%% %% %% %% %% %% %% NOBEYAMA98 ABSTRACT Deadline: September 5, 1998 Please send by E-MAIL to nbym98@solar.nro.nao.ac.jp. \documentstyle{article} \textwidth 15 cm \oddsidemargin 1 cm \evensidemargin 1 cm \textheight 24 cm \topmargin 0 cm \begin{document} %% TITLE \begin{center} {\large\bf { Multi-Wavelength Observations of Eruptive Prominence on 28 August 1992 }} \end{center} %% AUTHORS \begin{center} {\bf {Ta.~Watanabe$^{1}$, M.~Yamamoto$^{1}$, Y.~Nakagawa$^{1}$, K.~Ashizawa$^{1}$, H.~Miyazaki$^{2}$, M.~Irie$^{2}$, K.~Ichimoto $^{2}$ H.~Kurokawa$^{3}$, H.~Hudson$^{4}$, H. Yatagai $^{5}$\\}} \end{center} %% INSTITUTIONS \begin{center} $^1$ {Department of Environmental Sciences, Ibaraki University} \\ $^2$ {National Astronomical Observatory} \\ $^3$ {Hida Observatory, Kyoto University} \\ $^4$ {Solar Physics Research Corp., and ISAS} \\ $^5$ {Fujitsu, Co. Ltd} \\ \end{center} %% ABSTRACT % Please write your abstract here. Size limit is one page (15 cm x 24 cm) % with 10pt font size. Please avoid to use figures and to use \new... % and \renew... commands. We examine H$\alpha$, soft X-ray and radio observations to study an eruptive-prominence event taking place above the eastern solar limb on 28 August 1992. The main body of the prominence erupted around 21 UT. Shortly before the eruption, a large soft X-ray jet was observed near the southern leg of the prominence, around 18:30 UT. An increase of the temperature was observed around the "root" of the jet in early stage of the jet formation. This suggests that the jet was generated by the magnetic reconnection process initiated by an emerging-flux region. The jet expanded with the speed of about 350 km/sec. After the development of the jet, the observed temperature was lower and the emission measure was higher than those of the surrounding region. The kinetic energy of the jet is estimated to be about $5 \times 10^{28}$ erg. This value is comparable to those of microflares. Since the prominence started to erupt immediately after the appearance of the jet, it is suggested that the emerging flux taking place near the southern leg of the prominence triggered the prominence eruption. In the course of eruption of the prominence with the speed of 30-50 km/sec, very complicated loop structures were observed by Yohkoh SXT; helical loops surrounding the prominence and smooth loops passing through the center of the prominence. \end{document} %% End of NOBEYAMA98 ABSTRACT.