HDC Letter - Environment Canterbury

30 April 2010
CRC Submission
Dr Bryan Jenkins
Canterbury Regional Council
PO Box 345
Dear Dr Jenkins
This submission is made on behalf of the Hurunui District Council.
The Council is highly supportive of the changed governance arrangement for the
Canterbury Regional Council given affect through the passing of the Environment
Canterbury (Temporary Commissioners and Improved Water Management) Bill.
Financial Prudence
The Council asks the commissioners to take on a collective responsibility to review
all activities and operations of the Canterbury Regional Council with a focus on:
responsible and prudent financial management
effectiveness and efficiency
gaining best value for each dollar spent
customer service
Canterbury Water Management Strategy
The Council fully supports the Canterbury Water Management Strategy and the
associated funding that has been included in the draft Annual Plan to implement this
strategy. Hurunui District Council has similarly committed funding to ensure the
successful initiation of this important work stream. The membership of the
Hurunui/Waiau Zone Committee is now in the process of being selected and
appointed. This Committee will act as an invaluable pilot for the other zone
committees to follow.
The Council submits that the Commissioners confirm all funding and support
necessary to enable the success of the Canterbury Water Management Strategy.
Pest Management
The Hurunui District Council is aware that a significant infestation of Chilean needle
grass was found near Cheviot. The Canterbury Regional Council has put in place a
pest management strategy to control this infestation under the Biosecruity Act.
The Council wants the focus of this programme to be on the eradication of this pest
from the Hurunui District. To this end the Council requests the Commissioners
ensure sufficient funding is put in place to achieve this objective.
Regional Park
Hanmer Springs attracts over 500,000 visitors annually. The forest surrounding the
township is managed by a wide range of property interests. These forests contain
extensive track networks which are used by significant numbers of these visitors. The
Council is working with stakeholders on a plan as to how these might be managed in
the future.
The Council believe the Canterbury Regional Council should be taking a lead role in
funding the development and ongoing maintenance of this track network which has
become a regional resource. Funding is requested on this basis.
Fees and Charges
The Council disagrees with the annual charge of $63 for administering compliance
with consent conditions associated with septic tanks. The Council consider the
charge is unwarranted and unnecessary. It does not support the charge. If a charge
is applied it should only be the case if failure is detected. The Council asks that the
annual charge to administer this type of discharge consent be withdrawn.
The Council would like the opportunity to present this submission. Please contact my
personal assistant, Jo Retallick, on 03 314 0011 or jo.retallick@hurunui.govt.nz to
arrange this.
Yours sincerely
Garry Jackson