Väga austatud daamid ja härrad, kallid sõbrad

My name is Meelis Luks, but my friends also call me Mella. I come
from Estonia and I am an artist. What is so special about my pictures?
Well, these pictures have not been hand-painted. I use my feet for
painting, typing on my computer, playing the piano and so on. This is
as normal for me as using your hands for you.
During my life, I have drawn a lot. At first I started to draw with my
hand like everyone else. In 1980 I received an old typewriter and
started typing. Besides letters to my friends, I liked to design pictures
consisting of the symbols. In 1984 I discovered, that it is much easier
to work with my feet and since then I have been typing and drawing
with my toes.
Since September nineteen ninety-three, I am a member candidate of
Association of Mouth and Foot Painting Artists. This association was
founded in nineteen fifty-seven to support the artists who are not able
to use their hands and have to paint with their mouths or feet. The
organization situated in Liechtenstein is actively publishing postcards
and calendars with the artists’ works. It also has several branches all
around the world. The number of artists belonging to this organization
already exceeds seven hundred persons from all over the world. They are either permanently employed by the
organization or on a scholarship. The scholarship is meant for educational purposes, buying the equipment and
organizing exhibitions.
I like to paint the nature, water and the sea. Mainly I use oil paint. I have had several exhibitions in Estonia,
Finland, Hungary and Germany. In May 2003 I opened my exhibition in Estonian parliament. Also I have had
seven exhibitions in Latvia before.
All works at my exhibition are painted by foot. It might take from couple of days up to several years to complete
one painting. It all depends on the complexity of the painting as well as my moods.
Besides painting, I am a very active computer user. Although I have been learning it all by myself, I know several
programming languages; have my own server and a personal chat-room. I am the official webmaster of Estonian
Union of Persons with Mobility Impairment. Recently, I graduated from Tallinn Technical University’s “THINK”
program, an Internet based study program. I am member of board Estonian e-learning organization. Thanks to
the computer, I can communicate with other people with no difficulties, send e-mails, and learn through the
I like to practice the line-dance with wheelchair. I belong to Estonian line-dance group “Silver Wheels”.
It’s not matter that I cannot dig up the land or weld, but I can manage computers and create the colors in the
world. I am useful to society in that way.
I am cheerful and not afraid of difficulties. I do not tolerate people who whining.
Life is for living, not complaining!
Some of Meelis painings:
Diāna Vinogradova
Born in Jurmala and currently studies at 12th grade of Kauguru
Secondary school and Jurmala Art school.
Diana's everyday life goes on at Jurmala municipal office –
orphanage ‘Sprīdītis’. Her greatest passion is painting and she has already achieved in it: 1st
place in Jurmala city visual art’s competition (2008) and 1st place in the competition "I live by
the sea" (2008 and 2009). In year 2009 Diana took part in Integrative Arts Festival Come
along! and became festivals laureate, because of that she was able to receive the festivalwinning diploma from President Valdis Zatlers. In recognition of Diana's growth potential,
the Festival Come along! organizer - Festival Foundation - gave Diana a monthly educational
scholarship to promote the development of her painting skills.
Diana has not decided yet - to study economics or art, but certainly knows that after
secondary school will continue to study at university.
Diana's dream - to have a computer. She would use it for studying and to get more
information about available higher education. Therefore, if you want to help Diana to
fulfill this dream, for a donation you can acquire Diana's paintings in the exhibition.
Some of her paintings: