Quality Handbook AQH-K4 Minimum requirement for Programme Handbooks Version 1.0 March 2009 All students must have access to a Programme Handbook. The Handbooks may be distributed in print, or electronically via Sunspace. Students must be given clear direction on how to access the Handbook. This document lists items which must be included in all Programme Handbooks. Programme Leaders can and should add further information that is useful and pertinent to the operation of individual modules. Where a link to information elsewhere is suggested, those URLs are included in Appendix One. The following items must be included in all Programme Handbooks: 1. Introduction This should be written ‘from’ the Programme Leader, welcome students to the programme, give them a flavour of what the programme is about, and briefly highlight recent achievements of students or staff, strengths of the programme, links to research, and changes to the programme made in response to student feedback. 2. Contacts specific to the programme This should list academic, administrative and technical contacts - location (office hours where relevant), email address and telephone number. 3. Requirements Anything that the student is required to have/have access to/engage with in order to undertake the programme, for example: a programme reading list electronic equipment required other specialist materials required information on field trips PSRB requirements study skills 4. Study and learning support Advice on study skills needed for this programme Links to relevant study skills support 106748189, v1.0 March 2009 Page 1 of 3 Practical considerations for this programme 5. Student support and guidance (where not covered in the programme specification), to include more detail on: the programme leader’s role academic tutorial support system administrative support technical support where information can be found (e.g. Sunspace, noticeboards) link to Faculty information support for students with disabilities what a student should do if considering leaving the programme (relevant Faculty/programme process for counselling/support, direction to Students’ Union Student Contact Officer http://www.sunderlandsu.co.uk/pages/advice_and_support/student_retention/) what a student must do if he or she wishes to take leave of absence or transfer programme. careers guidance and planning 6. Assessment Student Guide to the Academic Regulations https://docushare.sunderland.ac.uk/docushare/dsweb/View/Collection-2780 link to the Academic Regulations https://docushare.sunderland.ac.uk/docushare/dsweb/View/Collection-2779 any programme specific regulations any fitness to practise regulations link to University Extenuating Circumstances Policy https://docushare.sunderland.ac.uk/docushare/dsweb/Get/Document-2995/AQH-F613+Procedures+for+Extenuating+Circumstances.pdf detail of local Extenuating Circumstances arrangements plagiarism/infringement statement link to University Plagiarism Policy https://docushare.sunderland.ac.uk/docushare/dsweb/Get/Document-2994/AQH-F612+Policy+Statement+on+Plagiarism.pdf Student Handbook (for appeals/complaints/discipline) https://docushare.sunderland.ac.uk/docushare/dsweb/View/Collection-2779 Guide for Students on the Supervision of Dissertations and Projects https://docushare.sunderland.ac.uk/docushare/dsweb/Get/Document-3001/AQHF8+Supervision+of+Dissertations+and+Projects+-+a+Guide+for+Students.pdf blank hand-in cover sheets if applicable importance of submission importance of core modules 7. The programme specification - either in full or a link to an electronic version. 106748189, v1.0 March 2009 Page 2 of 3 APPENDIX ONE Useful URLs Note: as URLs for some individual documents may change from year to year, some of the links are to folders within the Academic Quality Handbook which contain the relevant documents and which will not change. University Generic Assessment Criteria https://docushare.sunderland.ac.uk/docushare/dsweb/Get/Document-3101/AQHB5+Generic+Assessment+Criteria.pdf University Academic Regulations (including the Student Guide) https://docushare.sunderland.ac.uk/docushare/dsweb/View/Collection-2780 University Student Handbook https://docushare.sunderland.ac.uk/docushare/dsweb/Get/Document3033/Student+Handbook-Regulations%2C+Policies+and+Procedures+2008.pdf University Policy on Plagiarism https://docushare.sunderland.ac.uk/docushare/dsweb/Get/Document-2994/AQH-F612+Policy+Statement+on+Plagiarism.pdf University Policy on Extenuating Circumstances https://docushare.sunderland.ac.uk/docushare/dsweb/Get/Document-2995/AQH-F613+Procedures+for+Extenuating+Circumstances.pdf Guide for Students on the Supervision of Dissertations and Projects https://docushare.sunderland.ac.uk/docushare/dsweb/Get/Document-3001/AQHF8+Supervision+of+Dissertations+and+Projects+-+a+Guide+for+Students.pdf University Policies on Complaints, Appeals and Student Discipline https://docushare.sunderland.ac.uk/docushare/dsweb/View/Collection-2784 106748189, v1.0 March 2009 Page 3 of 3