Docushare Proposal - Horizon School Division

Document Management System Proposal
Phase 1
Project Vision
To improve communication, collaboration and efficiency within
Horizon School Division.
Phase 2
• Ken Sogge along with representatives from Learning, Business,
and Technology have attended presentations both in house, online
and at outside locations.
• Research into potential solutions has been ongoing for several
Phase 3
Assessment of current practices:
• Many current document management, sharing, collaboration, workflow
and processing practices are inefficient, cumbersome and time
• Document storage, management and sharing issues exist across the
• The inability to share and collaborate between Division offices and
schools has produced a culture reliance on email, duplicate efforts and
performing menial tasks that could be handled by technology.
• A lack of automated and defined workflow has left Horizon staff in the
unenviable position of manhandling documents and information in a
seemingly endless stream of inefficient tasks.
• Horizon staff have embraced, and in fact have begun to rely on free
cloud based resources to meet many collaborative needs.
Phase 3
Assessment of current practices: Document Storage
Phase 3
Assessment of current practices: Single Office computing Configuration
Phase 3
Assessment of current practices: Multiple Office Computing Configuration
Phase 3
Assessment of current practices: Division Computing Configuration
Phase 3
Brainstorming: How do we Improve?
• It is no secret that there is a need for change.
• Sweeping change will come about when we first identify and
acknowledge shortcomings of current process and practices and
collaboratively develop solutions.
• Forward thinking practices already in place by other Divisions as well
as private sector business so this is a great place to start.
• Combined with real life experience of our talented staff, a future vision
will be easy to develop.
Phase 3
Map Future State (Value Stream)
• The overwhelming amount of email can be decreased through the
internal use of social computing tools.
• These tools include forums, collaborative workspaces, wiki’s and blogs.
Phase 3
Map Future State (Value Stream)
• The ability to share can collaborate on documents and projects without
the need for email. This will eliminate duplication and VERSIONITIS
Phase 3
Map Future State (Value Stream)
• As a Division there is a need to develop the ability to move and route
information throughout the division with the click of the mouse.
• Integration of E-Forms will eliminate cumbersome form process.
Phase 3
Map Future State (Value Stream)
• Paperless document storage will streamline process and collaboration
and reduce storage needs and expense while increasing efficiency.
Support Video
Phase 3
Map Future State (Value Stream)
Document sharing and streamlined process has already begun!
• As demonstrated by the new “S” drive and EC Access Portal, we have
already developed a small scale document management system.
Click Here
Imagine this on a Division wide scale!
• Implementation of Docushare will virtually eliminate the need for VPN
Phase 3
Map Future State (Value Stream)
Phase 3
Map Future State (Value Stream)
• A complete future map or value stream of a project of this size will be
difficult to portray. Therefore, advancements will need to be developed
on a per department basis.
• As will be demonstrated, clear advancements can be realized in
relatively short timelines. These will have profound and immediate
• Movement towards E-forms, efficient document sharing, group
workspaces and collaborative forums can happen fairly quickly.
• Future advancements will be realized through collaborative efforts and
the leadership of the 21st century committee.
Phase 3
Map Future State (Value Stream)
• Interestingly enough, a proposed value stream map was developed for
the Division nearly 2 years ago. Click here
• Although this map may not end up as the final structure design, it does
show how an entire communication, document and information
management solution can be focused around our current organization
Phase 4
Feasibility (R & D)
Solutions Research
Several Document Management Solutions (DMS) were studied to meet
the needs of Horizon School Division.
These solutions include:
• Microsoft Sharepoint
• Content Central
• Documentum
• Xerox Docushare.
Phase 4
Feasibility (R & D)
Solutions Research - Advantages and Disadvantages
Microsoft Sharepoint is the choice of several Divisions.
Although Sharepoint is a very powerful tool and is relatively inexpensive
to implement, Sharepoint requires extensive training and knowledge to
manage and maintain. Attracting and retaining the staff necessary to
manage the care and feeding of Sharepoint will be very expensive to
maintain year after year.
It has been discovered that Divisions who chose to employ Sharepoint
invest anywhere between .75 FTE and 2.0 FTE into the operation of
Sharepoint. The cost of this staff for this solution comes at a premium of
$80K per year salary and up and they are difficult to attract.
Companies such as Lexcom and Trac offer services to set up and support
Sharepoint. These services are also expensive. Additionally contracting
outside services place reliance on the contract company and remove the
autonomy of our Division to make changes or updates as necessary.
Phase 4
Feasibility (R & D)
Solutions Research - Advantages and Disadvantages
Office Central is another solution researched. This solution offers many
items similar to Docushare and appeared promising.
A meeting was arranged with the vendor (Success Office Systems) that
took place in mid December. At that time the vendor was provided with a
list needs or “must have's” required by our Division. During further
research it was discovered that the support center for Office Central was
based in California. I emailed the software supplier and support center
directly to ask a few simple questions about the product.
To date I have not yet heard back from the vendor or supplier.
