
Unit 1
Grammar Study Sheet
A sentence is a group of words that tells a complete idea. A
sentence begins with a capital letter and ends with a period (.).
I went to the park.
The subject of a sentence tells who or what does something.
The astronaut went to the moon.
The predicate of a sentence tells who or what the subject of a
sentence does or is.
We drive to the woods.
A statement is a sentence that tells something. A statement
ends with a period (.).
The desert is a very hot place.
A question is a sentence that asks something. A question ends
with a question mark (?).
Does the desert have quicksand?
A command is a sentence that tells someone to do something. A
command ends with a period (.).
Clean your room.
An exclamation is a sentence that shows surprise or shows strong
feelings. An exclamation ends with an exclamation point (!).
Ouch! I fell down!