Punctuation 1. Period I am a boy.

1. Period
I am a boy.
2. Comma
I felt bored, so I played computer games.
3. Question mark
Who is your best friend?
4. Exclamation mark
David Beckham is coming to Taiwan!
5. Colon
My mom told me: "Don't forget to bring your lunch."
6. Semicolon
I had a nightmare last night; an devil was chasing me.
7. Apostrophe
It's a nice day.
8. Quotation marks
"Did you see my teddy bear?"
9. Parentheses
I like sports(especially for playing basketball).
10. Dash
I'm afraid that I can't go see a movie with you-- I have to do my homework.
11. Hyphen
Julia is waiting for Ken for six-decades.