Phase 4
Feasibility (R & D)
Solutions Research - Advantages and Disadvantages
Documentum is another solution studied. Documentum also offers a
comparable set of core tools but it was quickly clear that the price of
Documentum would be prohibitive.
I contacted a known Documentum vendor (Lexcom) about the product
and I was told that they had dropped both sales and support of the
product due to prohibitive cost. (Lexcom now supports Sharepoint in
conjunction with Trac).
While attending a product showcase that included a presentation by a
Documentum vendor, it was discovered that the base price per seat for
Documentum approached $1000.00 per seat. To meet the needs of
Horizon on a large scale is highly possible that this solution could cost in
excess of $500,000 just to get started. Support would be in addition to
the innitial cost.
Phase 4
Feasibility (R & D)
Solutions Research - Advantages and Disadvantages
Docushare is the basis for all which all comparisons to other products
were made. Docushare offers many solutions wrapped up in one central
model designed for simplicity.
Some of the key features offered include solutions for document
management, records and retention, online collaboration, document
routing, E-forms, social computing (wikis, blogs, forums) workspaces,
mass scanning (paperless solution) and more. Docushare also offers
simplicity and complete autonomy to manage and maintain our own
system unlike some of the other solutions.
Docushare is the only solution that was found to possess a clear focus on
education. Although Docushare is not found in use within Saskatchewan it
is heavily employed in divisions across Canada.
Support offered by Xerox appears to be outstanding. Representatives and
support for Docushare exists in Saskatoon, Regina and Edmonton.
Phase 4
Feasibility (R & D)
Solutions Research – Case Studies and Testimonials
Click Here
Xerox Testimonials
Darcy Marks, ermp
Records Manager / Human Resources
Aspen View Public Schools
“Docushare has been a godsend!”
Click Here
Joanne Kurek
Director of Records Service
Northern Lights School Division
Phase 4
Feasibility (R & D)
Manpower Requirements
Planned Set up and Roll Out
• Xerox Docushare offers an opportunity to completely revolutionize the
way we work. This transition will not come easy and growth of the product
and all of its solutions will take a significant amount of time (perhaps years).
• Included with the Docushare program is an extensive set up, training and
implementation program. Along with on site support to evaluate internal
folder structure and workflows specifically designed to meet the needs of
the Division.
•The on site training program included is estimated to take two weeks. The
Communications Manager and a member from Technology are suggested
to be involved in the training.
• Continuous growth will be ongoing. Progress will come at a cost in terms
of development but each step forward will net efficiency rewards in many
areas along the way.
Phase 4
Feasibility (R & D)
Manpower Requirements
Planned Set up and Roll Out
• Docushare offers simplicity not available by other solutions.
• Docushare is not as heavily dependant on technology staff as other
solutions due to its simplicity.
• Following the initial set up and training, Docushare will require a
significant commitment to perform training of Division staff and ensure
growth. Similar to the implementation of First Class and other programs the
development and management requirements will decrease over time.
Interesting fact:
Docushare is the software backbone behind the Xerox corporation and
serves 40,000 staff located around the world. The commitment to manage
this world wide network only requires 1 FTE employee to manage the entire
Phase 4
Feasibility (R & D)
Testing, Evaluation and Demonstration
Demonstration Topics
• Access to Docushare
• File Structure
• Web Access View – Windows Client View
• Calendars
• Collections
• Discussion
• URL - Display
• Weblog - Display
• Wiki - Display
• Workspace
Phase 4
Feasibility (R & D)
Testing, Evaluation and Demonstration
Demonstration Topics
• My Docushare
• Document routing and approval
• Routing applied to a collection
• Scanning to file / Batch scanning
• E-Forms - E-Forms Demonstration Video
• Search Features
• Document Upload and Edit
• Version Control / Audit Log
• Help / User Guide
• Active Directory Integration (user accounts)
Phase 4
Feasibility (R & D)
Testing, Evaluation and Demonstration
New Ideas
• Surveys - Sample
• School Communications
Docushare developers are currently working on these items as an ad on to
their core set of social computing tools. Development of these products will
be built with the future and handheld Smart Technology in mind.
Phase 4
Feasibility (R & D)
Phase 4
Feasibility (R & D)
Preliminary Plan/Project Timelines
March 8, 2012 – BRRAC Docushare Presentation
EC Decision – March 2012
Based on approval
March – April 2012
• Purchase Docushare
• Plan and arrange training
April - May 2012
• Launch basic applications
• Consultations with Superintendents (Discovery sessions)
May - June 2012
• Training
• Office Meetings (Brainstorming)
June - August 2012
• Begin Developing Division File Structure
• Begin Developing E-Forms
Research why
Phase 4
Feasibility (R & D)
Preliminary Plan/Project Timelines
September 2012
• Work with staff to begin moving in a paperless direction
• Plan and arrange staff training
September - December 2012
• Staff training
• Migrate Central Office Staff to Docushare
• Consultations with Superintendents
• Complete E-Forms Transition
• Begin division wide integration