to discuss candidates for the position of Provost and to meet on the matter of evaluation of the President. Upon returning to open session, the Board voted to authorize the President to approach the candidates for Provost in the order of presentation. There was no action taken on the matter of evaluation of the President.
The Board approved the meeting schedule for academic school year 2004-2005.
September Friday and Saturday 17-18 September 2004
February Friday and Saturday 4-5 February 2005
Friday and Saturday
Friday and Saturday
22-23 April 2005
10-11 June 2005
Committee meetings will be held throughout the year as required, particularly during Corps Day weekend and Commencement.
Corps Day Weekend
CGPS Commencement
Thursday and Friday
Commencement Weekend Thursday and Friday
The meeting adjourned at 1300 hours.
10-11 March 2005
1 May 2005
5-6 May 2005
Joseph P. Goodson
Colonel USMC Retired