P113/58 - Handlye Farm and land Summary Two of the tenements, Mills (copyhold) and the messuage and 20 acres (freehold), were merged from before 1687. The free tenement is also described as a messuage (dwelling) and 20 acres which suggests that there were two dwellings on this land. The present house must be the messuage associated with the principal tenement ‘Handley messuage, barn, garden and orchard, 30 acres’. The other, associated with ‘Handley Common 20 acres’ cannot be certainly identified, but since all the tenements had been merged by 1825 when the land at Pound Corner was sold it is possible that the cottage on that land was the missing messuage (see TA 1104-1107). These tenements were all created when Handlye Common was enclosed by agreement in 1574 (23). The entire holding associated with Handlye farm is referred to as Handly als Wellshutts in 1734 (6), and an early 19th century map of the land describes it as Mills and Wellshutts. Handlye Farmhouse was built in the 17th century possibly by John Earle or his predecessor. It was extensively extended about 1650. Manorial tenements Quit rent Two copyhold one free tenement of the manor of Barcombe Handley messuage, barn, garden, orchard 30 acres copy 9s 0d by apportionment 1715 acquires two tenements merged by 1687 (5) Mills at Handley Common, barn 25 acres copy 9s 0d Handley Common, messuage 20 acres free 9s 0d (3) Owner Tithe Apportionment 1840 Sir George Handley Farm house and garden, yard, orchard and land - 87a 0r 35p Shiffner Bt field numbers 1097, 1102, 1103, 1108-1129, 1133-1145, 1152-1154 (1) Land Tax 1840 Sir George Shiffner Bt (late Earles) £20 10s 0d (2) P113/58 Handlye Farm and part adjoining land Manorial tenement Handley messuage, barn, garden, orchard 30 acres 1102/3, 1108/15, 1122/29 - 31.0.06 acres 1734 Wellshutts <1825 Partitioned to form enclosure at Pound Corner (see P113/19 TA 1104) quit rent by apportionment 9s 0d Owners <1687 Richard a Moore <1687-1707 John Earle of Ripe (5) 1707 mortgage William Earle junior a relative John Earle deceased heriot ox. 1707-1734 William Earle the younger 1707 admitted and surrender to will. 1715 acquires P113/58a and b Mills at Handley Common, barn 25 acres Handley Common, messuage 20 acres 1734 deceased. 1734-1752 William Earle of Barcombe 1734 admitted and surrender to will with other only son land (see P113/23 TA 163) 1754 mortgage Edward Lucas of Barcombe yeoman £208 (1803 Ann Lucas and W L Shadwell mortgage redeemed) 1752 William Earle deceased heriots valued at £16 1756-1774 Charles Earle youngest son 1756 admitted by mother Mary who admitted as guardian, with land as above 1774 surrender to George Earle heriots valued at £6 6s 0d. 1774-1780 George Earle 1774 admitted subject to mortgage and surrender to this tenement only 1778 mortgage Walter Woodham of Lullington gent £260 1797 Mary Newman of Willingdon motgage 1780-1803 George Earle eldest son 5 1803-1819 George Wickens of Barcombe yeoman 1819-1825 Samuel Bosanquet Esq of Lombard Street and Godin Shiffner Esq of Mark Lane. 1825-1825 Charles Hanson Esq of Chancery Lane Benjamin Ellis 1825-1825 1825-1842 Sir George Shiffner Bart of Combe Place Hamsey 1842-1859 Henry Shiffner 1859-1864 The Rev Sir George Shiffner 1864-1864+ The Rev George Croxton Shiffner <1790-1800+ <1810-1810+ <1820-1820+ <1830-1840+ redeemed 1780 George Earle deceased, heriot ox valued at £7. 1780 admitted by probate, Guardian John Cheesman of Barcombe yeoman,with other tenements (see P113/26 and P113/36) 1796 surrender to will 1803 surrender to George Wickens, heriot horse valued at £8 8s 0d. 1803 admitted to this tenement alone and mortgage John Ellman of Glynde gent £1000 1819 mortgage redeemed 1819 John Wickens surrenders to Samuel Bosenquet and Godin Shiffner £1550, heriot horse valued at £8 8s 0d. 1819 admitted by Charles Brookbank gent 1825 Godin now of Caen, surrender to Charles Hanson 1825 estate settled 1825 Sir George and Henry Shiffner Esq eldest son surrender to Charles Hanson 1825 admitted, with P113/58/1 1825 admitted and with Charles Brocklebank and George Henry they surrender to Sir George Shiffner 1825 admitted Partition to form ‘Pound Corner’ (see P113/19/1 TA 1104) 1842 death presented 1842 admission 1859 death presented 1859 admitted 1864 death presented 1864 admitted 1894 admitted to the reversion of the two first tenements. Tenants Thomas Wickens Thomas Wickens owner/occupier Thomas Wickens Henry Guy P113/58a Land adjoining Handlye Farm Manorial tenements Mills at Handley Common, barn 25 acres <1687 acquires P113/58b Handley Common, messuage 20 acres Owners <1622 William Rootes. <1622 William Coby <1622 Henry Heaseman <1655 Robert Crayford of Barcombe 1655 lease to Francis Heasman clerk 1655-1691 Francis Heasman <1687 acquires P113/58b Handley Common, messuage 20 acres 1691 surrender lease to Robert Crayford, heriot cow. 1691-1714 Robert Crayford of Barcombe clerk. 1714-1715 Catherine Crayford widow exor and George Goring of Barcombe Esq 1691 admitted 1692 mortgage Francis Heasman yeoman £30 and in his tenure. 1699 mortgage Henry Johnson of Glynde gent and wife Elizabeth £220, in tenure John Parsons. 1699 surrender to uses. 1702 mortgage Henry Johnson as before and redeemed 1704 mortgage Henry Johnson as before and sredeemed 1714 Robert Crayford deceased, heriot horse 1714 admitted. 1715 Catherine and son William surrender to William Earle, heriot 20s 0d. Merged with P113/58 Handlye Farm. P113/58b Land adjoining Handlye Farm Manorial tenement Handley Common, messuage 20 acres 1649 31 acres. Owners <1649 Plumer <1649 William Rootes of Barcombe sale to William Coby (43) <1649-1649+ William Coby of Southover gent. <1687-1691 Francis Heasman. merged with P113/58a.