Friend of CRAFT Paper Application (Mail-in)

Upper Midwest:
CRAFT Membership Form
_____ YES! I want to join or renew for the Upper Midwest CRAFT Network!
Enclosed is my membership fee entitling me to:
 Free admission to all CRAFT Field Days
 A weekly subscription to the CRAFT newsletter
 Access to CRAFT member listserv
 A copy of the CRAFT Handbook
 Discounted rates to Angelic Organics Learning Center and Michael
Fields Agricultural Institute-sponsored Workshops
Not sure which membership
to choose?
Choose CRAFT Farm if you
own or manage a farm.
Choose Friend of CRAFT if
are interested in farming but
do not own or manage a
Membership fees includes
up to two members of the
same household or farm
All gifts assist with the costs
of coordinating and
implementing the CRAFT
program. All donations are
deductible to the full extent
of the law.
Membership Level
Northern Illinois &
Southern Wisconsin
Friend of CRAFT membership……………………. $65.00 $__________
CRAFT Farm membership….……………………....$45.00 $__________
Farm Name: __________________________________________
CRAFT Farms may purchase additional memberships for interns,
trainees, employees or additional household members for a reduced
rate of only ……………………………………….…………………$10 each
Please accept my gift in the amount of:
 $25.00  $50.00  $75.00  $_______
Total enclosed: ….…………………….............................$__________
CRAFT Farm Member Commitment Statement
The Steering Committee for the Upper Midwest CRAFT invites prospective and current members to
consider this commitment statement prior to joining or renewing membership in CRAFT.
CRAFT farm members commit to:
 Enable their farmer interns/employees to participate fully and faithfully in the core CRAFT program
(providing interns/employees with CRAFT handbooks, schedules, reminders, and the ability to
negotiate time-off for events).
The core CRAFT program includes monthly workshops at member farms,
intern exchanges and informal visits between member farms.
 Offer to share expertise and experience with regional prospective farmers through the scheduled
CRAFT events.
 Consider serving on the CRAFT Steering Committee that guides the direction of Upper Midwest CRAFT
(one or two meetings each year in the winter months).
 Make an annual membership payment to Angelic Organics Learning Center to help with the cost of
administering CRAFT.
Yes, I’ve read the CRAFT farmer commitment statement and I commit to enable my farmer
interns/employees to participate in CRAFT orientations, workshops and exchanges.
Please mail the completed forms and your check (made payable to Angelic Organics Learning Center):
Angelic Organics Learning Center, CRAFT Membership, 1547 Rockton Road, Caledonia, IL 61011
CRAFT Member 1 (Required Information)
The following information WILL NOT be published. Statistical and demographic information is shared with our program
funders only. You can view our privacy policy at
First Name: ______________________________ Last Name: ___________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________ Apt/Suite #: _____________
City: ________________________________________ State: ___________ Zip Code: ________________
Email: ______________________________________ Home Phone: _____________ Cell Phone: _______________
(If applicable) My farm address is the same as the address listed above:  Yes |  No
If you have answered “no”, provide your farm address here:
Farm Address: _____________________________________________________
City: ________________________________________ State: ___________ Zip Code: ________________
Gender:  Male |  Female |  Other
Age:  12-17 |  18-25 |  26-35 |  36-45 |  46-55 |  56-65 |  65+
 African or African American
 Asian or Asian American
 Latino or Hispanic
 European or European American
 Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
 American Indian or Alaskan Native
 2 or More (Select from above)
 Other
Farming Status:
 Managing Own Farm
 Managing Other’s Farm
 Employee on a Farm
 Intern, Volunteer on a Farm
 Not Involved in Farming
Have you completed the Stateline Farms Beginnings course?  Yes |  No
In what year did you complete the Stateline Farms Beginning Course? ___________
Land Arrangement (If applicable):
 I own land |  I lease land |  I own and lease land |  I use land that I do not own or lease
In what COUNTIES and STATES do you own or lease land? ______________________________________
Total acres owned/managed/leased, etc.: ___________
Total acres OWNED: ___________
Total acres in PRODUCTION: ___________
Total acres LEASED FROM others: ___________
Total acres in land conservation easement (Land Trust): ___________
Do you follow sustainable practices?:  Yes |  No
Total acres using sustainable practices: ___________
Total acres using conventional practices: ___________
Annual Gross Farming Income:
 $1-$9,999
 $10,000-$24,999
 $25,000-$49,999
 $50,000-$74,999
 $75,000-$99,999
 $100,000-$149,999
 $150-$199,999
 $200,000-$299,999
 $300,000+
Annual Household Income:
 $0-$29,999
 $30,000-$59,999
 $60,000-$99,999
 $100,000-$199,999
 $200,000+
 No Response
Why did you decide to join or renew your membership in CRAFT this year? ______________________________
Do you have any suggestions for a Field Day? If so, on what subject(s)? __________________________________
CRAFT Member 2
The following information WILL NOT be published. Statistical and demographic information is shared with our program
funders only. You can view our privacy policy at
If you will include two people in your CRAFT membership, what is the relationship between you and the 2nd
 Spouse/Partner |  Working/Professional |  Other/Family |  Other/Friend
First Name: ______________________________ Last Name: ___________________________________
My home address is the same as the address provided by CRAFT Member 1:  Yes |  No
If you have answered “no”, provide your home address here:
Address: _____________________________________________________ Apt/Suite #: _____________
City: ________________________________________ State: ___________ Zip Code: ________________
Annual Gross Farming Income:
 $1-$9,999
_______________________________________ Home
Phone: _____________ Cell Phone: _______________
 $10,000-$24,999
 African or African American
 $25,000-$49,999
 Male
|  Female
|  Other
 Asian
or Asian
 $50,000-$74,999
Age: 12-17
18-25 |  26-35 |  36-45 |  46-55 |  56-65 |  65+
 $75,000-$99,999
 European or European American
 $100,000-$149,999
 Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
 $150-$199,999
 American Indian or Alaska Native
 $200,000-$299,999
 2 or More
 $300,000+
 Other
Land Arrangement:
 I own land |  I lease land |  I own and lease land |  I use land that I do not own or lease
Annual Household Income:
 $0-$29,999
 $30,000-$59,999
 $60,000-$99,999
 $100,000-$199,999
 $200,000+
 No Response
Farming Status:
 Managing Own Farm
 Managing Other’s Farm
 Employee on a Farm
 Intern, Volunteer on a Farm
 Not Involved in Farming
Why did you decide to join or renew your membership in CRAFT this year? ______________________________
Do you have any suggestions for a Field Day? If so, on what subject(s)? __________________________________
Employee/Intern(s) (first name, last name and email are required for all employee/intern signups)
(an additional $10 per employee/intern entered)
Employee/Intern #1
First Name:____________________________ Last Name: ____________________________
Email: _____________________________________
Employee/Intern #2
First Name:____________________________ Last Name: ____________________________
Email: _____________________________________
Employee/Intern #3
First Name:____________________________ Last Name: ____________________________
Email: _____________________________________
Employee/Intern #4
First Name:____________________________ Last Name: ____________________________
Email: _____________________________________
Employee/Intern #5
First Name:____________________________ Last Name: ____________________________
Email: _____________________________________
Employee/Intern #6
First Name:____________________________ Last Name: ____________________________
Email: _____________________________________
(Please document additional interns first name, last name and email addresses on a separate sheet of paper)